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Everything posted by Mav

  1. Mav Jnr tried to join the server on wednesday evening on the PC, but when the password was entered it just timed out and wouldnt log into the game. I have just tried on the laptop and again it wouldnt allow me in, just timed out after password entry. However we both could get into the .48 server but that was set up for NZ. Didn't this happen a month or so ago that the server wouldn't let people in?? Also there is listed a server for F1 Stock Car V1.4 by "Online F1 Stox Racing" with no password for entry - Anyone know who these are?? If the problem persists then unfortunately neither of us will be able to take part tonight.
  2. As Matty has chosen #22 Shale, I will amend ours to: Mav_Jnr - #285 Richard Earl Mav - #189 Stu Heppenstall
  3. Mav_Jnr - White Mav _ Yellow
  4. Mav Jnr - #189 Stu Heppenstall (Both) Mav - #22 Will Yarrow (Both) Please
  5. Been great over the last 8 years m8 online and at meetings (See below 2005) - just as I may do a few more online meetings you leave!!! All the best with the job and hope to see you around the tracks in 2011 and hopefully a few online meetings on your days off
  6. Hi Reb, Yes you have to be logged in to see the Chat Download. It is listed under downloads when logged in. Hope to see you on Thursday!! Mav
  7. I was going to give the W&Y's a try but as the server is playing up, it wont give me any praccy time (no setup here). So good luck to all who take part.
  8. Mav

    arena results

    Anybody else agree with that?? Did my lad spoil it for everyone - If so I will pull him from the racing. Looking at the replays his hits did come in, didnt seem hard to me, but then I suppose I would be bias towards him.
  9. Mav

    arena results

    Having not watched Mav_Jnr racing "live" last night, I had no idea how he did until I reviewed the replays today. A few people might be upset with him, but from what I could see he was being a gutsy white top, trying to keep his place. But fighting for his position as hard as he was doing, mistakes were made and they unfortunately cost a few drivers their places. None of it was intentional, but Mav_Jnr has said that he was sorry for Mike #315. Jnr's night would have been alot more fruitful but for one driver. It's not easy for a white top as it is, but to have one driver targeting a white for just trying to race to keep the lead, its no wonder potential new drivers don't join the league to race. Overall a good determined performance, enjoyed in the main dispite the close attention from another driver.
  10. There are a few on my website - BriscaF1Stoxpics
  11. I had the greatest honour of dining with Mr Dave Chisholm #252 and his lovely wife Angie today, when they came up to visit my parents, who hadn't seen Dave for years. (They got back in touch via my guestbook on my website!!). Its great that an ex driver took the time out to spend with his supporters from days gone by. Dave is a wonderful bloke, and he told us many stories at the dining table, that I am sure the rest of the restaurant were listening in on too!!! Dave and Angie agreed to then drop in to my house to view "Stockcar Racing on the Computer" and my website. Dave was very impressed with seeing his old car on Brisca Legends, and how superb rfactor looked - then came the big test - could he still drive??? Dave did drive well considering, even driving with one hand, and thoroughly enjoyed it, but he has said a comeback is not on the cards, as although it was superb, its not as good as having the real thing under you!!! He gave full credit to the creators and skin painters for the time and effort to create such a game - almost as much as someone building and running a real car. Dave did however spend nearly half an hour explaining what each of the setup parameters were, and how you'd set them up for a real car, but I just couldn't write quick enough to make any sense of it!!!! He also said that Mav_Jnr had the potential to be a World Champion of the future, but I think Dave was tired by then!!!
  12. Sadly I shall be watching "Blackpool v West Brom" tomorrow night - so I won't be booking in.
  13. Jnr was very pleased with the GNC race as he came from the back to 7th place until MoR and Tosh managed to regain those places near the end of the race. 9th was a superb result. Both his heats went well, but from the front you'd expect whites to make some headway, but with some very fast drivers on track at Birmingham, he still has to wait for his first win. 5th place in both he was happy with. His happiness turned to unwillingness come final time. During the roller he turned to me chating and didnt realise that his speed had got up to 24mph until I told him, for which he immediately dropped back down. He then said that when the go was called he would wait before booting it, which he did. The race was stopped, and I understand why, but Jnr took it to heart that people said he was a "Cheat". I fully understand this is just "Banter", but you have to remember that Jnr is only 11 years old and doesn't understand "Banter" especially from older people, as I am trying to teach him to respect his elders, and thats not easy to do in this day and age. During the final re-run, Jnr just gave up and pulled off after a few laps, until I told him to carry on, but he lost that whole lap and then was dead last and didn't try. GN race, once he had been caught, he then got stuck in and enjoyed the battle to the line and was very chuffed to have scrapped through in 10th place. Thunder races saw him absolutely totalled by Tom and Dazza, I didn't see the point in it myself, but Jnr just shrugged it off and continued on and finished one race in the points. He was very sorry to have taken Mike out, yards from the line, dropping Mike from 1st to 3rd. So Guys, on track Jnr is treated the same as anyone of you (except Harmen!) but off track please can I ask you to be careful what you say to him, as he is still learning in life. Sorry to hear of your accident, hope you mend soon Corny - All the best. ps - I might be back at a track near you soon, as I have re-installed rFactor on my old laptop and Kevin is lending me his wheel
  14. Simon neglected to tell me that when starting up rfactor tonight, mcafee asked whether to "Always Allow", "Allow Once" or "Block" this application. The dipstick made a choice without asking and chose "Block"!!!!! Thus we couldn't then connect to any rfactor server. Think he has learnt a lesson as he was gutted to find out that he had caused himself to miss the meeting. So apologies for the no-show till the thunder races.
  15. Simon cant get in due to "Matchmaker didnt respond" when trying to connect to the servers - Whats this and how do we put it right??
  16. Mav


    National Series Champion, followed by the British Champion followed by the European Champion!!!! Great 1-2-3 Well Done Tom - Great Drive
  17. Mav


    No idea what to do Richard, but if you want to race you can race on my PC anytime, whilst you get yours fixed - just let me know.
  18. Sorry to say Pusher, I won't be taking my slot on the grid. Good Luck m8 Here you go Numbnut - It's not quick nor is it for RFactor v2, but it should help. You have to ease off pretty early before the bends, steer it in, freewheel round the bend then boot it out. Barford_2010.zip
  19. If thats the case then fair enough, setups will still work, but drivers will have to get used to the new physics, ie tyre wear and that doesnt happen overnight for us unskilled drivers!!
  20. Its awesome work and congrats to all those who have put the time and effort in to creating these BUT Why release it now and not at the end of the season or at least after the F2 World Final???? We are only one week away from the Semi-Finals and now the physics have changed as well as our setups being out of date?? To me this has given the "Testers" of this new mod an unfair advantage come Semi time as they no doubt have tested at Barford and Skegness to get that "perfect" setup. As I said an awsome mod, just released at the wrong time.
  21. Congratulations Mr.Mrs Nezza - Hope all is well & Best Wishes for the future Someones become an Uncle!!
  22. Mav


    After Thursday's meeting at Sheffield, I felt the same way Spike. I tend to take breaks away from it then give it another go & see what happens - I hope you will too Spike. If not - Your on your own BIG AL!!!!! All the best Spike - you've been and are a great m8
  23. Picture of me & Robin, shows me inches away from 10th during the race. After Robin spun me on the back straight of lap 1, I was amazed to be challenging him for 10th place, but last 5 laps the tyres went off and I dropped back. Great Pics MOR, and as Matty says so top skins this year.
  24. Booking Out - Thanks.
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