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Everything posted by Mav

  1. Mav

    Ipswich results

    I actually thought that when I viewed it Still wasn't required tho
  2. Mav

    Ipswich results

    Here are the two incidents - The decision is yours !!! Video Replay - Ipswich GN 1-6-09
  3. If I have a spare slot I am sure I will join up.
  4. I apologise for this, but as explained on the other thread, I did not have time to think about the racing let alone whether all the settings were correct. If I take to the track again, I will attempt to have a new profile in place.
  5. Mav

    Ipswich results

    It was only out of curiosity to see if the F2 rFactor worked on my PC that I logged into the server at 9pm. Duly it didn't work as I had an update missing. After installing it, I logged back in and the game worked. I had no settings for F2's, all the screens were foreign to me, not even my wheel was configured properly, and needless to say no setup for the car. Lee531 sent me a setup and I literally did my first three laps ever prior to the server being rebooted for the meeting. I went into chat to tell Dave that all was ok, and between us he convinced me to try the meeting. I changed my roof colour and literally was lining up for my first race. I suddenly thought "What fuel do I have?" looked down and saw 4/22 and thought "Oh well, I will do 4 laps and pull off!" Didn't know that It didn't read right!! Set off steadily and settled into a rhythm only to be spun by 531 as he charged his way through. Race over. Second heat, same again but spun by Spike, got back into it and was running eighth and decided to try a last bender on Cider and got it wrong - race over. Being allocated pole for the English Open was an honour. It meant I was officially the worst driver on the grid I held my own for a long period of time until the charging reds came through. I battled gamely to try and pass Cider for that elusive first points but ended up 11th. In the Grand National, I was determined to boot it earlier and hold the drift, thus making my lap times quicker, and it worked. I passed Cider for the lead in the early laps but as I exited the bend there was Daveyboy across the track!!! Road block I survived but lost a few places. I then settled into 5th or 6th and late on Tosh passed but went wide, I caught his back end and he spun. I was getting confident now, but suddenly I was in the fence curtosy of Tosh's full bore deliberate revenge hit. Race Over and a real sickner. The following laps though I flew and drove really well, catching and passing Wrighty who was on the lead lap. I know I am a seasoned driver, but I am a complete novice at rFactor (white in both mods) and to be treated in this way by Tosh is disappointing. I apologise for the number error, but as you can see I had no preparation time as my intention wasn't to race but to see if it worked properly. I will attempt to create a new profile, but last time (ages ago) I tried rFactor crashed and I had to do a complete installation again. Just a bit weiry to do it again!!! As for another meeting, we shall have to see. Well Done Lee531 for taking the final and the English Open, and the set up advise, as well as Drumstick, whom without his help, I would have been dead last and spinning on the spot - maybe then Tosh would have accepted that I was just a novice
  6. I am still currently racing it - so I would join.
  7. Do you race Simstox?? If so another car no. may have the same number as the Wainman White roof, and thus distorting it. Just a thought.
  8. Simon received £127 for 1st and £4.50 for 4th - He is well chuffed. He keeps telling everyone how he won the GN even today!!! I read on BBC's site that one person won £65,000 on an accumulater (pick three horses to finish - they came home 1st, 2nd and 4th) and an elderly gentleman who died 5 months before the race got his family to promise that they would place £250 on Mon Mome each way. They did and it netted them £20k!!! Never mind Aub, what would you have done with the money anyway???
  9. As long as the results have been up loaded on here correctly, I have adjusted the points according to my spreadsheet. Hence there is a tie between 136 & 56 on 34 points on my tables All points and tables have been updated on UK Dirt F2 site and on UK Dirt Site. If these results are incorrect then please let me know, as it obviously has a bearing on the hours work I have just done!!!!!
  10. Your setup is the same as mine Trav. Laptop/Wireless Router/20mb/Vista. You can run a wire from modem to laptop, but plug it all in first before switching on laptop. Your laptop once booted will fine the source and adjust your network accordingly. Only problem with that is you have to rely on your laptop firewall to protect your laptop, as the wireless router is also firewall guarded. What I do, is cable from modem to router, and cable from router to laptop. Again set this all up prior to booting up the laptop. I still leave the wi-fi on on the laptop also. I also have windows firewall turned OFF permanently, as this conflicts with McAfee that I leave running all the time, even when playing online. I use spybot to close down excess programmes that I am not using, similar to end-it-all. Also see when windows updates are scheduled to run, it maybe trying to do this whilst you are racing also. I haven't yet been told I am warping so it must work for me. Hope you can solve it ok
  11. Thats the reason I cancelled my booking, out of my depth. Last season at Sheffield, I more than held my own, had 4 good races there even though it was the first ever meeting (GNC Championship). The offseason meeting at Sheffield, I was worse and couldn't understand why - same car, same setup but useless. Then the practice session prior to this meeting the car did nothing but weave. I have 4 setups from differing top drivers, all different in style and setup, yet I could not drive one of them. I went back to my own but still nothing. Another annoying aspect of practice was that everytime my car was touched, either by me hitting or being hit, my car spun and no matter what I did I couldn't control it. I try and practice online as the aforementioned online/offline differences are huge, but server availability is annoying also (already covered by Johno). Dispondant with rFactor after such entertaining drives last season, how quickly it can turn
  12. Mav

    Sheffield MI

    Please cancel my booking - thankyou
  13. I believe my problem is due to Internet Explorer 8.0, as it works on other pc's that I have tried that have Internet Explorer 7.0 on.
  14. I tried to edit my post tonight, but in the drop down boxes I see no options, just blank. Any Ideas??
  15. Mav

    Weird Problem

    I have same problem sometimes, but with a mouse attached too. I think the laptop takes a "Restore Point" every now and then causing the laptop to freeze for milliseconds and then refreshes itself.
  16. Not a bad one
  17. I used to play "Hungry Horace", & "Centipede" on the Commodore 64. When I progressed to a PC, I played Demolition Derby, but mostly Football Manager Sim games. My most favourite games that I used to play for hours on end, possibly more hours than I have in UK Dirt was "Transport Tycoon", "Colonisation" then "Civilization" & "Civilization II" - I still am unable to get my Space Ship built prior to the years running out and the game effectively ending!!!! Oh the good old days
  18. He is a top bloke and we got on really well. He told me several stories of Rob Bradsell (but not the wheel nuts one!!), and by the sounds of it he really has had alot of good times thanks to Stock Cars. I hope to go back up to Bacup for another visit early february, for more information for my F1 site (which will probably become "Our" site with all the info he has for me!!). Surprisingly Cider, your brother and you did crop up in one of our conversations and he did say that he knew Stephen (Carp) well due to Slot Stox racing. He couldn't believe that Carp was 50 this last year as Granville is 65 this march, and that you do go back some 30 years!!!!!
  19. After going to visit Granville Holmes in Bacup yesterday, who incidentally knows everything about F1 driver registrations and has more or less a picture of every driver, he produced this photo which is proof that Spike did actually grid in an F1 race. Not sure whether he got off the line or actually finished the race though I believe you now Spike
  20. Congratulations on your 21st Birthday - Have a great day.
  21. Mav

    NEC Results

    According to my records (what I posted on the rFactor UK Dirt fixtures thread, Baarlo Short was won by Marten #291 and Sheffield by Gary #7, therefore Tosh #8 hasn't won two finals in this series ??? And I agree with Aub, he left prior to the running of the A Final, should it be 288?? Does these mess up your points chart??
  22. Final & GN I Think Birmingham_NEC_14.zip
  23. Mav

    NEC Results

    Well after the day I have had, finding that 8:30 was here and no practice since last week, I thought I was in for a very rough time with alot of apologising to do. Some good races tonight, only downside was the Final, but was expected to be manic, no luck went my way in this one. One heat I was relegated to last on the first bend and drove very well - chuffed with myself - to get back to 4th by chequered flag time GN was won from pole, and I had "Ice Man" Hutch as my wing man from lap 4, stopping all and sundry getting to me until about 3 to go, then panic set in - exiting the last turn I was baulked badly on the drag to the line and lost my ample lead on Johno, so much that he nearly pushed me over the line!!!! Great feeling to win, even though from pole. Well Done again to Madcowie - a surperb track - especially if people race it in the manner to which we all survive - Superb. Next stop Buxton
  24. I had that recently also. I contacted Dell (makers of my laptop) and they sent through a list of instructions which deleted something in regedit then re-installed some codec's. I will send through the e-mail to you and see if it solves your problem.
  25. Congratulations Neal & Chrissie. Hope all is well with everyone.
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