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Everything posted by xTx

  1. v3.2 never worked for me, i've always run by installing carma 2, then swopping data files and deleting DATA.TWT You will need updates to run in xp get them here http://www.sold-out.co.uk/soldout/support/carmageddon2.html you will also need glide wrapper which is here http://www.zeckensack.de/glide/ Install carma2, then sold out updates, test carma 2, if not working then install glide, then unzip v4 and swop data files and delete DATA.twt get carstockalypse here http://www.planetmaim.com/download.php?id=...mp;moo=filedesc If you look in unzipped files, most have clear instructions on how to install and use them, look for By the way it is very easy to edit text files in data to increase number of oppnent cars, money and time awards, increase opponent aggression etc, well worth playing around with. I'll try to post my data file at some point, which has good selection of cars, tracks etc. xTx
  2. if you got any issues installing this i've got some files that will help to run it, especially on xp, just post here xTx
  3. look what i found http://thesprayshop.net/html/C2Mods/Freddy-1.shtml and http://thesprayshop.net/html/c2cars/Freddy-4.shtml and http://www.freewebtown.com/rcbang833/sodbanger.html download, unzip and enjoy xTx
  4. shocking, 2 bonza ozzies lost in a week, RIP Brocky a true V8 supercar superstar.
  5. Sometimes you hear of a famous persons death and it stops you in your tracks, even though you never met or knew them. Steve Irwin was just such a person, overflowing with life, love, knowledge, humour and passion. His fame and fortune were a by-product of his life work and he was all the more appreciated for it. Although i've no big interest in nature, i've learnt from watching his programmes and greatly enjoyed them too. I'll spare his family a thought or two, they must have loved him dearly. As the saying goes, we all owe nature a death. Steve Irwins was a little too soon. R.I.P.
  6. Thanks all, new house new baby and finally new broadband so see you all racin Tuesday xTx
  7. Sorry its 2 days late but just got back online! Happy Birthday M8 hope u enjoyed it. See you racin Tuesday, xTx
  8. hi all, had 2 x probs with ford ignition packs on late carb model escorts and fiestas. They were both g reg and both suffered fatal failure with eratic sparking and the ignition modules generally being pants. Is there a plug and play device i can build that would bypass this. I'm racin in rookies atm so build is minimal but i would prefer to run an old style coil straight from the battery to the dizzy and bypass the key/fuse/module etc. I've got an old singer that runs like this (wanted to race a60 amble but new arrival in family has postponed racin for now) but me and firestorm are gettin headaches with more modern stuff. Any ideas / pictures etc would be useful. Thanks xTx
  9. cheers mates, spent it movin house so not much fun, but all settled now. Back racin when they connect my broadband, until then enjoy yourselves, xTx
  10. here are couple more cool tv add films http://www.pirellifilm.com/thefilm/home.jhtml http://paultan.org/archives/2006/05/26/nis...-the-run-video/ anyone got "the hire", 8 short films by bmw found one here http://www.e39m5.com/downloads/videos/Star.wmv
  11. Guy on right "I can't find my arse!" Guy on left "Try using both hands" xTx
  12. took me a while to find it but this is the best collection by far, even has cars by our old mate freddy http://tb.polygonized.com/dtd/carma2_cars.shtml
  13. Where did you get those road cars from? try here http://wasted.polygonized.com/cat.php?sec=...ile_name&order= and here http://mb.polygonized.com/eb_car.shtml download, unzip, put files in folders and use carstockalypse to add to game
  14. knew spedeworth wouldn't let injection on their tracks, bunch of $%^%*%*
  15. July 16th 2005, Suffulk Open and my 30th birthday. Got a baby sitter, drove up from london with my girl, lounged on the grassy bank in the evening sun, with the mixed scents of a warm suumers day and 120 banger driving nutters. Saw some great cars, rollers, bimmers, jags, japs, grannies, yanks, voles, P5's, DS's, hearses and more. The action was fantastic, some of the car control was sublime, mushy was throwing his 240 around like a rally superstar, the DD was a proper head to head between an XJS and a rock hard yank, I'll never forget it. It was the best way to spend my 30th and one of the best meetings i've been to. Go to Mildenhall, cos there's plenty more treasure to find!
  16. I've used them twice, it cost £150 to £200 depending on track. He let me choose my car (both sunny's) and choose paint scheme. He provided all the kit and kept the car running. It was great and i loved every minute of it. As a result i'm now racin with fire, off a trailer and a driveway. I'm on cecils homepage clutching a trophy as i won the first race i did with him. Other photos of my evening are on his site here: http://www.cecilsrentarookie.co.uk/galleri...allery_fans.htm my advise is go for it, best decision i ever made and it was for my 30th too. xTx
  17. Best banger racing game for a long time and developed by Monster Games, who of course did Nascar Heat. To help with follow ins go to Feats in the options menu, and switch on Turbo. If its not switchonable it'll tell you how to unlock it. Hardcore mode is cool as well, makes the game faster and harder. Checkhttp://mgiracing.com/ for gameography and http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Test-Drive-Eve-of-De...1QQcmdZViewItem for a us seller willing to post to uk
  18. update!!! I had to reinstall recently and noticed something that may be relevant. The Ukdirt instructions suggest that you install and test nascar heat, then install the no cd and 1.72e patch, then test again. The warning box that heat is not designed to run in windows 2000 only came up after i installed the no cd patch and 1.72e. . The message never made sense to me as i'm not asking heat to run in windows 2000, i'm asking it to run in xp, so the message should say "nascar heat not designed to run in XP". I think the problem is the patch and not the original game as Nascar Heat runs fine on xp without any issues. The patch thinks its running banger heat in windows 2000, but nascar heat is happily running in xp, hence the ping problem. For instance, if you change banger heat compatabily to windows98, the patch trys to run nascar heat as a win 98 program in a win2000 environment. The patch is trying to solve a problem that nascar heat isn't experiencing. I think the answer is to update the patch to xp spec, but thats well outside of my abilities. I hope my this observation helps. As they say, the devils in the detail!
  19. Arena essex might have slightly better racing but arlington's slighty nicer day out, on balance i'd go arena
  20. Thanks for the credit Well done otherwise and dont be to
  21. i basically cant play anymore, i got 1 race from the last two meetings. it seems to be the server bouncing back my computer, because it happens post password screen and is much worse when lots of people are online. enditall doesnt help, nor does changing compatability or switching off firewall. Can wm's check server provider?
  22. just use a brick? You want the window to come out whole do you not? If its laminated safety glass, a brick might work, but if not, you will be sweeping up shards of glass for ages if you use a brick. Or if your getting annoyed with it taking ages with the glue or whatever the brick could be a last resort, more fun to but the tiding up would be a problem park the car on a tarp, then tidying takes seconds I'll be at wimbo cheering you on magpye, hope all you heat users will join me
  23. If you're having trouble getting past password stage in online heat then check your crash log. If it says "Panic Task Multiplayer was not suspended" then right click on the Bangerheat icon on your desktop and switch on compatability mode. Run the game as either Windows NT/4.0 or Windows 2000, and switch off your antivirus. If you get pinged out after this, whether its that evening or the next time you try, then switch off compatability mode, turn on antivirus and run the game online. You'll get pinged out again at which point reset to compatability mode on and antivirus off. This method seems to overcome the ongoing problems i've been experiencing and has let me have full nights racing in teams. Its a pain in the ass but so long as you go on line 30 - 40 minutes before racing starts, this should get you ready in time for the meet Good Luck, any feedback appreciated xTx
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