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Everything posted by xTx

  1. It will probably go quicker if you put passengers in it. And i assume that shortcuts across the centre green are allowed when racing it! Well done swindy, cant wait to have a go
  2. Happy birthday Jr, have a day off on us!
  3. I think you can write Only joking, well done mate
  4. well done rik for standing by your post without horse racing there'd be very few horses, and a lot of unemployed shortar**s!
  5. best description of politics i ever read
  6. Us londoners are used to proposals being steamrollered in despite consultations showing the majority of people affected are against the scheme. The congestion charge and extension are prime examples. More worrying is the proposed low emisions zone (LEZ) which will see racers being charged £200 to bring their coaches and wagons to wimbo on a sunday night for a bit of racing. The proposal will basically charge anything transit sized or bigger to move within the M25 24hrs / 365 days a year if it was registered pre october 2001. The "proposal" is in "consultation" as i write, but you can expect it in place by august 08. For my boss it means scrapping 9 7.5tonne trucks and the 3.5tonne luton van he lends me to tow my bangers with! Thanks for saving the environment Red Ken!
  7. Eriks paid his jolt? Ffs, who allowed that? Probably an American
  8. and come back black and blue... have a goodun!
  9. itsa coupe, not an estate (no rear doors) Dolomites/Toledos are deffo rwd. Think Hotrods gettin dolly mixed up. Its short for dolly bird (bluebird) not dolomite. I prefer "donald" for Donald Duck, the famous Blue Bird. Tin is great, but these days if drivers only raced tin then there wouldn't be much racin goin on. Its easy to scoff at us for racin "bilge" in lightweight formulas but at least we're racin, not standin at the side makin arsy comments.
  10. Amazing control displayed in this vid!
  11. xTx


    naughty tombo, i can appreciate the female form without followin a link here....
  12. Knowing Marty he probs did it wrong! lol I Remember him tryin to setup photoshop! I had to go through it step by step with him! Don't give him my number then xTx
  13. fell down on Range Rover and M bimmers, good fun tho, cheers Rik xTx
  14. Merry christmas all! Nice to have a bit of time off innit! Have a great one, hope to bump into you all next year,
  15. he'll need the glide wrapper, see post above
  16. here you go, please try and type in something approaching english m8, xTx [attachmentid=12254]
  17. if you have a look in the program files you'll find all sorts of text files that allow you to modify sod in lots of great ways, such as money, number of competitors, AI aggression levels, etc, etc, xTx
  18. cool, thanks do they have a website? and and another thing thought you may know, where does Cecil get all his cars from? he must have loads! he builds about 3/4 a week somtimes! http://www.gwbridges.co.uk A lot of his cars are sourced via his contacts. He was doing a deal with BoxerJack on Astras last year. Cars like the Roller and Limo were all paid for by the TV Companies for renting out on shows like Vroom Vroom, Top Gear and Ant N Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway. Once finished with we can then race them. As for 3 or 4 a week, thats a slow week, lol. The last 2 weeks over 12 cars have come out of the workshop, including 5 or 6 for the Ipswich charity team meeting as well as 4 or 5 metros. The best we wver did was build 11 cars in one week, half of those were to promote the flatout video game at Wimbledon. didn't realise you worked with cecil, were you with him at wimbo on november 3rd?
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