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big al 515

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Everything posted by big al 515

  1. @ Cider. Yeh me and Ron have lots in common actually - like we both have a big...beer belly
  2. Happy Birthday Trav, yer nutcase
  3. Has anyone got the Bash'n'Crash (N)ascar set? I saw it in Woolies today. I haven't done Scalextric since I was a nipper, so I don't know how much they've come on since those days. Just wondered if they are any good?
  4. Blue spanner. Interesting how this 2% is in the majority.
  5. Nice job Dave, I especially like the diary section.
  6. On that answersthatwork site, you can download a trial version of their ultimate troubleshooter. You get 10 free runs of it, which should be more than enough to sort anyone out. It just makes it easier to identify stuff and how to treat it rather than going backwards and forwards to the site. Might be worth giving it a bash. I found it useful.
  7. Hard to beat watching speedway on Sky, it's great. If you go and watch it 'live, it can be good and it can be not so good - just like stockcars. I don't think it's as good as it used to be, but I don't suppose stockcars are either.
  8. Well worth taking time out to read the Meeting Review page - the detailed, well written reports are fascinating and a very enjoyable read.
  9. Well done Spike, hope the cars ok, keep causing mayhem m8
  10. Absolutely fantastic WW. I knew you could do it, but couldn't believe you won a Cov Final in your 2nd ever F1 meeting - now that is class m8 You proved it was no fluke by winning the Dash For Cash too - amazing - keep it up m8
  11. Well done WW - top man!
  12. Top man Mart! You are on the up m8, new car looks the bizz, I am sure you have more wins and good results to come, keep it up m8.
  13. You getting coaching off daz Kitson then, Mav? You are one lucky fella if you are, not many novices will be lucky to get advice from such a top driver. Enjoy it Mav, and hope it gives you a good start to your racing - best of luck m8.
  14. OK Wrighty, if we can't we can't. I appreciate you getting things organised, so fair do. We'll just have to see how it goes with private servers - it's so long since I raced in one, I have forgot how many they can hold lol.
  15. All sounding very exciting. If meetings are at 10pm straight after Brisca Legends, it sure sounds logical to have Jolt given over to NZ for an hour or so then. Especially as the similar style of racing will probably mean a fair few BL drivers will double up in NZ.
  16. Hope you are having a good day, Corny - plenny o' Newcy Brown.
  17. Well done Spike. Car looks good m8. I am sure you can do some damage this year - to other cars mainly lol.
  18. Superb new track. Great to race offline. With it being pretty narrow, will be very interesting to try it online. The track is a nice shape, small but you can power it a bit because there is a nice run of the corners. It reminded me of the DTRSC version of Cowdie - but with shale of course. Smashing job, DirtNZ. Can't wait to get the team racing going.
  19. I had a few photos of him, but sorry m8, I used them as toilet paper
  20. Yeh sorry to hear of your pc's probs m8. I hope you get sorted soon.
  21. Thanks for raising the issue on here Dragon. I had been wondering for a while what was going on, or rather not going on, with this. At least I/we know where we are with it now. Ie not very far. Hopefully some kind soul will get things organised in due course.
  22. I see there is a Team Stratford already. Are teams getting organised then? If so, is there room for a littl'un in anyone's?
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