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Everything posted by Allan268

  1. I just asked my dad who is an ex-mechanic for 20 years. He says an x drilled cam makes a car more free when rolling? Either way if it does or it doesn't, he says it doesn't really give a big performance boost and is just a bit of a stupid risk. Anybody technical able to shed some light?
  2. Yeh you missed the good group at the bottom chops!
  3. Was a dull one Soaps, hope your ok mate, seat was a state. Well done Purdie, was hoping he would win, i don't know what a x drilled cam does but im guessing you go faster
  4. I heard Goldin was booked? What about Shaun Webster for loons?
  5. Aye, sounds a bit painful and awkward.
  6. Personally i find it interesting news, if you don't, you don't have to comment?
  7. 4-5 months back a Korean couple were charged because they spent 24 hours in a cafe playing World of Warcraft and let their baby die in a cot at home.
  8. That's a shame, horrible when anyone gets injured.
  9. Doing well lads, if i had the time just now i would join in the fun! Is there any cars on the to-do list as i am ill just now and might have a little time over the next couple of days.
  10. When you set your boot device to CD it doesn't always just automatically boot, sometimes you have to press a key to boot from CD when it tells you. By the sound of things that HDD may not be alive for very much longer so if i was you i'd stick another one in and transfer all your important files across if it will even let you. Had an HDD go corrupt not so long ago, it's not fun!
  11. Would it be possible to get this with your own car and name on it? Edit: To anyone who takes it the wrong way and thinks im slow, i didnt expect to be walking around with a pic of chevys car and name on my top
  12. Not 100% sure but i think there is a problem with the drivers text, i don't play rods but as far as i know you aren't meant to edit it? Unless you know 100% what you are doing, although i could to be totally wrong .
  13. I was an admin for Blueyonder GSP when all their gaming servers were still running and they let us run a GPL league, was great stuff, some really good racing if everyone keeps it clean.
  14. Allan268


    Just to backup what John says, the intel extreme onboard graphics aren't very good. Nick's is an actual Radeon 9000 which is a decent card for a laptop. Nick: What do you mean it's by far not the best? Thats a pretty nice specced laptop compared to most that are floating about, any better and you start paying silly money. Squid: One thing, laptops are extremely expensive to upgrade in comparison to a normal pc as the bits inside are smaller obviously. basically the price to just upgrade a laptop would buy you a PC (self built) for the same price.
  15. What program are you watching it in. Sounds like the codec etc isn't working properly.
  16. Allan268


    If you get a stable connection then it would be fine. You should shop around for a second hand laptop to start with. Only problem you may get is your graphics. Why not get a pc instead? You could have a pc built for the price a laptop will cost.
  17. GPL league? I raced in a GPL League for over a year, it's brilliant stuff.
  18. Wouldn't waste your time with 64 bit edition at the moment. I have an amd 64 and use normal win xp. Windows Vista is due out early next year which will support everything for 64 so you are aswell just waiting.
  19. Can you give me more info on the freezes? Is there any pattern to them or is it just locking up? Did you format when you changed the motherboard? If not it could be a driver conflict, or most likely will be. Need more info before i can give you a proper answer though.
  20. This can probably be done in Adobe Premier somehow, this is what i used to make the movies off the F2 meetings online.
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