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big al 515

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Everything posted by big al 515

  1. This was my first go on-line and I thought it was brilliant. The racing was really good. We were all making mistakes at times which is what you would expect, I got took out of leading my first ever heat by someone rejoining the track in a rather haphazard fashion but there was no way I was going to start f'ing and blinding at the guy so I was really mystified and disappointed to see others swearing at drivers who are trying to get to grips with the mod. The level of intolerance by a small few towards others was far worse than UK Dirt F1's and that is going some. Apart from the whining, it was a superb experience and I am looking forward to the next one already. Great track as well. Thanks for running it so well Drumbstick
  2. @ Scrap. Nope, I got your drift on every answer! Cheers m8
  3. big al 515


    Finally got this installed and it's an exciting mod to say the least. Certainly very challenging compared to Heat. At the moment I seem to have the gears running automatic and kicking between 1st and 2nd gear during any given lap - is this ok or are people generally running manual gears and sticking in one gear once they are up and running in a race like in Heat? I have to brake a lot harder into the corners than for Heat to avoid going very wide, is this normal? Thanks to the chap who posted his setup for Ipswich on the RFactor site, it's a lot better than default. I have settled on the cab view where you look out from the bonnet (tv cabview I think it was called) for the mo - with a generous 3 mirrors around me! Is it ok to book in for a test meeting using a novice skin or do I need to have a skin painted? (If it's the latter, it could be a while. ) I seemed to have found the Jolt 3 server - it showed noone in it and no ping but I connected to it and seemed to be able to lap on my own so I presume I was in it ok?
  4. Unbelievable scenes! Lucky old Criggy & the rest actually being there. Looked pretty full at Cardiff too. Can't remember a better speedway tv meeting and like Trash I am hoarse now. That final was the icing on the cake. Well done Bomber!
  5. Must be a WHSmith thing cause I was amazed to find this book on the shelves in our Huddersfield branch. I didn't buy it cause it seemed to be all Superstox stuff instead of proper F1's though and it has still been there everytime I've looked since so others must think the same. But still well done WHSmith for stocking summat different.
  6. Sorry it's belated, but hope you had a magic day Carp m8
  7. Cheers for the posts, lads - some good laffs in there too I had a good day cheers lads - hope you did too, big bruv MC.
  8. Hope you are OK Spike, sounds like you need to put your feet up a bit, buddy.
  9. That was proper racing from Bomber, thought the GP was gonna be boring this year and no British interest to speak of, but not after this, if the tracks have got dirt on it should be worth watching for Bomber alone.
  10. That task list website says that you pretty much need the ctfmon.exe program for Windows Update to operate?
  11. I had that same thing happening to me with MiRC and blacklisting a year or two back Kruiz, I didn't have a clue why or how to fix it. It put itself right again all by itself after about a couple of weeks & I was ok again, so maybe a glimmer of hope for you there m8.
  12. Hi lads A relative of mine has a Windows 98 pc which runs ok apart from in Internet Explorer if you click on a link which means opening a new window, the second window starts to open but remains translucent and seems to just freeze and nothing happens. The original window is still ok and closing the frozen window you can just carry on. I tried adjusting in the Advanced options to allow or disallow reusing the current window for opening a new one but made no difference. Any ideas, because on some websites it is essential to be able to open new windows? Thanks
  13. Superb Cheers Wrighty and The Mask Thanks to the others who tried to help too - go and get version 1.6 Munster, it's magic Don't think the original version had a setup copy and paster built in, that's well useful too.
  14. Can anyone direct me to that track swapper and quick launch utility that saves you needing loads of track showing in all your mods? I am struggling to find a link to it.
  15. Hi Wrinkly I don't think the "0 (dual processor?)" thing should stop you getting in as mine says the same, I think it's just if your processor has a dual core operation.
  16. Just installed HEAT on my new pc. Sometimes it loads ok, other times it crashes. It seemed to be fine until I tried to load a replay from Arena Old School which makes me wonder if it could be the Texture Compression thing, but I changed it to No and it still crashes sometimes. Error log attached. error_log.txt
  17. Have a good un Mav. And for your birthday treat I'll try and keep out of your way when you are lapping me in the big race tonight.
  18. Sideways shale racing? Surely not the way we should be going?
  19. big al 515


    Sorry to hear that BB. I know when these Spywares have got hold they can send the CPU usage skyhigh. Not sure why Doctor isn't able to keep going and zap them for you though. I aren't technical mate so hope someone else's advice sorts you.
  20. big al 515


    BB, I had something just about identical about 3 months ago, and I know how desperate you will be feeling! I tried a few things without success and Adaware etc will never clear your problem in a million years I'm afraid, it's beyond that. Eventually I had to shell out about £20 for a program called Spyware Doctor but it's absolutely first class. I downloaded it and installed it, ran a scan on it and it found the Malware that was doing the big damage along with about 3 or 4 hundred other ones as they all start piling in once they have hold of your pc. It cleared the lot no problem. Afterwards my pc worked perfectly again with no ill effects. I would seriously consider getting this package, as well as sorting your pc out now there is an on-line guard and stuff to stop it happening again but you can turn it off for racing if you wish. Obviously I can't promise you anything but it was twenty quid very well spent on my part - I was just about to reinstall everything in desperation at the time, in fact I tried that but couldn't even manage that lmao and I know what you mean about trying to follow some of those instructions for fixing stuff your self, I didn't fancy that either. This is their homepage m8: http://www.pctools.com/en/spyware-doctor/
  21. Yeh and that was one of my worst meetings as well Gough
  22. Cheers all I thought only Albertz was older than me and he has emigrated to avoid the embarrassment, but great to see there are a couple of wrinklies who can outdo me still Great site, Cider - cheers m8 "So What" is a real quality song, think them lads were sponsored by Mary Whitehouse weren't they, but I have never seen the video before, in fact I never knew there was a video of it in fact. Nice montage Mav - it might be more appropriate for you to frame it rather than me eh England's draw will do for me even though we still look pretty awful - time running out for us to find form but we ain't done yet Theo Walcott can still win it for us Hope you had a good day too MC - happy birthday m8
  23. You'll certainly be missed Alb, one of the real characters in UK Dirt. It's been a great laugh racing with you. All the best for NZ and hope you can get on-line occasionally
  24. Great find Cider. Excellent fun and works extremely well. I have made my predictions.
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