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Everything posted by Jarry164

  1. Do it properly Ecosse Topstox
  2. http://www.bhmotorsports.com/download/8868
  3. [attachmentid=10088] Smallfield8.zip
  4. mmmmm.............slides down nicely tho, who needs aftershock
  5. Personally I think its an absolute disgrace that tiling like that should be shoved in the face of genuine diy enthusiasts who take pride in there work....... .....and dont get me started on the grouting
  6. Did What? If you say what you actually did it may help others who may have the same problems in the future
  7. http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=15463#
  8. Crash happy...check that your firewall is not stopping them getting in, usual cause
  9. Right click on the short cut for game and change the compatibility to win2000 ReInstall patch 1.72e and check that your anti-virus program is not interfering with the game when trying to connect online Hope this helps
  10. Jarry164


    It is and try this smitrem
  11. Hi DB Found this statement while having a browse dont know ifit works 'Apparently it has something to do with a microsoft update. How I fixed it was to change the screen resolution, and then change it back. That seems to fix the problem.' If not then bin it and change to Opera
  12. Happy Birthday m8....have a good 'un
  13. Jarry164


    Hi BB sounds like your looking for a shotgun now Follow this should get you back up to speed m8 smitrem I suggest you print out instructions as you wont be able to read them from safe mode....good luck
  14. still looking for the dolphins
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