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big al 515

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Everything posted by big al 515

  1. Is DirectX10 ok to use? I have had problems downloading a couple of games from Gamehouse and they are telling me to check I have the latest Version of DirectX which seems a bit bizarre to me. I have DirectX9c at the mo, including updating that with all patches, but the DirectX site now has version 10. Would installing that risk anything else not running ok? Probably the highest spec graphics I need are those in rFactor I think, if that is relevant. I don't need to run any of the latest games with very demanding graphics.
  2. Thanks for all the unseen efforts you have put in over the years, magnificent job m8. Make sure Legends is high on your "occasional" list
  3. Wow you boys have been busy, sounds a super update. An excellent idea to put improved default setups into the game, that's a brave move I applaud. Downloading it right now, I look forward to it. Cheers.
  4. Thanks to all the Admin who are persevering in their thankless task for our enjoyment/benefit.
  5. Why would you pull off unless your car is damaged enough to make driving it properly a problem? You're there to race.
  6. Hope this gets sorted MC and you can carry on, you are an absolute top bloke and have done tremendous work for Uk Dirt since the very early days. We go back a fair way m8.
  7. Cracking programme, real top quality. I have found one important error in it though, I have been in two F1 World Finals not just the one - you must be forgetting my 19th at Hednesford in 2003.
  8. I thought splitting the Gn's was the right move as we had just had a Final that was full of cars everywhere, and I was somewhat ecstatic to score in it by getting 10th place. I must admit to being gutted to have that taken away by a change to the scoring because the other GN only had 9 cars in it. It's taken me weeks to "score" too. Hardly worth the effort was it...
  9. Dunno but I'm not watching for over 5 minutes to find out.
  10. Yep sorted thanks Off to go and try it now.
  11. I was out yesterday so watched the 2 WSB races at night and Tony Carter mentioned the Supersport race being stopped due to an incident with Craig who I have enjoyed watching this season and who has been very unlucky indeed to not yet win a race and I was sure he would do soon. I was told tonight about his passing away and I feel quite numb about it. A real tragedy. RIP Craig Jones.
  12. Absolutely superb programme/preview. Well done all concerned. It certainly whets the appetite for Wednesday & Thursday, it is going to be good.
  13. I installed the track and it froze on the Loading screen. I managed to Alt/Ctrl/Del out and task manager showed this error about NIRPlate etc so must be the one others have had trouble with. My pc is XP with on-board Intel Graphics Media Accelerator graphics. I'll wait til MOR comes back with something else to try.
  14. Big Al 515 duly booking in for the white top private battle.
  15. Cheers for the encouragement Vegas - don't worry, I will keep at it and I am also enjoying it more and more. The racing this week was outstanding.
  16. I really loved this track with it's wide bends and it seemed a lot easier to drive than some other of the shale tracks. I thought the racing was great and I got away in the first heat and lead for a few laps and really fancied my chances of a top 10 from there on, but once a few cars caught me I soon dropped down and just missed out on a precious point. I made good starts in a couple of other races but got passed ruthlessly by young Jimmy twice - the second time in the Gn he put me straight over the earth mound on the bend! I felt I had to get some revenge for that one which I did. The three musketeers (white tops) all failed to score but I think/hope we all had fun all the same.
  17. big al 515


    The UK Dirt website shows the tracks for each mod including RFactor ones. NEC isn't one of them.
  18. And just to add to the electrifying level of excitement, BigAl will have no chance in the meeting but will be debuting his brand new shale paintjob. Nice preview Dan/Johno.
  19. Thanks for the encouragement lads I didn't score in Heat or RFactor last night but I definitely enjoyed rFactor more. Lol at Mav re our own Whites battles - very true, and I will be sorry when you and/or Spike move onwards and upwards! I book in knowing I will be the slowest there and haven't yet practiced enough and it seems I mustn't have any pedals as I searched for them, I think they must have broke and I chucked them a few years ago - but despite all that I enjoy most meetings & feel I am generally contributing to them even if it's only getting in the way a bit - apart from if I spin on my own in front of someone but I don't do that too often I think and I suppose we have all done that. Great job Johno & Dan with running it etc.
  20. Nice find Mav, news to me...
  21. Still way off the pace here, I needed to practice more in the weeek I'm afraid, but I enjoyed the Final & GN after two poor heats, at least I got going a bit more in the last two races. Thanks for running it.
  22. MOR was a master of the skinpacks and put alot of time into them and race managing too. The Admin team are certainly going to struggle losing him although full respect for his reasons for leaving - I hope someone new can fill his shoes quickly. Don't be afraid of applying, lads.
  23. The display on the bottom right of the screen when racing sometimes shows laptimes and sometimes shows other stats like Tyre stagger/Damage/Fuel - is there a way to manually swap between the two as I want it on laptimes but it's on the other now. Also, even when I had my laptime on, it only showed my best laptime on this session on track; is there also a way to view every lap's time as you complete them?
  24. 7.30 starts aren't really convenient for me, but I will make the effort to make one if it particularly appeals. This didn't as I hated the Kings Lynn meeting earlier in the season. No reflection on the track itself, just my lack of competitiveness as I think the corners don't suit anything other than pedals (which I don't use). I will also be more likely to do shale meetings when I have my new shale skin in the game, that will be an incentive for me to race it.
  25. One or two people who weren't there seem to be biting on this thread, maybe they should have raced instead as driving standards were good in a realistic contact kind of way.
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