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Everything posted by TADS

  1. sorry lads i have major house renovations that had to be done and was more important but im now back online so i will chat to aub and see what we will do TADS
  2. hi all i have had 2 mths offline and ready to carry on my track making tutorial but with a twist... if enuff people want it it will be a live stream tutorial so if you get in to problems im on mic and chat to help you though it so what do people think?? to talk to me via mic it will be a vent chat! to watch u will just vist a site to see my desktop or a download to view it with built in chat!! GIVE ME YA VIEWS TADS
  3. TADS


    have you tryed default username and password???? The default username is 'admin', and the default password is either 'admin' (for software before v6.2.6E), or for later versions, the password is your unique Home Hub serial number. Once you've logged on, you'll see the main configuration screen. this was found within 2 mins on google http://www.frequencycast.co.uk/homehub.html
  4. TADS


    google your router or just click here http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&c...ing&spell=1
  5. COMMONMAPS.mas is a standard .mas file by the look of it as it is not in any other track file so ask if the COMMONMAPS.mas is in the correct location C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Locations if it is not there then he needs it there or maybe someone else has had this problem? and can give another fix? TADS
  6. yea it looks like its going to go ahead with rallycross group b mod but in the ukdirt winter season (not long now i think) so will give more details nearer the time
  7. IF no tga to tex converters work then you have not set your tga setings in your paint program you need to save tga as 24bit UNCOMPRESSED that should fix it TADS
  8. hi lads i installed the UkDirt Hot Rods on my servers (rfactor) but in the install the .rfm files are missing this happened on my pc aswell when installing hot rods as i deleted what i had then installed the ukdirt installs could someone please look in to this? i did get the .rfm's from a mate so i could open a server for hot rods! Kev (TADS)
  9. TADS


    here is one i hope to be racing in the rods soon just finished it. click the pic to see a little animation! TADS
  10. i had the 6200LE worked ok with rfactor... i had the lastest nivida drivers tho for gforce 6 series so maybe you could try that
  11. www.sim-stox.co.uk u have to register tho
  12. mine atm
  13. well we was weighing on the idea of thursdays when the F1 season ends so there is something running on a thursday! duno what rallycross mod tho as there is rallycross and rallycross group b just downloading the rallycross one see what its like i only have the group b one TADS
  14. tbh tho if you are asking all these questions are you ready to open a "league" imo you should sit back and race what leagues you can and have none of the trouble that admins have or see if you can get on a leagues dp team and learn the ropes 1st TADS
  15. yes you have done something wrong... as it says in the tutorial u HAVE to save the tga in the folder of the tga converter and as i can see on your pic u have it in docs and settings so put the tga in the tga converter folder and try again! i am looking at trying to convert a skin that is in any place on your hard drive but at the mo this is not possable TADS
  16. Hi All, i have been working on this for a while now and i have got it to a state to give it a v1.0 release please take a look at it and try it out.. the more feedback i get the better the tool can be!! website addy you MUST be registered to download the tool its in Downloads please note you need to keep the dir clean!! or it will convert all the tga's in folder there is also a video tutorial on how to use the tool in the HELP tab at the top of the tool you are best to watch this 1st!! VIDEO TUTORIAL LINK TADS
  17. TADS

    track tutorial

    link has changed for the tut and new one will be up tonight sometime track tutorial new link
  18. TADS

    track tutorial

    if any one has a problem loading the video on the page just hit the direct link to the feedback page and there is a link you can download the video... but be warned it is a big file... something like 60 odd mb @stig the video is a big file and if you dont have a good net connection it may stop it will buffer all the time and the video is the size of the screen near on so i dont know why its small on your screen... best viewed in firefox! TADS
  19. TADS

    track tutorial

    thanks for replys lads i may be doing part 2 tonite or tomoz night TADS
  20. hi all i started a video tutorial for track modelling sorry for bad Commentary it was l8 n everyone was in bed!! tutorial link here please leave feedback TADS
  21. hi all wonder if anyone has come accross this b4 when you go to multiplayer i get protocol unavailble NEVER had this before and not sure how it has happend i raced last night in head to head but wont work today :S if i hit find it gets a heat log but no error here is the pic of multiplayer... this is as i just hit next after i chose my car and i get this thanks if anyone knows whats wrong... i have installed the game again aswel TADS
  22. hi is there something wrong with the site?? when i go to www.ukdirt.co.uk says are you working on the site or is this an AOL thing as someone else cant get on and they on AOL aswell ?? thanks TADS
  23. hello swindy nice to see ya making tracks still... before anyone starts this is MY opinion and MINE ONLY i know you said in the 1st post but if it was me i would scrap the buildings and model them and make some new textures for them in psp/photo shop if you look at the building that sits near the control box you have the grass thats actually sat just behind the control box on the long building texture and i dont know if this is what you ment by better textures to fix stuff like this... just pointing it out... the "real life" pics being used realy dont look right as they look VERY blurred in game witch is why i made all my own in psp for arlington that said i do like racing on tracks you have done for the "WAY" they drive just imo the textures and the "lack" of track side object modeled really lets your work down a photo on a alpha channel on a plane dont look quite right im not the best modeler and no where near it but i now (as i can do bits in 3dmax) pay attention to detail and how stuff is modeled i look at other games and think well thats modeled good or bad i know its sad to do but after learning it you see it! just look at the VERY bad textures in Fleet to what i done with Arlington and some i done in Standlake (apart from the main drivable ones nickm made) cant wait to see it finished TADS
  24. nath123 had my merc beaver tail i made if he see's this he can post it up i had a look but its on one of my many disks parry made the VW transporter TADS
  25. hi all i have been doing this most of the day but finalY got something working... it is not the best thing in the world but it works Smile but there are a few things you cant do with it... CAN DO: show people you are hosting show server name show ip show port show password show how many players can connect show what mod for heat you are using CANT DO show live feeds from the server (yet) connect str8 from the website to the game or server (yet) auto close the listing when server is closed so when you go on the index for heat servers you will see i have one open now and will be open for around 24 hours this is only running the tracks that we use for bangers at the mo as thats the only tracks i have all you do to put a server listing up is as follows: cllick the server listing form on the left under quick links that takes you to a form input the corect details about your server and hit submit that then takes you back the the server index page where you will see your server is listed in the list... now we need to behave with this listings as you need to close the listing down after you close the server as its not a live feed yet and please take care and only close your server and not everyones... all you do is find your server in the list and go to the end of the line and hit delete all dun now its on a site im making atm for heat and rfactor so the site dont look very nice but the link for the server index is on the left in links i hope you all find it easy and i hope you will use it untill we have something better or i put more in to this one all thats left is to link you so here it is: my new site with the server index on there is a bangers server up for wreck ups today aswell and if i have a server listed on one of my ip's then it will be there!! TADS
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