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Everything posted by Magpye105
Munster, Don't dispare too soon, as Deane Wood did say on the Ovalchat forum Which I read to say that the formulae will stay the same, but he will intergrate the spedeworth formulae, ie 1300 Stocks together, as it is all bar 3 meetings clash with the formula running on other Spedeworth tracks, so the dates I guess will be shuffled. Same with the Superstox, Ministox & Lightnening Rods, most likely to have date clashes. I guess the Banger rules will be changed in 2006 to Spedeworth's to encourage travelling drivers, especially Rookies. However to change any fixtures to include them into Spedeworth points scoring will have an effect on drivers in the formulae at the moment, ie more meetings to have to do to win the points championship! Most changes will happen in the winter I think you'll find! Good Luck anyway
OMG - Only 2 months after I was threatened with a ORC ban for wanting to race my 1300 Stock Car at Ringwood, and now I can LMAO!!! Spedeworth to take over the world next!!! Which rules will they be racing to? Shame the car probably won't be fixed by 7th May in order to get down there.....fingers crossed I don't get asked to work this weekend as is being hinted at....then maybe I can sort it out. (there goes Rockingham and Hednesford ) Nick I will post some photos later that were taken when I raced there last in 2000, if they are ok. The show some of the outside of the track.
Thanks for all the kind words....and yes my shoulders and head have been hurting a little today....but they will be fine tomorrow! Hopefully I will be out again at Ipswich on May 14th for the Suffolk Championship.
Mav....I do hope you took the pre-paid damage option I hope you enjoyed it thou!
As I lined up for our last race of the night at foxhall last night I noticed that Minime was on the back of the pace car with the lovely ladies. Well Done on your meeting final victory!
Doesn't Timmy look rough lol Captured by Roger Venison of Rogers UK Oval Pages fame. Great advert on the back of yer van Timmy thou!
I want to say thanks to Budge313, Jay404 and Jay Austin aka Pants827 for helping me get onto the track tonight for a night of serious FUN! Budge came to the rescue earlier in the week by agreeing to fabricate a new engine mounting bracket out of steel to replace VW's very (un)sturdy alloy one! Jay 404 & Jay Austin brought it along to Foxhall tonight to what we thought would be bolt on and go and enjoy the racing. 2 hours later we finally got the mounting on the car in time for me to take the grid for the second race for the 1300 Stocks, I'd missed the 2004 Gold Rush final (which I think I was not allowed to enter anyway due to not qualifying) so was happy to be out on track. Without your determined efforts lads I would have loaded up and given up if I'm honest I hope you enjoyed the beers with the money I gave you I feared that the car would be wrongly geared for foxhall, and seeing as I had not managed to make practice it was hit or miss whether I needed to shift up from 2nd to 3rd mid straight or if 3rd would be ok. 3rd was too slow in the corners, so went with 2nd and it seemed ok. I spun my first car EVER (#18) on the opening laps which made me feel great, but soon dropped down the grades as I was uncertain how to enter the corners, did I need to dab the brakes, did I need to brake or did I just throw it in and hope it comes out without hitting the armco on the outside......... so Heat 1 was a learning curve. Had to ease off with 2 laps remaining as the oil pressure light came on. Finished about 20-25th I think Jay Austin suggested some different tyre pressures as the car was pushing on exit of the corners and they worked better in the 2nd race of the night for me. A quick check over the car and all seemed well with it, except a load of oil having forced itself out of the dipstick. It was decided that we need to loose a "bit of oil" as the engine was over full and this was probably causing the oil pressure problems.....so my new mechanic Firestorm aka Paul undid the hot sump plug and then proceeded to burn his fingers as the oil gushed out all over the pits and he was unable to put it back in. Luckily with an empty sump I had about 2-3 litres of new oil with me, enough to get back out.....and that solved the oil pressure problem. Heat 2 (our last race of the night) started well with me leaving 18 on the 2nd row of the grid, and quickly into 3rd place, but then cars 18 and 100 tangled and 100 rolled bringing out the reds....had to do it all again now! What happened over the next couple of laps were a blur (I think it maybe concusion) I was whacked from behind and forced into a sideways slide on the pitbend, and had managed to hold it and was coming out of the corner, when I was hit by about 10 cars one after another (at least it seemed that way)....the red tops had decended and I was fodder sideways mid corner! I hadn't realised that the gearbox had decided in its wisdom to throw me out of gear....so I was going nowhere until I found 1st.......Off I went ( in about 35th place now ) and I realised as I tagged onto the back of a group of star drivers that the car in 2nd gear was infact on the pace! I was not being caught and I was not losing the car in front. I almost had a nasty accident with 53 as I had to dive between him recovering from an accident and the car that hit him, how I missed both I'm not sure! Maybe Polos aren't that wide after all! I then came across a recovering Derry Monk......and passed him for position, 2 laps later he had caught me and rather than race down the inside of me on the back straight, he decided to give me a welcome to Foxhall & 1300 Stocks spin, 270 degrees (tyres scrubbed a little ) and onto the grass! Found 1st and away we go again! 2 laps later I finish yet another race, with all the wheels on the car still no oil pressure problems and a happy feeling of having fun! UNTIL - I try to drive the car onto the trailer and no drive in any gear! So we have some work to do to find out what has broken, but it must have been something from the spin that has broken....We feel it could be the driveshaft popped out..... So a great evening's racing which was thoroughly enjoyed, but would not have been possible without Jay Austin, Jay 404 & Budge...Thanks Guys! I owe you a big favour now!
I like it Adam. Thanks! Banger racing in a VX220!!!
I'm downloading as we speak.....but if I read this right, the video is not about trailers but should have an 18 cert?
As taken from Rogers UK Oval Racing Pages:- Please note that the ENGLAND vs SCOTLAND Team Racing starts at 6pm. This consists of a Speedway-style match of 10 four-lap races. There is lots of interest in this event and the two teams look fantastic. (For team news see further down this page). After this there's the full meeting for F1 Stock Cars, F2 Stock Cars and Legends. We'd be grateful if you could pass on this information about the start-time for the Team Racing to other stoxfans. So don't be late!!! (I decided to try and get my 1300 Stock Car out at Ipswich instead...so won't be there )
Congrats on the arrival......Hope the sleepless nights are as easy for you as the labour was.
Well Done Cabs and Timmy on the upgrades!
Well done Cabs!!! Dave at least a pastel Pink is better than that sour cream colour
Well just got home from my first meeting in the 105 Stock Car.....car is still straight however all is not well under the bonnet! First heat ended after I got stuck in with a few of the red tops, as they were starting to pass me....I wasn't going to move over for them was I? I hit a few and got hit more times lol....until WHACK followed by a further heavier WHACK from behind as my throttle cable had slipped out of clip and I had no power going onto back straight, to make my head feel better another driver unaware of my problems gave me another WHACK to help me coast to the corner and safety.... Less than 2 mins under the bonnet and the problem fixed and ready for more of the same damage to my nice paint job Heat 2 started with a better start and I led for a while....ok 1/2 a lap to be precise and I decided to give in a little easier when I tried to work out who was coming up behind me and I stood my ground, but got shoved wide a few times. I actually overtook a driver who had passed me and he stayed behind. I was waiting for the top guys to catch me, but they just didn't come in masses like before and I could let the likes of Sam Holland/Billy Wood past and cut back in behind them. I was almost lapped, but wish I had been as I was running in 10th as he crossed the line behind me, and thanks to a hefty WHACK from 317 in the last corner he pipped me at the line leaving me 11th Thats where the trouble started.....the impact broke a big engine mount (picture below) and I lost my throttle cable again. Time to load up and come home! This is the sort of problem I feared seeing as the car has been sat unused for 2-3 years, the metal will be corroded in places. I'm facing a major battle to get out next weekend now, as A) I can't weld B) I will struggle to get the car to someone who can weld C) I aint got time to fix it......I anyone who has 5 mins fancies fabricating a steel engine mount for me, I'll see them right....tall order I know! All in all, I got some respect from some of the better drivers in the formula for my capability to take the hits and even from some to give them the hits on my debut....I suppose I am happy as I picked up Short Circuit and my car is pictured in there (= £150 credit from Demon Tweeks)...shame they don't do steel Polo engine mounts!!!
I agree with you here Ham like or not, this is bad news! A lot of drivers are turning their backs on the formula due to new rules and escalating costs. It was only time I suppose following the 2 new tyres per meeting rule came in, that drivers would be caught trying to get more out of them.... Who will be next?
Ran the car at Arena today, have got some oil pressure probs which I'm gonna look at tonight, but hopefully nothing major. Knobby 636 was there today with his new car for the first time too....Scott was lucky I didn't put the bumper in, I had plenty of chances, my car was on rails in the corners, but short of revs on the straights. Due to the tightness of Bovvy hopefully this won't be an issue.
I've just read this from the front page of www.nationalhotrod.com . I'm not sure if this is something I've missed on here and is old news or something that happened last night I hope that Billy makes a speedy recovery.
Just to let you know, I'm off to Arena today to test if anyone is in the area and wants to lend a hand, will be there most of the day, hoping to get there for about 11am at latest. Then it is off to Bovvy in the morning to make my debut in the formula. Any willing spanner monkies will be gratefully welcomed with a mug of coffee!
Well you may have heard, that my racing online and in the Stock car will be severly hampered due to extreme work pressures over the next 8-10 weeks. I most likely will be working a minimum of 6 days a week for the majority of it! Therefore I might be at Bovingdon (17th) and Ipswich (23rd) but that will probably be it (if I make it to them) until mid June. Work has to come first unfortunately.
In case you weren't there and want to watch 2 mins of the action from last night Dave Carter of ROLLINGSTART has done a montage of action including our man WW261 crossing the line in the final....I'm sure I can hear Jo screaming in the background! RIGHT CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Simple Tugs - Get another job like I did lol
Excellent Stuff Wayne! What a way to start in the Big Daddy formula, you will have turned a few heads in the pits by your display in the two meets to date! I just wish I'd thought about going before 4pm yest, when it was too late.
If there is anyone interested in seeing more pictures of this car, there is a good selection on the offical Oval Legends website CLICK HERE for direct link to the gallery
Top photos from Kirsten again taken at Ipswich on Monday, check out his website for more www.hotrodpics.de Firstly - Why Neil Smith is such a force, it is the extendable rear axle converting it into a dragster, the tyres inflate with the touch of the next button. Secondly - Looks like Holtman's engine is cooking a little, but punchin the bonnet with your fist aint gonna put it out? Captions anyone?
Nice for a local paper to support oval racing like the Star do, the write up is excellent for fans of oval racing. I remember the Express & Star in the midlands covering the Rods in the early 80s, only cos I was pictured eating an ice lolly (that they gave me) sat on the bonnet of my Dads Escort in 1984 (Easter Monday).....gosh that was 21 years ago...I feel old If you are like me and race on the ovals then do your bit to get free publicity from the local rags. I used to get back page reports and colour photos when racing my Legend for most meetings. Spedeworth even complained to Incarace about how I used to get loads of space and they struggled to even make it in the paper. If anyone wants help on PR and how to go about getting into the papers, then feel free to email me magpye105@hotmail.com and I'll give you help. I might even be tempted to do some of the donkey writing work for you in return for free passes etc (lol, but its better to report if you're there to watch in person). One other tip is invest in track photographer photos, papers will only print (except it seems looking at Jay's grin above) decent photos and they prefer action photos if possible.