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As you can see the UK Open WAS won on lap 1 - Any guesses who won it?? Either the cars are too big for Skegness or the track is not wide enough for the cars - either way the British is going to be __________________ (Enter own word here!!)
Poor Poor night for me - not changed setup from last Skeg session which I won the Final but car just didn't handle right. Felt like the tyre wear was set to x4 as car went off badly very early in race. Fed up of the warp from drivers, really affects me when I am following a warpy car. Cheesed off also with my laptop not wanting to play rFactor - sorry to Trav in the Cons when laptop froze me out of the game. I have to race with the patio doors open, freezing myself, just so the graphics card stays cool enough. Not putting up with it for much longer. Even tonight put a cooler ice pack under the laptop!! Disappointed - but will have a go tomorrow night and see from there. ps WD George on your heat win - getting better!! & Big Al for making the final
Mav #525 - Yellow
Really didn't expect anything from blue, but two fortunate heats allowed me some space and had two exceptional results - well chuffed. Come the final, made a caution start but soon was passing cars much to my surprise. On trying to go on the inside of Fast Track, my front end hit his nerf and it was enough to send me into a spin and out of the points. I later brushed a tyre and broke a wheel whilst in 13th. High hopes of a finish in the GN, but four or so laps in entered the bend to find Kendo facing me. I braked but hit him head on and pushed him backwards out of the way. As I accellerated, I came across another pile up and now the reds were pushing from behind, got through but at the next bend I turned my wheel but the car went straight on - another broken wheel :-( Still chuffed to have scored 15 points from blue, be good if this continues Well Done to Pusher for his first win in rFactor, I couldn't catch you and was pleased I couldn't! Back to tarmac for three weeks - back to Nil Points ????
There are only a handful of drivers out there who race with respect, there are those who show consideration, then the remainder are just (Enter own word here). For me being white was all about getting away and finishing in the top ten, scoring points. We are white for a reason, ie slower lap times, less ability etc, SO WHAT THREAT DO WE POSE?? Push us wide without spinning us and be on your way. We won't be firing back into you as we want to finish and get points. How many times have you read on the forum when a white finishes in the top ten - "That was brilliant - really enjoyed that!" even if it was just 9th place. So why on earth do drivers have to resort to "Dirty" moves ruining our races and making us feel absolutley gutted and annoyed???? Personally I would rather move over and loose a place, than be done by someone and loose the whole race. I am never going to get back into a race when I have gone out, so the art is to stay in the race the best I can. Like any white I really was on my limit last night, car pushing on one minute, then loose out of the bends, next lap as perfect as I could be, then the car goes off and its a mare to drive, but all I was hoping for was a chance to score points. In every race this was taken from me last night. Having seen Spike struggle from yellow, whom is roughly my standard, it gives me no confidence to be put closer to the "Remainder" at the start, thus giving me no incentive to even try racing shale nor those tarmac tracks I struggle at. Soon you won't have lower grade drivers to race against, because all those whom can race will gain points and be upgraded ie Leech, and those who can't ie myself will pick and choose the meetings we feel confident at. Grids will be top heavy as those blues who don't race can't be downgraded to the vacant yellow slots, and the reds will always remain red as they race the most often. Some of them will then be cheesed off enough not to race if current trends continue and you will be back to 14 - 20 cars per meeting - mostly reds. I don't feel as if I want to try the two shale meetings coming up, so I will have to wait until the Skegness double bill, a track I really do like and hope to do well at, beyond that we shall have to see. So see you on 12th May.
Apologies!! Here are the points: 315 Mike - 66 380 DB - 47 1 Lee - 46 79 Gary - 43 390 Woody - 42 164 Tosh - 37 87 Robin - 35 688 Fordy - 35 212 Pedz - 34 291 Marten - 34 774 Leech - 26 912 Kendo - 22 488 Dave - 21 112 TomD - 21 641 Mav - 12 46 Nezza - 8 221 Spike - 7 313 Budge - 6 599 Harold - 6 172 Spike Jnr - 1 516 Ianstep - 1
Congratulations to Mike #315 for winning a bruising British Championship race, after dominating the heats to start on pole. Some heats were a bit sparse due to the non arrival of 543, 97 & 7 and the withdrawal of 184 prior to the meeting started, but happily all 8 heats went ahead, with heat 8 being the least amount of drivers being 11. Every driver had the opportunity to race five heats. RESULTS HEAT 1 - 164, 1, 774, 390, 380, 79, 313, 641, 221, 112 // 212, 516, 599 HEAT 2 - 87, 164, 380, 291, 688, 221, 79, 599, 488, 641 // 912, 172, 1 HEAT 3 - 315, 390, 1, 87, 688, 112, 488, 641, 313, 172 // 212, 221, 774, 516, 291 HEAT 4 - 315, 1, 380, 212, 164, 79, 912, 46, 112, 641 // 599, 313, 774, 516 HEAT 5 - 390, 315, 380, 79, 488, 912, 87, 291, 688, 46 // 112, 313, 221, 172 HEAT 6 - 79, 488, 1, 212, 390, 164, 112, 599, 641, 516 // 221, 46, 172, 313 HEAT 7 - 390, 315, 774, 164, 1, 87, 912, 291, 46, 688 // 516, 599, 488 HEAT 8 - 774, 87, 315, 380, 212, 112, 688, 291, 46, 912 // 172 Twenty cars gridded for the British (221 Left for work - sorry it ran late m8 ) 315 - 1 - 390 1 - 2 - 380 164 - 3 - 87 79 - 4 - 774 488 - 5 - 212 688 - 6 - 112 291 - 7 - 912 46 - 8 - GAP(221) 313 - 9 - 599 172 - 10 - 516 641 - 11 I elected to withdraw from the grid to steward the race and join on the back after the go was called. I however forgot to do an extra lap to compensate for the rolling lap and was already 1 lap down when I started racing!!! lol My grid slot would have been 8th row inside with everyone else moving down a place. BRITISH RESULT - 315 291, 688, 212, 79, 380, 912, 1, 112, 641 // 390, 87, 46, 599, 774, 516, 164, 488, 313, 172 NEXT WEEK SEES THE F2's RETURN TO SHALE AT BELLE VUE FOR A WORLD QUALIFIER AND WORLD OF SHALE ROUND AT 8:30PM - SEE YOU THERE
Good evening guys and welcome to the British Championship meeting here at Sunny Buxton!!! 24 Drivers will contest the Championship - 5 heats for each driver - With the top 20 point scorers making it through to the British itself. No Grand Nationals tonight. Please note Rolling speed is 20mph, Steward will call. All meet in chat at 7:55pm for an 8pm start - All drivers will goto the server and stay in the server. Only 3 minutes will be between races as a warm up - Heats will be called and if you are not ready you will miss your race! Meeting Info Heat 1 : 543 // 97, 172, 184, 641 // 313, 380, 516 // 79, 212, 221, 291, 390, 774 // 87, 112, 164, 1 - Steward 488 Heat 2 : 543 // 172, 184, 641, 912 // 7, 380, 488 // 46, 79, 221, 291, 315, 774 // 87, 164, 688 - Steward 112 Heat 3 : 97, 172, 184, 641 // 7, 313, 488, 516 // 212, 221, 291, 315, 390, 774 // 112, 688, 1 - Steward 380 Heat 4 : 543 // 97, 641, 912 // 7, 313, 380, 516 // 46, 79, 212, 315, 774 // 112, 164, 688, 1 - Steward 221 Heat 5 : 543 // 97, 172, 912 // 7, 313, 380, 488 // 46, 79, 221, 291, 315, 390 // 87, 112, 688 - Steward 164 Heat 6 : 172, 184, 641, 912 // 313, 380, 488, 516 // 46, 79, 212, 221, 390 // 87, 112, 164, 1 - Steward 315 Heat 7 : 543 // 97, 184, 912 // 7, 488, 516 // 46, 212, 291, 315, 390, 774 // 87, 164, 688, 1 - Steward 641 Please check you are in 5 heats - Thank you Enjoy your racing
1, 79, 912 & 313 In 904, 291 Out MI up shortly
With the time being 18:00 hours the bookings have closed on the UK Dirt Website. Anyone requiring a late booking or having to cancel their booking, please post below. 22 Bookings confirmed as of 6pm are WHITE : 543, 550 YELLOW : 97, 172, 184, 641, 904 BLUE : 7, 380, 488, 516 RED : 46, 212, 221, 291, 315, 390, 774 S/S : 87, 112, 164, 688
Well what can I say - mentioned twice in two peoples posts and all for the wrong reasons I hate shale, but unless I try it I won't "In General" improve. Spent an hour plus in practice, but all I succeeded was to face the wrong way. Frustrated and angry, I clicked and clicked at the setup went out as the server was to be reset, and did 5 laps - yes five laps without spinning, but there was hardly anyone on track by now. I was very close to cancelling, but thanks to "My Hero" I was given a helping hand and I decided to try. Heat one was great, I broke away and led for a fair while, probably only 5 laps lol, but I was doing ok. I hesitated when Murf rejoined the race and it cost me places. From then on I went backwards, but I did try to regain a few places during the race but very happy to cross the line - without spinning - in 9th place. Heat two, let jnr go, reeled him in then in a lovely push and go move I was away again. Rounded the bend and could see LeeK across the track. He seemed to straighten up, so I went down the inside, only for him to cut back across the track taking me straight into and over the marker tyres!!! I did continue but well down the pack. In the final, I was cautious, happily following Jnr, but as I made my move, I half spun, and caused a few problems. Suprisingly I was ok and carried on, but as everyone forced their way past, I tried to regain places, spinning several cars along the way. I was 7th and really hanging on, but in another racing incident I dropped outside the top ten. It was then I pushed it hard and agonisingly finished 11th, just out of the points, no reward for such a determined performance!! I can't remember what happened in the GN, but I guess it wasn't good enough as I didn't get any points. So apologies to anyone whom I had misgivings with, Johno for one, but I was just going with the flow trying to keep my nose going forward. Last chance at white now, but with Jnr on a roll, I'd best let him go first and follow. Will be difficult even from white, so see you all at Birmingham.
Yeah it is a tough one m8, but could change again if Spike #221 or Danskin #236 books in!!!!
So based on National Points table, the grid should be 79 - 881 1 - 236 313 - 87 599 - 688 315 - 641 390 - 212 488 - 41 164 - 774 46 - 112 221 - 380 But based on those booked in, in National Points order (assuming 112 will book) 380 - 315 1 - 262 904 - 87 488 - 688 599 - 313 516 - 641 390 - 774 164 - 212 46 - 112 79 - 7 or do those outside of top twenty just fill in the gaps of option 1? ie 21st in National Points (516) will take 881's place and so on?? Whichever it is, will be interesting for Gary - Pole or back row!!! If its Pole, I think he will walk it. However we are gridded - GOOD LUCK!!!
Achieved my goal!!!! Scored points in an A Final Well what is my next goal??? Just to enjoy it I think and see what comes along. I have never raced here and thus no setup, but as my one hour practice went on I found that eventually my setup was drivable and quick enough from yellow. I just concentrated on how to drive the track. Had some good races with Pete #904 and Munis #17, all nip and tuck stuff, no needless hard hits that you get from TomD and Fordy (whom I am pleased to see get a taste of his own medicine from Tosh last night.) Obviously doesn't see how his large hits just ruins it for those he hits, and when the time is right I'll have the presence to do what Tosh did unless he starts racing me with respect. Don't hold much hope for scoring tonight as I think the reds and Superstars will up their game and with a bigger field of cars, qualification may just be difficult. But it wont stop me trying! Good Luck to all in the Nationals Just off now to read how the Nationals work EDIT How does the National work as this is what I read in the rules page. F2 Nationals This will be open to the top 20 from the National Points chart, the grid being drawn out at a real life meeting.
I have changed nowadays Wrighty, as others I hope would agree!!! Frustrating at the time as it seemed avoidable, but its gone now - we move on. However, it was good to read the other person's view on it as you don't always have chance to talk it through (tempers are high on the night so talking in chat after the race is a waste of time and resolves nothing). So a racing incident which we can both learn from. A good read Tosh, albeit the spellings but do wonder what I have to do to become Teng Tools Winner Kendo only finished higher in the final than me all night and I was taken out of that race!! AND I beat your points total for the meeting - I bet thats what it was I'll keep trying - and congrats to Kendo cos he did drive superbly in the final
Practice just didn't improve what I had, in fact it got worse and I abandoned it for the original setup. This then made me drive defensively, keeping close to the curb on the corners hopefully stopping cars getting on my inside to pass. If any hits came in I would be pushed into the corner and so would they, thus hopefully staying ahead. This would mean I was slower but consistant and therefore if I was any grade but white I would definately not get anywhere. I had the inexperienced Spike Jnr to contend with, and his inexperience cost us time, pushing us both back into the yellows then having to fight every inch. I was fortunate to come out ok, but Jarry and Tinman were not so fortunate - sorry guys. Another good points haul, thanks for the praise guys, but I fear it is going to be short lived as shale is looming and so is a yellow roof or worse blue. Being no good in traffic and off the pace, I may as well start behind the Superstars (as thats where i'll be after a lap!!), gather a rhythm and see where it takes me. Well Done to Leech, whom I predicted would win, but my full praise goes to Mike #315, whom I am getting sick of seeing him pass me knowing how far back he has come from, but all credit to you One more chance (Birmingham) to get a win prior to loosing that white grade for the season.
Grand National start was down to me. If you watch the start, exiting turn 2, Big Al clipped the fence, then Jnr did and although I did nothing different to all my previous races, I found myself clipping the fence but with more force that the two before. It then flicked my front end in causing a spin. I though I had gathered it enough to get going again, but Spike clipped my front end and all hell broke loose then. Very Very Sorry to all whom got caught up in it. After much practice, I sorted the setup myself and was very happy with how it drove. Heats were good but come the final I was confident going off from Pole. It's so much easier to just nail it from the front then to be messed about within grades. After watching the replay, I still cannot fathom out how I lost the final, it just wasn't possible!! Third is my first rFactor Final podium so I have to be pleased with that. I'll be still waiting for you at white Skeet as there are a few shale meetings coming up which I still can't master!!
Mav #525 - White
Mav #641 - yellow
Actually did some practice for this meeting and what a difference it makes!!! Wasn't fully confident with the setup but it was very drivable. Was pleased to see that when we went to race the W&Y race, that there was no crowd and in daylight, this made a vast difference to my Laptop as it didn't struggle at all, all night. In the W&Y, the car suddenly went from ok, to superb (well to me anyway!!) and I managed to come from the back and take my first win in F2 rFactor. As for the meeting, I was on a roll, the first heat and again the car went really well and Kendo & I were well clear from the rest, thus giving me my first point scoring win. Second heat I was too leniant with Lars#550 and it cost me as I was swamped by some blues and a couple of reds but held out for 6th. In the final I was confident even though I was starting off the back row of the yellows, but a few laps in and yet again an NI guy took my backend causing me to spin onto the infield. Down to 15th and no hope then. In the GN, tiredness set in and I was caught. Daveyboy & Johno caused me to spin (racing incident I may add!), which took out a few other drivers. I was 8th and way down, but with Kendo now right behind me, I was on a charge and managed to gain another 2 places for 6th. All in all a good night - Next mission in F2 rFactor is to gain some final points!!! But for now I am glad to have a win and also to beat Tosh in the meeting points
Sex Bier n Rum??? Dutch combination for a good time!!!!