Tugs647 Posted September 21, 2005 Report Posted September 21, 2005 (edited) As most of you will be aware, I will be taking part in the Ladies F2 race this year at Sheffield. And its only about 7 weeks and 5 days away (not that i'm counting) Lmao. Its Sunday 13th November! The race is sponsored this year with money going to the Ben Fund and some to Sheffield Childrens Hospital. Dave has kindly donated his car for me to race  So this is where you guys all come into things.......... I need to raise some sponsorship money so i am looking to you guys for help with this, please give generously. It could be worth it, and as Dave says why not pick a post while you donate!! £20 in the pot from one generous soul !! Thanks Sponsorship can be cheques, or cash when u see me. Thanks Muchly Guys Tugs P.S Dave says he'll run a sweepstake if you all pick a post!!!! Edited September 21, 2005 by Tugs647
crasher407 Posted September 22, 2005 Report Posted September 22, 2005 Just seen this thugs after what you said in chat it's crap that this is being overlooked,such a good cause ben fund never needed it myself but my dad got a fair bit out of it and the sheffield childrens hospital i know nothing about but anything for the kiddies is good for me. Sod all pledge as i'm skint anyhow being off work for a while but i'll get this thread going by pledging £10 for a worthy cause and will be looking in here and making it the top subject in this post. Craig ps now get pledging ya tight git's pps i'll have the 1st post as no one can beat that....
crasher407 Posted September 22, 2005 Report Posted September 22, 2005 just seen 81 views aswell so get pledging ya tight gits
timmy667 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 i`l pledge a tenner too tugs althought im not picking a post cos hopefully you`ll stay away from them. will be at sheffield for that meeting hopefully in me new shale car as me higgy has been sold to a new comer from newquay,will square up with you then P.s dave sticker is done did take it to northampton last weekend will you be at brum on the 8th might see you then
timmy667 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 nearly 200 views now crasher, christ money is tight and times are hard just give her your credit card
FireStorm Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 here as much as i hate f1's f2's I'll donate a tenner to each race 3 is it? If you complete the race. I was thinking of making it harder and saying a tenner if you make the top 10 but thats not fair. Can you just give us a quick run down on the ben fund. As being a southerner I've never heard of them.
timmy667 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 the ben fund is a fund for drivers who if injured and of work can claim from to help them until they get back on there feet so to speak, but even if thats not a good enough cause the childrens hospital is
kendo912 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 i'll be happy to pledge £10 for auntie!!!
Cabs Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 I promised Tugs £20 at the start of the year Will you give Tugs one for me Tim? (£20 note that is) I'll pass me cash on to Tim when I see him next Tugs and then he can pass it onto you and .......... you get the idea Best of luck for the meeting anyway Just out of interest, what happens if you end up quicker than Dave?
crasher407 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 timmy667 said: nearly 200 views now crasher, christ money is tight and times are hard just give her your credit card Number 1 over 240 views now so yep there all tight number 2 yes times are hard but even if everyon of the views had a pound donated that would be £240 at the moment number 3 you having a laugh a, shes female b, i know her lol Now get your friggin money out Cabs what do you mean what happens if shes quicker than dave???? Foregone conclusion isnt it.
Ham 775 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 (edited) Missed this post up till now. £10 from me as well. Plz pm me name and address to send cheque to Tugs. :EDIT: Doubled for a win from me as well. Edited September 23, 2005 by Ham 775
FireStorm Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 Well if she's quicker then Dave does Dave hand the car over to her and let her do a season.
TRAV365 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 im a bit like crasher still off work and have sponsored a few drivers this year and a few other things but im sure i can find some cash by november so put me down for £20 tugs
bathyboy81 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 I'll put £10 in , can you pm the address to send cheque to please?
DaveW329 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 altho i am donating my car im giving 20 quid too and if tugs win i'll slap it up to 50 notes
Grasser233 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 £10 from me and if Tugs wins it'll go up to £20 Good Luck Tugs Cheers Grasser#233
crasher407 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 good stuff £140 already providing thuggy doesnt win. If she does i'll also double my stake to £20 so come on madam thugs...
Badura_Racing258 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 ....I'll donate the pink yorkie bar i've got here, and if you make the first lap....i'll go buy another one, for me, to celebrate
Ian471 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 If you fence a certain person ill give £50
crasher407 Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 Ian471 said: If you fence a certain person ill give £50 Is it £25 if she doesnt???
crasher407 Posted September 24, 2005 Report Posted September 24, 2005 Come on ya tight git's only £140 still? All you driver's out there look what the ben fund can do for you if anything happen's? All you parent's out there look what the hospital's do for you if anything happen's? Come on every view on here if we had a £5 for each one it would be a cracking total,COME ON GET PLEDGING......................
Jarry164 Posted September 24, 2005 Report Posted September 24, 2005 pm an address and I'll stick a tenner in go get 'em Tugs
FireStorm Posted September 25, 2005 Report Posted September 25, 2005 Is it a 1 off race they are doing? or a nights meeting for the ladys?
Tugs647 Posted September 25, 2005 Author Report Posted September 25, 2005 Firestorm, its just a one off race thats all. Wish it was more but not to be! Thanks to all those who have pledged so far, its much appreciated and a special thanks to Crasher My Sponsorship Manager! Keep the money rolling in lads, it all for a good cause!! Thanks Again Tugs P.s Timmy we should be down at Brum on 8th to collect the goods from you, Thanks.
F2-Fan Posted September 25, 2005 Report Posted September 25, 2005 All money raised by the lady drivers will be going directly to the Ben Fund, Startrax are sponsoring every Lady to make the grid, this money will be the money going to Sheffield Childrens Hospital. They are hoping to get enough Lady Drivers booked in to make this two heats.
crasher407 Posted September 25, 2005 Report Posted September 25, 2005 F2-Fan said: All money raised by the lady drivers will be going directly to the Ben Fund, Startrax are sponsoring every Lady to make the grid, this money will be the money going to Sheffield Childrens Hospital. They are hoping to get enough Lady Drivers booked in to make this two heats. Hiya f2-fan think you missed out what your pledge was
crasher407 Posted September 25, 2005 Report Posted September 25, 2005 Well guys with you lot asking for way's to send your money pm me and you can pay it into one of my many bank acc's lol and i will forward it onto thug's when the donation's are received. ps this isn't a joke btw i have tugs bank detail's and as soon as i get the money in i will transfer it to her's which saves on stuff like paypal cost's and posting a cheque etc,i am in hsbc bank btw if that makes a difference. ANYHOW GET YOUR MONEY OUT YOU TIGHT GIT'S I KNOW WHO YOU ARE........................................
F2-Fan Posted September 25, 2005 Report Posted September 25, 2005 I am another of the Lady Drivers the one who I suppose instigated this meeting again for this year so I am sure Tugs will understand if I don't make a pledge, I am collecting my sponsorship other ways and wouldn't want to be gate crashing on her post. I just wanted to add a bit more information..
crasher407 Posted September 25, 2005 Report Posted September 25, 2005 (edited) F2-Fan said: I am another of the Lady Drivers the one who I suppose instigated this meeting again for this year so I am sure Tugs will understand if I don't make a pledge, I am collecting my sponsorship other ways and wouldn't want to be gate crashing on her post. I just wanted to add a bit more information.. Thats good and well done but send me a pm and i'm sure you can stretch to a £5 GOOD LUCK IN THE RACE BTW Edited September 25, 2005 by crasher407
crasher407 Posted September 26, 2005 Report Posted September 26, 2005 gone quiet on this thread??????
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