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Everything posted by Mav

  1. Mav's Skins [attachmentid=19845] [attachmentid=19846] 525Elit.zip 525els.zip
  2. Kev 149's skins [attachmentid=19796] [attachmentid=19797] Mine soon - I hope!!! 149elit.zip 149els.zip
  3. Not a good start - Go was called on race one and screen went jumpy and laggy. Ended up piling into first bend, but had no control over what I was seeing. So apologies. Race was a mare from then on in - so left the meeting rather than ruin the evening.
  4. Mav #525 booking in. Skin in game.
  5. HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY KEV 149 (Posted today as he is away tomorrow) CONGRATULATIONS ON REACHING 40 !!! Have a great day tomorrow. Enjoy your short break away (Good Luck for Coventry tonight )
  6. Same style racers, same low graders, same height (well nearly), both key to UK Dirt, AND SAME BIRTHDAYS !!!! Are you related ?? Have a great day Guys - Enjoy
  7. BLIMEY - Where you been !!!!!! Nice to know you are still around m8 CONGRATULATIONS to you Chevy & Tina Hope all goes well for the future.
  8. Does that mean he has to go up two grades to red ??? (Assuming he is yellow of course!!!) Well Done anyway !!!
  9. £5 gives you two weeks Jolt access. If you decide to continue then £15 gives you Jolt access till 28th Feb 2008. Jolt access is the allowing to join League meetings & Practice online. Most meetings start at 8:30pm each night - All meet in Mirc Chat - then races get called. Practice is at anytime unless a meeting is in progress.
  10. UK Dirt site is up and running again, although the downloads needs reconfiguring, so is as yet unavailable. You shouldn't have problems connecting as long as one party "creates" the server using "LAN" and the other party uses the creating parties IP address when "finding" (using ISDN) - you should connect fine. You could always use the £5 trial option, making sure you are up with the rules on skins and racing - to gauge whether its worth joining or not permanently.
  11. Hi Guys, We have a problem (hopefully in the short term!) whereby the UK Dirt sites have been taken off the air. This is due to a legislation change regarding Domain Names, which has caught us out and we have not completed the necessary forms to continue with the UK Dirt names that we currently have. (Hence why you couldn't download from UKDirt3) This does not mean we have lost them, it means we have a short space of time to correct the errors of which Jamieg (whom the Domain Names are currently registered too) and myself (Whom the Domain Names are to be transferred to) are trying to resolve. So, Admin people, this means at present we cannot book in or upload skins etc, so please make other arrangements for the time being. I will interrogate the database to tell each mod, who had booked in up to today. I hope to have this resolved in the very near future & sorry to all for the inconvenience. Cheers Mav.
  12. Sad Loss R.I.P
  13. Get Well Soon m8. All the Best Mav.
  14. Yeah, well done LeeK !!! Pushed you all the way, but you rarely faultered - Congratulations
  15. You have a pm m8
  16. Congratulations to you both - All the Best for the future
  17. Happy Birthday Bathy
  18. Nice One m8 Congratulations to you both Hope all goes well in the planning and the date doesn't fall on a UK Dirt race day or Real Life raceday especially on World Final like the other year with the birth of your son !!!!! All the Best.
  19. UK Dirt Cash Statement 2007 March-07 Income Jolt Payment 2007 £590.11 Net Interest - 10/3 £0.38 ---------- £590.49 ====== Expenditure Paypal Charges £19.37 Forum/Website £152.31 Increase in Funds £418.81 ---------- £590.49 ======
  20. Happy Birthday Grasser - Enjoy your day
  21. Happy Birthday Chevy, hope you had a great day and will have a good night !!!
  22. Account sorted - you have a two week trial as from today (expires 6/4/07)
  23. You should have access - yes Let me know if you don't and I will investigate. Cheers Mav.
  24. Received & your trial period initialised. Cheers Mav.
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