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UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by bathyboy81

  1. Why not ditch Rfactor completely and spare Hutch the hassle of coming on here with his helpful comments and hilarious avatars?
  2. If you give a million monkeys typewriters one of them will tap in something intelligible eventually... Assuming the offending bit has been on the car for a while, why wasn't it picked up in post race scrutineering after the Scottish, Semis or Dutch / Belgian World Cup thing that he won? Are there different levels of scrutineering? I am sure the answer to that is on Ftooz I just don't have time to wade through the dross. For punishment, I think he should be made to race the Duratech engine test car for the rest of the season. Dave Harley was quoted somewhere saying it needed racing by a really top guy.
  3. Who is this TGOTT guy who claims he has taken over the league? He seems to have messed it up already, as one screen says I am playing Prydie again tomorrow - but I played him last week and am due to be playing Trash Town, which is says on the next fixtures.
  4. It needs to be released in a skin pack so everyone has it their game as well as yours Rob. If it is your F2 skin then please send it to me, and I will make sure it gets done before Mondays meeting.
  5. We have that package and never had any problems with it.
  6. True most of them can be found playing heat Whatever keeps you going till you get far enough down the vodka bottle to stop thinking entirely m8. What will you do when all the rastas see the light and join rfactor? You should be talking it down, then it stays your little secret. Or are you hoping your personality will keep the masses away? Probably be an even better game out next year to get your tongue round.
  7. Retards of the world unite, you have more in common than you think
  8. Don't we cut through the need to know which servers are open by being part of a league with 3 servers that are open 24/7, with meetings on 5 days a week, a practice rota and a forum to let people know you are looking for a race? Also, does this mean that the UK Dirt server addresses will always appear on other peoples xfire? People who aren't members will see our ips and that they are active. And then they will bang then their heads against our server passwords? Do we want people attempting to come in and say 'Hi' during meetings? Sorry if I am missing the point here...
  9. Have a good day m8
  10. Have a good day m8
  11. hope you had a good day m8
  12. I'm up for another season with the Banzai Aussie, thanks
  13. Thanks lads, had a good day, apart from our new Wii Fit telling me my 'Wii Age' is 47, jumped up tea tray
  14. NP, Ta I will update your grade on UK Dirt
  15. If you are Lee618 the red grader from the ATR league you will need a new roof colour m8, we usually grade at 1 below the ATR grade, so blue would be about right. Nice skin. send me the tex file and I will put you in the next pack.
  16. Thanks Tosh, sorted
  17. Have just downloaded & installed Brisca Legends for the new season and can't get it to work - click on the icon and it crashes before doing anything - get this crash log - any ideas? 6.56.671: ====================================================================== 36.56.671: Sep 6 2002 12:09:31 N W32 M6 R senor_b 36.56.671: ====================================================================== 36.56.671: mem: p/s/t t/a 958M/622M 4095M/4095M 2047M/2025M 36.56.687: JoyBegin 36.56.687: Joystick 0: "Thrustmaster vibrating gamepad" 36.56.687: joy 0: create_joystick 36.56.687: joy: created 0 as "Thrustmaster vibrating gamepad" 36.56.687: joy 0: turned off deadzone 36.56.687: joy 0: x-effect unsupported 36.56.687: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ 36.56.687: Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\" 36.56.687: mod: trying mod "blegends"...36.56.687: mod.cfg found ok. 36.56.687: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\blegends\ 36.56.687: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2 36.56.937: ddraw: created directdraw with nv4_disp.dll (NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE ) 36.56.937: ddraw: version 36.57.156: vid: 64 meg card (reported:254.859375) 36.57.156: vid: using AGP textures (324), total: 64 36.57.171: vid: triple buffer on 36.57.203: texture: supports compressed solid texture 36.57.546: mr: 3D performance: 276 MPix/sec, 11359 KTris/sec 36.57.546: mr: fill rate is GOOD, poly rate is AWESOME, machine speed is 4292876 36.57.718: bink(intro.bik): open failed (Error opening file.) 36.57.734: using sound mixer Sound 36.58.000: Installing paint jobs... 36.58.000: res: ResourceGet("stock2.tex") not found, returning NULL! 36.58.015: ====================================================================== 36.58.015: () Panic: Can't load resource set "paintkit.res" 36.58.015: ====================================================================== 36.58.015: except: dec: exe 6b06c38 36.58.015: NON-DEBUG 36.58.015: ( 00419510 , none , my_handler ) 36.58.015: ( 004194A0 , EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT , ? ) 36.58.015: ( 0041A7F5, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.015: ( 00412A2D, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 0041295B, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 0041BF61, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 0041C2EA, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 0041C2FC, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 004D0F2B, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 0049CA67, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 004D0E8B, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 004D36D8, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 00411E6F, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 004012A0, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 004011BA, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 00413F27, call-stack , ? ) 36.58.031: ( 004E81E0, call-stack , ? )
  18. And me again pls Aussie
  19. As I said earlier the responses to the questions asked just don't bear that out. Its not a black and white 'I will race Heat OR rfactor' for the majority, its more a question of degrees of participation. My own view on this is that if there was no Heat league I would race maybe 5 rfactor meetings in the season, if it was just Heat I would race at least 10 just because I can arrive and drive. If both are run chances are I will race all those. The times maybe won't suit and I may have to miss the odd meeting on a track I like at one mod, but thats life. With respect, initially at least, in terms of numbers rfactor F1s is going to be 4th mod in UK Dirt compared to Heat F2s, Bangers, Heat F1s, possibly even 5th behind Brisca Legends. This isn't stirring any Heat v Factor arguments just the maths of the situation. In that sort of context the decision was taken for the whole of UK Dirt.
  20. With respect Ali P and Scrapman (& Matthew), you are both coming at this with colours pretty firmly nailed to different masts. Its not my place to say if the responses should be made public, I personally don't see the point, but the majority of votes on both sides indicated that people would race the other mod if their vote wasn't carried. This was especially true among the Heat votes, accepting that Rfactor was the longer term future of the UK Dirt league, but for various reasons feeling that March 2008 would be too early for them to be racing it. Chances are by 2009 Heat will be properly dead - the new F2 season has seen awarp problems even with the improved servers we now have - and an rfactor F2 mod and Hot Rods will hopefully be in use. IMO the decison taken was correct, it gives people a chance to continue to race Heat, but also for rfactor to grow - if it was just an rfactor league I can see an opening meeting turnout of 25/30 maybe, whereas Heat will get 40+ almost definitely - just because most people have it and can show up. The staggered times will effect everyone, I can't see anyone racing all the meetings in both mods, there are plenty of people in UK Dirt who have lives.
  21. from the looks of this thread it may be that you are missing a end on the drivers text. http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopi...hl=black+screen Also I must give credit where it is due for the skin, Martyboy379 painted it, I was just the middleman.
  22. That is what the rule says, so yes just the wing will be fine.
  23. Save you a job, it will be need to be changed.
  24. Is all gone a bit Barwick. Does this mean Gasworks are Champions?
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