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Everything posted by martwisely

  1. Happy birthday ave a goodone
  2. Happy bday
  3. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/noises.php They finally mean something
  4. martwisely


    best get that exhaust looked at m8 Great renders
  5. Great work to all the hard work that went into this. Whats the next model going to be?
  6. Try restartin the pc mate first. If that dont work then post again. as uve maybe hit the button for safe mode when u started up.
  7. [attachmentid=11230] [attachmentid=11231] Cany any1 spot the difference between these 2 pictures as i cant? Any help appreciated
  8. Dont know if u remember me but happy 16th mate
  9. who made it?
  10. i know im not as good myself on renderin (Hence why i gave up, have no time nowadays to do it) But maybe zoom in a bit closer. And crop it a little bit like this [attachmentid=11159] Martin
  11. umm its the other marty Wrighty not me lol. But anyway gr8t job Are you releasing it for offline use?
  12. Well its still only got 1 wheel drive. My sister will be racing it at Crimond next season if we ever get it sorted Great all we need is another womAn driver
  13. Ask erik thats gota be worth say a £100 at the most his one.
  14. out of interest i used this program and heres my results! [attachmentid=11132] My pc seems to be running slow and does tend to freeze at times when i open folders. and i sometimes do have to switch it off at wall and put it back on again. Which i know can harm the computer. hijackthis.zip
  15. My very first hotrod for offline use. [attachmentid=11129] [attachmentid=11130] [attachmentid=11131] Comments please and would some1 kindly render it 4 me. If you would like to could you pm me Thanks
  16. I meant at crimond . I don`t race at Crimond but my cousin does in the hot saloons number 4 Ah right ok
  17. well done
  18. I meant at crimond .
  19. I use photoshop cs2 and photoshop7
  20. That ur car for next season Bill ?
  21. Congratulations to both the three of uz
  22. martwisely


    Nice render and skin rikard
  23. ...
  24. Perhaps look at the instruction book ?
  25. martwisely


    Think he knows that... ur not that talented
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