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Everything posted by martwisely

  1. where
  2. when will that boy learn
  3. Happy birthday m8te Have a good one
  4. How much people have cleaned aroiund there computer n gave it a little dust before taking the picture
  5. 41.28.531: AI: Warning: No ghost data. Would it be that??
  6. Have a look in the skinpainting section plenty of people have posted up models
  7. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...86&hl=en-GB
  8. Is it windows live messenger ? or just msn 7? As i had a problem similiar to this when i had windows live messenger, so i went back to msn 7 and it works fine.
  9. When im at work When im out My bestest skill and last but not least when erik speaks to me im like
  10. No problem
  11. You still want forum space ?? and a website let me know.
  12. Mine [attachmentid=9799]
  13. Dont know if ur still with us but happy birthday m8
  14. Nice rik
  15. I have offered to do that sash. But still waitin on a reply
  16. Please expand on what you mean
  17. Cheers
  18. Same here
  19. Happy Birthday Have a good one
  20. Cheers lol
  21. Bet u to it Allstar posted first
  22. Why not ask an original team member of invaders Or ask one of them whos in the Team ATM
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