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big al 515

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Everything posted by big al 515

  1. Cheers for the reply, Wrighty. I have only just got rFactor running after previous problems that seem were probably down to a dodgy skin pack download. I just saw the post about rFactor Config and when I looked saw it could run in a window so I tried that and it worked ok, along with other changes I made, so wondered what was best. Plus I noticed it was set to DX7 Performance, even though my pc is on DX9 generally, but presumably DX7 Performance is ideal as I am mainly concerned with being able to race at all, although not sure how it even got set to DX7 not DX9?
  2. Do you have to register with File Front to get this track? Sorry, but I've never heard of File Front before.
  3. Looking in that rfactor config option, you can play it in a window instead of full screen - is this a bad idea in terms of using pc resources though? Does everyone play on full screen?
  4. Looking in that rfactor config option, you can play it in a window instead of full screen - is this a bad idea in terms of using pc resources though?
  5. Thanks for the advice but it has just crashed again now the same way with just my skins plus original install. Looks like HEAT for me until I replace the pc.
  6. Yes this error certainly surprised me. To be fair, my pc is at the minimum spec end of the scale but it worked fine at two online test meetings and works faultlessly for all my other needs including UK Dirt on HEAT. I am still a bit confused what skins I need for UK Dirt test series meetings. Just everything in the UKDirt Shale/Tarmac folders and none of the skins from the original install that are in the main Shale/Tarmac folders?
  7. I was initially able to run rFactor f1's no problem, but after installing the big on-line skin packs the game immediately refused to get past the opening loading rFactor loading screens and then locked up complaining of a graphics driver issue - which I have been unable to find a more uptodate driver that is able to be installed. The graphics on the pc also turned bad and I sometimes got a blue screen serious error. I have now deleted all the other files and folders in the skinpack folders in shale and tarmac apart from my own 515 shale and tarmac cars & their 8 skins and the game is happy again! It seems my pc can't handle loading all those other skins when first loading up, strangely. Can I cut down the number of other drivers skins in my folder without spoiling being able to see the correct cars on-line? All I am interested in is racing my own car and seeing other people's cars on-line so just want the bare minimum of files for doing that?
  8. Big Al 515 cancelling please - can't get RFactor to run on my pc today, my chipset driver keeps locking up with it and I can't get a more uptodate driver to install so I'm stuck til I sort this out.
  9. Super job putting these skinpacks together MOR - thanks for the big effort m8.
  10. Thanks for the explanation and screenshot MOR - it all makes perfect sense now.
  11. Here's mine MOR. You'll have to tell us how to access our different skins via that skins option in the game instead of having to change the veh.file each time m8 515shale.zip 515tarmac.zip
  12. UK Dirt run F2 league meetings on Monday nights which are quite popular.
  13. Sorry about this, was a little unsure what to do. Was thinking I had to use a novice if not my own skin on-line but guess that was me being dumb and I can use any "real" skin in the mod on-line anyway?
  14. Brill, that works a treat Scrap, ta very much, was getting fed up hitting Esc!
  15. Realised after you'll need the veh file too, so here it is. 515els.zip
  16. Does anyone know if there is a way to stop the trailer loading every time you go into the game?
  17. Here is my shale one. 515els.zip
  18. Thanks Scrap, Michael & GreenGenie, and also Thenees because that dds converter is very useful and easy to use.
  19. The skin guide looks great MOR but I can't even pass first base cause I can't find Grasser's templates that you refer to I have had a good look round the forum and also looked in my rFactor folder but can't find them. Help!
  20. Looking really good GG - keep at it m8 and looking forward to trying it Any particular criteria you have used for the track or based on any other tracks at all either?
  21. Sounds like maybe a bit at fault on both sides? I'd like to see a rule, though, where if you swear at another competitor you get kicked out of the meeting, then people might think a little more about what they are typing.
  22. First viewing of it looks super-realistic. Can't wait to get on-line with it. Great work and thanks. Just one query - the file for AI setup which is in the track folder, I think that would be the one called bellevue.AIW? Does it just cut and paste directly into the Vehicles\F1Stockcar folder?
  23. Sorry to hear about your treatment Matty. All I really know about it was seeing the way over-the-top language flying about early on in the meeting which was well embarrassing. Thankfully I didn't have a youngster looking over my shoulder but quite honestly if people have to stoop to talking to people like that they should stay offline.
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