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Everything posted by xTx

  1. I had a great time at rena, nice to meet Knobby and Magic +others. Headbutting the steering wheel in the DD left me a bit wibbly wobbly but i soon recovered. I'll be doubling up on my whiplash on wednesday arly, until then here's a couple more of the sunny.
  2. xTx

    Yard shots

    Or are you remaking the Italian Job? Great shots Crashco, nice stash.
  3. I'll be at Arena on Sunday 22nd June and Arly on the 25th (banger 42) so come say hello if you're there, cheers xTx
  4. Well done Marsman, great car mate, love these big yank tanks, a one off meet with em would be cool imo
  5. Well done fritz, stick it up em mate
  6. That's almost as quality as your signiture, cheers Pete, rofl
  7. xTx

    Yard shots

    Quality, did it have a tow bar? And if so why?
  8. You need to suggest a formula and chassis and race number so that you get the right car made for you. For instance; Hot Rod Clio 123
  9. quote name='sibbs' date='23rd May 2008, 10:34:23' post='156759'] Yeah i got a letter. The promotors "Trojan international" are running it into the ground tho. Iv heard rumours not sure how true that someone else maybe getting in there (autospeed). I visited there in april for a nights racing. I found the facility to be good, those running it were friendly, professional and helpful and the racing was good. I didn't like the launch pads on the inside of the start of each corner, and there were very few spectators, but i'd race there again if it wasn't so far away.
  10. Apparently so..... Plenty of old american/european/russian/japanese rare beasts get destroyed too. History is full of rare unreplacable objects being destroyed by future generations, thats what makes whats left so valuable. Also, outside of banger racing those cars are worthless cos in all honesty they are ugly, badly designed , unreliable, noisy, uncomfortable and, well, crap tbh. No one wants to spend thousands restoring a 1960s rootes group saloon, so it ends up on the track...... Where it belongs
  11. xTx

    Merc estate

    Looks like a w123 estate, mostly seen in 230e spec. Proper job merc, last of the super well built ones, crap banger tho.
  12. Epic motor swindy, feels good to have you back popping out motor after motor, like we got our balance back :-) I reckon that FWD cars are way underused in ukdirt, great to see you making so many. Any more tracks on the way and how come your motors dont get used in Ukdirtbangers? Thats a genuine question btw, not trying to upset anyone.
  13. The rad will be wrapped round the pulley wheels and the engine will have moved to the point where there's no clutch, gearchange or throttle, so even discounting the fire, its f*****.
  14. You can see where they peeled open the doorframe to enter the car. No way they hit that tree without hurting themselves. I feel an overwhelming urge to find the lost little boys that did this and slap some sense into them, but ultimatley its their parents that need dealing with.............
  15. Insurers are thieves. In a no fault claim they still list it on your claims history but tell you its not used to calculate premiums. But if you call around for a quote, other companies expect you to disclose it even though its non fault . So any accident between 2 people scores 2 annual price increases for the insurance cartel regardless of fault. Furthermore, if the cost of investigating a claim is greater than the payout then they just payout. For example a petrol station owner claimed against our company insurance claiming one of our trucks had damaged his canopy lighting. The truck is 11FT 4", the canopy 11ft9". The garage owner reported it to his insurers using the registration of our vehicle after it had left. His insurers claimed on his behalf and despite us entering a "no knowledge of incident" response and pointing out the height discrepancies, our insurers paid out £954.00, stating it was not economically viable to investigate and fight the claim. We're also fighting an injury claim from a third party whos statement reads "i saw the truck hit my parked car from my shop window". Both he and i have pointed out the error and the insurers say it will be sorted when the total claim, including damage to his car, is settled. However, they have left an allowance on the claim of £10,000 for the injury. So if the claim is settled after June 26, our renewal date, then our premium will be calculated with that pending taken into account. . Worst of all is the premium placed on all motor insurance policies. This goes into a pot that pays out when you're hit by an uninsured driver. Sounds good? Well it isn't because it doesn't cover the first £300 of damage claims or £1000 of injury claims. Furthermore, issuers of comprehensive policies are starting to insist that you claim against this scheme if hit by an uninsured driver. Therefore if you have a comprensive policy with a low excess and are hit by and injured whilst driving by an uninsured driver you could end up £1300 out of pocket. Plus the uninsured driver wont be out of pocket as the fund he hasn't contributed to has effectively provided him with 3rd party insurance. So not only has Aussie lost his Nova, he's lost a days work, his excess, his no claims and he's unlikely to get the market value of his car or anything for the contents. The police may even charge him for recovery of the nova if its in a place of danger and if the fire has damaged anything then the damaged properties owner can claim against his policy. Oh Happy Days...... Hard Luck Aussie xTx
  16. xTx


    in the driver text the last line should read; wheel_basename (insert wheel name here) For a list of allowed wheels search around on this forum and check info on the ukdirt website at www.ukdirt.co.uk
  17. Thats a quote begging for a reply, STD......
  18. got mine, a giga pack, 2nd hand on ebay, upgraded to 4gb, £120 all in including speaker device and satalite plug in which i sold on for £20. It's basically a hand held replacement for the PS2, so quite good, i'm enjoying Flatout Head On atm.
  19. Triple sexy!!! Thanks Kev, well appreciated
  20. With the advent of chip and pin there's no excuse to hand your card to anyone. Also beware of cashpoints swallowing your card. If a "friendly" pops up and tells you they've a friend that works in the branch where your card's been taken and they'll speak to their friend on your behalf so you can get your card back, then simply call the police. Fraudsters will attempt to put your mind at rest giving them more time to spank your funds. As soon as you notice a card missing cancel it. Chip and Pin has allowed financial organisations to be much less simpathetic towards victims of fraud. Be carefull out there!
  21. Cav no.4 at ringwood on saturday and sunny no.42 at Bovvy on Sunday. Come say hello if your there
  22. Damn Spud, that ain't nothing but a shame, hope you and your motor are all okay. When's it out next?
  23. xTx


    Unlike LOTS of people on here.
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