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Everything posted by martwisely

  1. I diasgree with the Follow in rule! Minimial contact like a nudge!! should only be allowed not Full contact It will spoil the fun if its full contact and ur allowed follow ins etc! If your going to run this league you at least got to have some rules and not stupid ones! like follow ins are allowed! I think you don need to think about the rules again Kane and be serious about them and not just we can do this we can do that, if he follows him in thats ok no ban! I am only willing to help out if you change these rules!
  2. Hi painted this today for offline use. Comment please [attachmentid=11960] [attachmentid=11961] [attachmentid=11962] [attachmentid=11963] and would it be possible if someone could render it for me Martin
  3. ive been through each post and here is a list of names of people who said thel be interested Me Erik192 Garfie167 Jimmy259 Rollcage 97 kane 456 gogs110 Kruiz 136 littledevil#9 Burton256 robin-h225 cal#317 tombo509 Dave 908 Mac Jnr 219 Vixtro Rikard#59 Dannyboy530 Sash 332 Are all of you still interested ?? And if it is on a Thursday Night how about a 6pm Start as there is TNBangers on a thurs Night!! Martin
  4. I Dont see why there should be a dirty version of minis! Not every1 will have time and for one dont know how to paint it dirty (i for one) I say Rule that rule out and only have one car per person! You do wana get this league started so i would do away with this rule and then maybe more people would race! IMO Martin
  5. There was 2 much of them! lol
  6. o cheers but i got to speak to marty then i will get back to you all but if we start it u will mite have to be a member to ukdirt and have paid the money martin cud you r/m? Yes i could R/M And doubt there will be much point an havin jolt etc cos not that many people will be interested best keep it private servers IMO.
  7. Hows this wee project coming along?
  8. Happy Birthday
  9. Heres mine [attachmentid=11921]
  10. By god u sure have alot of Rubbish on that desktop! lol
  11. HMM i sed i wld help out origanally if its on a thurs i shud manage! Could use my chat and forum. as i previously said.
  12. Have to agree there Try this code Buy it... :Hide: Shud work
  13. How did u manage to get Moodies Wing of his f2 ???
  14. Nice sparky keep up the good work
  15. Heres your Sierra [attachmentid=11748] [attachmentid=11749] Managed to paint this today [attachmentid=11750] table Driver number 379 name Marty379 chassis sierra rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end Martin CAR379.zip
  16. Updated version [attachmentid=11736] Comments welcome And here is the tex for u [attachmentid=11737] table Driver number 379 name Marty379 chassis granIc rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end CAR379.zip
  17. Nice Fbf anoother great model
  18. I spoke to erik on msn before paintin this.incase he had painted one but hadnt yet so i said i would do it. Ended up having not to go into work tonight so did your Granny Coupe Heres a pic [attachmentid=11732] Ive just noticed that the engines painted in red so i will sort that! Anything else you would like added or Changed? As i will change this while sortin the engine. IMO i think you should have red on bonnet and boot aswell. Let me know Martin
  19. I havent got round to doing these yet, prob wont be until another week at least. Someone else can have a go at them or Perhaps you can have a bash at them yourself. Thought you painted skins?? Been busy with life atm. Mums in hospital at the moment , and ive bn workin non stop and tryin to do other things all at the same time. Hope u understand! Martin
  20. You either dont have options.def oryour file is corrupt. But dont quote me on it. Martin
  21. Nice one
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