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Everything posted by xTx

  1. Cheers again pete, i'll try that, if no good then back on ebay she'll go. Ps i know about the rfactor mod issues, i was just pullin yr leg hehe
  2. thanks pete, but i'm waiting for a banger conversion before i try rfactor I'm looking for help for a nascarheat setup so any other advise welcome
  3. I treated myself to one of these but the steering response seems v slow. Any help or info on setup and calibration etc would be useful as it came without instructions. cheers, xTx
  4. Posting in the skin painting forum? Is this wise....
  5. and download file is called "consul capri file and FLATTENED template download" and eriks next "easy to make" car will be....
  6. nope just accept its part of growing up Just pop out for a spin in yr motor, that'll show em every time
  7. Love that cheeky little grin at the end of the vid, quality find. Still here Murph?
  8. problems editing the above, but you'll need to enter nw10 7jw in the address bar then zoom in.
  9. problems editing the above, but you'll need to enter nw104hl in the address bar then zoom in.
  10. Found a sattelite picture of my to be raced collection, from the left, its an escort, allegro, integra, sunny, singer vogue and a mk2 cav on the trailer. The escort went to scrap, the sunny and integra have been raced and the other 3 have been joined by few more too. The agro's mega poo, but the singer and cav will be out this year. http://local.live.com/?mkt=en-gb
  11. yup, cos he's selling his wagon too
  12. Just look at the ages of those posting cod, its kids being kids. Shame its on a public forum and i dont like the gay bashing by braderz, but we were all young and stupid once.
  13. The sultan of brunei's notorious nephew had several ferrari 456 4 door estates built and a few 4x4 bentleys too. http://www.qv500.com/ferrari456p3.php http://www.sybarites.org/2006/07/04/bentle...or-suv-concept/
  14. The sultan of brunei's notorious nephew had several ferrari 456 4 door estates built and a few 4x4 bentleys too. http://www.qv500.com/ferrari456p3.php
  15. great effort, but "station hotel" starts further back on the real life car.
  16. create a new folder, lob the carxxx.tex's in and edit an existing drivers text so that the drivers entrys match the carxxx.tex's in the folder. IE car123.tex = cortina for xtx and car124.tex = capri for calum then pop a drivers text like this in ; -------------- ; drivers.txt ; use caution when editing this file!!! ; new skinpack for xTx and Calum ; 18/06/07 ; -------------- table Driver number 123 name xTx chassis cortina rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 124 name calum chassis capri rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end end Not too difficult, just time consuming. If you look at an existing skin pack in your heat folder you should be able to work it out, xTx
  17. Didn't believe he coulda pulled that out but here it is courtesy of www.bangorama.be [attachmentid=16617]
  18. Pants, but thanx for asking. Race one i was too late for, race two the fuel pump seized and race three i stalled and the starter motor went u/s on the first corner, oh well, thats racing for you
  19. Here it is for you. Unzip then put it in programfiles/carmageddon/data/races folder, good luck, xTx [attachmentid=16452] Speedway_MISSION.zip
  20. If i had that sort of cash to flash, i'd be racing on the long tracks or with a mate through a forest. Ovals should be for cheap saloon car racing with the emphasis on fun over speed. At the moment oval promotors are tying themselves up in knots over what a "contact" formula is, with the cash rich drivers putting pressure on them not to let the hard hitting loons damage their superlight, superbalanced superfast dream machines. Add onto that the insurers pushing up the premiums because of some shadowy hse (that never actually turn up and declare anything unsafe in my experience) and you've got problems on your hands. An old neighbour of mine had an F1 v8 back in the late 80's and it was great. Heavy, noisy, slow, handled like a pig, and hit everything in sight. I doubt they'd let it race these days, in case he scratched something valuable. Oh well, as always, in the end the money talks and the bulls**t walks.
  21. I'll second that Dave! When I was headed for one I thought "that's ok it's only a tyre". Next thing.....bang.....stop dead.....ouch....find reverse.....continue! reminds me of wimbo
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