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Everything posted by BANGERMAD07

  1. I dont take credit for the render, got it from www.propersmashed.co.uk [attachmentid=21669]
  2. The poor kid could have dilesxia (Thats how you spell it i think, Dont shoot me down in case it isnt)


    I know its not a render but thought it looked pretty cool, Early morning Just finished wrapping presents Bordem sets in [attachmentid=21647]
  4. Spend all his xmas money on a lady of the night is my best geuss
  5. Any more updates mate
  6. There seems to a hotrod in the skinpack, OR Even a Fault with a newly modelled car, Try looking for Pug.car in your banger folder or have a look at your drivers.txt to make sure they havnt missed you 404 to make the Pug404.car
  7. I'm Sure his little Girlfriend gave him a good time From what he told me his legs were very tired
  8. Very nice mate for a first attempt, Try using a few more variations of fonts, and be creative Alongs your happy with your final outcome that is what matters, Incidently i have just started Painting a few skins of my own if you want help with anything just gives a shout on msn mate


    Oh there rubbish mate completely wrong in everyway bla bla bla .. Hope you dont quit online racing now Only kidding mate Very nice effects did you use motion blur on photoshop?
  10. Sorry to hear that some sad person needs to hack onto your account over a possible feud or just bordem setting in to there thick skulls Tbh i would say 50% of all threads are asking for decals fonts and templates of cars that arnt even in the game or havnt been released, Each thread im lead to believe takes up a percentage of the total Mb/Gb allowed by the hosting of the forum, Sure if it was low percentage you may think it wouldnt be that bad but 50% all topics could equal a hell of a lot of space taken that can slow down the forum and it dosnt help that 'Idiots' like the people who are hacking, Frauding accounts and spamming the forum with unnesscary comments Now im off footys on
  11. I have reason to believe that a banned member (Braderz as he is called) is browsing this forum on another account) After confronting him about his immaturity about quitting online race he started saying some crap about me being an asian gentleman with my dp having my photograph, He then persisted on sending a screenshot with my photograph edited on the screenshot to have a red native dot to the asian gentleman, It was then i came across the fact he was able to see the forum even though he had been banned Due to the nature of the Convo i have blanked out my Email address for security reasons and the conversation and also the DP which he edited, [attachmentid=21620] So how can he still see the forum if he is banned? Is he using someone elses account or has he created a rogue account?i In the background it quite clearly has Ukdirt forum without the IPB Warning's, As murphy-111 Told me happened when you are banned, Only trying to state a fact Mr 'Braderz' Proved his maturity by this conversation and i hope that 'Father Christmas' Gives him a lump of coal in his sack
  12. I love it mate, Thank you very much Nice render also
  13. Either Graniis or Graniih what ever is easiet for you mate
  14. Yes i know its a lot to ask for but im in a bit of a jam and really need to get a car so i can race online
  15. Hi I was wondering if any of the keen skinpainters would be able to paint a banger skin for online racing(Free leagues for now) Unfortunatly my copy of photoshop and also 3dmax9 was wiped due to Viruses sending spam emails out and this was the advisable step by Bt Internet, If it wouldnt trouble you to put, Coal Power on one side with number 6 and also on the other side Can i please have Mr Wrecker and again number 6 on the other side, If possible in the Dann Klynn Decal font, on the bonnet could i have A&A Components with Nuts Bolts and Fastners underneath in smaller letters And on the back panel can i have W! in the style of 'Limbo's L! Decal. Also on the Boot lid Can i please have Bonnars Garage, 01592 801831 in smaller letters to Bonnars Garage Can the car be White with Blue receding coloured Pillars and ANY unlimited car would be best suited Preferably a Graniis or Graniih What ever is easiest, Skin would help me get started and i will be using the skin for a forseeable(sp?) time Thanks In advance
  16. hi mate the skin is actually white but i think i have the wrong setting for the render, I'll send the tga when im done
  17. Hi Guys, Had a little go a Wibbs #252 from the photo's i had from the banger world cup 2007, Not completly done and still alot to do but just want to show you my progress, Also need some more pictures of the bonnet, Drivers side and back of the car [attachmentid=21486] Ps Render is saved as a low quality format
  18. From older topics i seem to agree with 'Walker', Always seemed to ask for things
  19. Got 2, http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=qVPjx-7DxsY - The Killers - Mr Brighside http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=h_m-BjrxmgI - Plain white t's - Hey There Delilah And couldnt find a video but Kenny Rogers - The gambler
  20. Oh goddd , only joking mate have a nice birthday and try not to get too "RAT ****ED THE NITE" as your msn did say
  21. "I love doing calculas naked"
  22. many thanks mate and sorry for hijacking the forum lol
  23. i get to the point where i have made my signs put them into the correct place, Merged all the layers into one and put it under my signs and i have then made all my signs overlays to bring through the detail, but then i cant get colour into my car Can anyone help?
  24. Hi mate I get this problem frequently, It normally comes up when u attempt to log into a server in multiplayer if im correct? The problem i dont know but if this happens i just retry to get into the server and it normally works if youve tryed than then im stumped, this only happens once a day when i attempt to get onto a server for the first time that day, then it disappears
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