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Everything posted by xTx

  1. They're looking for the bit of the particle that sets its mass. It's a constant and controls the force an object exerts on another object. If we can work out how to control force then we can set the rate at which objects attract and repel each other. This opens endless possibilities for high speed travel, generation of free energy and the possibility of time travel. Exciting stuff indeed!
  2. woop toot! Have a goodun John! xTx
  3. 3 point seat belt, no h frame, no door plate, dash in, hardcore!
  4. Wish your pop good luck from all of us Amy Louise Any pics of yr motor m8?
  5. itsa renault 9 you numptys prob a 1.4 or 1.7 biggest numpty is the bloke racing it, unless you changed all the running gear, all french cars r poop lol. Well done for getting out there mate, hope you enjoyed it and will be out again soon!
  6. these losers pee me off m8
  7. I spent an hour thinking up choccy related sentances. I posted photo's. I posted advice. I received help. I welcomed newbies and said my goodbye's to oldies. I got pm'd a skin for the Beech Memorial. I read jokes. I applauded winners. I commiserated losers. I saw who i was racing with... and against. I read everyone elses contributions. I sighed. I laughed. Now its all gone. Two weeks of a piece of 800 peoples lives lost. Whoever hacked this forum..... damn you. Grow some balls. Go hack Nasa. Grow a conscience. Go hack Wallmart. Go hack Natwest, get some money, get out more. Get a life. Get out of ours.
  8. 10 yr old yank tank, and already on the track, Quality! Great skin Swindy
  9. Happy Birthday Rodder! One step closer to the bus pass eh!
  10. Well done, good work fella
  11. Course Hutch, Kid "Wife Beater" Rock's bilge wound me up is all
  12. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Radeon r poo
  13. Nascar heat is an old game. A brand new PC can run it without a graphics card just using its chipset. So try disabling your graphics card in the hardware manager and then run ukdirt, If it works then you may be able to plug your old card into the mother board and use it to run Nascar heat optimally.
  14. Kid Rock tells us to steal from rich people... that got rich by selling us stuff? So is his message - Buy stuff from vendors until they're rich... then steal from them? Perhaps he's subversively telling rich people that they should stop being so greedy. Or is he simply saying "I got mine, do what you want, i dont give a..." Or is he representing himself in a way that makes us poor folk feel a connection with him that encourages us to buy his output? Music companys turn over billions of dollars. Apple makes more on music downloads then it does on hardware sales. Go steal an ipod, it's a loss leader anyway. To make it work you need software... that takes you to the itunes store... where you spend your money on a copywritten data stream. On which Apple pay music rights to... Kid Rock for instance. Do yourselves a favour Stig, Hutch, Walker, download some Rage Against The Machine and listen carefully. Amongst their wisdoms are such gems as "Radio is silent though it fills the air with noises" Dont believe the hype xTx
  15. What a storm in a teacup "why cant we all just love each other"
  16. I use www.gomusic.ru as it provides a huge range of music legally downloaded for £1.00 an album. I've been using it for 3years now and had nothing but great cheap music downloads. You shouldn't expect your music for free, it costs to produce, but paying £5-6 to download an album is ridiculous too.
  17. Earache's offered up on the A60, help with the P5B Coupe would be appreciated Dode. As for The Nob Brigade, bring Ya Banter lol
  18. I'd be gratefull if one of you luvly skin painters would do me an A60 for Tuesday. Yellow with black pillars and roof, xTx and The Mob sprayed on it. I might not use it but would be good to have if the opportunity presents itself last thing on Tuesday. And a P5B Coupe for the Ukdirt vs TNB bash on Wednesday. I think colours are Red White and Blue, a skin based on the Marseillaise would be good but there might be some pre chosen combo of Red White and Blue that i'm not aware of. I do my own skins normally but the small matter of my wedding on 3rd August is restricting my time... As for signing it Big Up Ukdirt and Tell It Like It Is to those TNB Ukdirt-wannabe free-server small-time good for nothing so n so's Suggest; Online Banger Racers Do It On Tuesday Feel the Hurt - UkDirt Wear It - Cos U Stole it Sign on drivers door with arrow pointing back - "Insert Axle Here" Sign on front "TNBumper" if you can help with these skins.... Cheers, xTx
  19. knew this would happen thats why i cba to argue. Saying "You're wrong but i can't be ar**d to argue" is a cheap shot. Put em up or shut up says i. And gd find Smiffers (edit), you got way too much time on yr hands lol
  20. I did my back on Monday so been lying down since, thanks for the messages, i'm doing a birthday / stag this Saturday, starting in a pub in Hammersmith, s'gonna be messy :-)
  21. Make em eat dirt Rodder, put tarmac on the menu for your race's Marcy, good luck both, post up the afters photo's
  22. Knock em for 6 Pants, dont be afraid to use your bumpers!
  23. quality find, at level 6 so far, my brains only bleeding gently so i'll carry on.
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