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wee dode

UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by wee dode

  1. Last years skins please.
  2. Same as last year please.
  3. Add these please, should overwrite my current car. DodeWebsterSkins.zip
  4. Last years please ** Received **
  5. WeeDunc Swearing in general - 1 week all mods ban He will be able to race again on Thursday 30th July 2020.
  6. 151_HigmanT.zip 151_HigmanS.zip
  7. Well Done LeeK on the win...maybe if Tom D wasn't there for the head on on last bend, might have got round the outside! Thanks to you and Stumpy for running it.
  8. Nah on the acctual grid I'm inside 3. How come I get dropped a position to outside 3 and then tom junps a whole row? You're reading the grid wrong...You went from outside row 3 to inside row 3. Tom moved up one row as Kev and James cannot make it.
  9. It's Pairs at Coventry....bookings will be up shortly!! Thanks very much to Dan and Stumpy for the meeting, was just lucky to get the final win again.
  10. Thanks Dan and Grasser for the meeting. Great track for F1s, was enjoyable to drive and provided some great clean racing. Very happy to get another F1 final win after so long! Well done Dan for top scoring.
  11. Cheers James and Stumpy! That was a lively meeting for sure!
  12. Uploaded mine to website upload tool as forum was down. ** Received **
  13. Mine DodeF12018.zip
  14. Thanks for the meeting, well done Toff and Grasser! Can't take too much credit for the hit, I just latched on to HGR and gave him a helping hand putting Tsjalle away.
  15. Dode 299c please
  16. Dode 299c please
  17. Well done Ryan.
  18. Cancel me please, having to sort out work stuff!
  19. Thanks for the very late booking in true saloon fashion! Good fun and managed to get some points! see you soon
  20. wee dode

    Come on

    Totally back your decision Stumpy, having been an admin and steward before in god knows how many meetings, I can understand your frustration. Only had a quick read of this thread but can echo what Mav has said, as these are some the problems that have been about for years. Thanks for all your help over the years mate, it is appreciated.
  21. Dode 151 Blue
  22. 151 ** Received ** Dode151tarmac.zip
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