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Posts posted by LeeK39

  1. Tonight's meeting at Northampton marked the half way part of the 2019 Shootout Series and thus means that the bottom 4 drivers in the Shootout Series are eliminated and those drivers are as follows:-  HGR #777, Fast Track #527, LittleTheo #57, EmielDeJong #211

  2. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack and TomD for the stewarding assistance!


    Well Done to Minitom #204 for winning the A Final and to TomD #112 for also top scoring for the evening.



    Whites and Yellows:  80 204 780 784 215 666                

    Heat 1: 780 910 666 238 777 215 55 783 204 229 100 359 80 8 39 143 51 145 784 599 527   
    Heat 2: 359 910 229 39 112 666 143 238 55 777 783 8 100 780 145 784 80 215 51 527 599 204  
    Heat 3: 100 238 780 39 143 910 229 8 204 55 51 527 112 145 784 599 783 359 777 80 666 215  


    A-Final: 204 777 112 51 229 238 39 215 599 100 80 910 55 145 666 783 527 143 359 8    

    GN 1: 112 143 215 599 238 229 359 777 39 55 783 51 8 204 145 527 666 100      

    66 pts 112 TomD
    58 pts 777 HGR
    56 pts 238 Kane_M
    54 pts 204 minitom
    53 pts 229 Tsjalle
    38 pts 39 LeeK
    36 pts 215 hitman scooby
    35 pts 51 Peet Gommans
    28 pts 143 Cammy
    24 pts 599 Harold
    23 pts 910 McFerran
    18 pts 359 ConnorB
    18 pts 780 TREBLE C
    15 pts 100 Tomdavison
    13 pts 666 JohnH
    9 pts 55 Kbarker
    3 pts 8 Tosh
    3 pts 783 d_dickson
    0 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy
    0 pts 784 the blacksmith
    0 pts 145 SKint
    0 pts 527 fast track


    The replays are here!



    822 Roelof

  3. Good evening all!


    Whites & Yellows: 359, 666, 80, 204, 215, 780, 784 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) - 8.20pm Start


    Heat 1: 359, 80, 204, 215, 143, 145, 822, 468, 599, 783, 911, 527, 777  server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 2: 666, 780, 784, 51, 55, 100, 8, 112, 910, 39, 229, 238  server 2 - 34298 (steward 39)
    Heat 3: 666, 80, 215, 784, 55, 145, 822, 8, 112, 468, 910, 527, 777  server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 4: 359, 204, 780, 51, 100, 143, 599, 783, 911, 39, 229, 238 server 2 - 34298 (steward 39)
    Heat 5: 359, 80, 780, 784, 55, 143, 822, 8, 468, 599, 910, 229, 527  server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 6: 666, 204, 215, 51, 100, 145, 112, 783, 911, 39, 238, 777  server 2 - 34298 (steward 39)

    A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298


    GN 1:  Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    GN 2:  Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298



    You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats.


    Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting

  4. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack and TomD for the stewarding assistance!


    Well Done to Roelof #822 for winning the A Final and for also top scoring for the evening.



    Whites & Yellows: 780 215 128 666 317 80 882                 

    Heat 1: 822 229 128 100 691 131 39 889 527 215 777 911 143 666 468 783 8 780 141 80 238   
    Heat 2: 229 215 143 691 128 39 238 889 527 783 100 822 780 911 131 8 141 666 468 80 777   
    Heat 3: 143 911 822 80 238 783 229 8 215 39 889 666 468 777 691 780 128 131 527 141 100 112  


    A-Final: 822 80 39 229 468 691 527 131 911 143 889 238 8 128 100 777 666 780 215 783 141


    GN 1: 112 143 777 691 889 229 80 666 238 215 822 39 527 911 131 8 468 783 100 780   


    68 pts 822 Roelof
    68 pts 229 Tsjalle
    60 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy
    52 pts 691 Jakeeey
    50 pts 39 LeeK
    41 pts 143 Cammy
    30 pts 468 BraderzzCooper
    24 pts 527 fast track
    20 pts 112 Tom D
    20 pts 131 rutger
    19 pts 911 ColeMcfall
    18 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers
    16 pts 777 HGR
    14 pts 128 Hinsie
    14 pts 215 hitman scooby
    14 pts 238 Kane_M
    7 pts 100 Tomdavison
    6 pts 666 JohnH
    6 pts 783 d_dickson
    3 pts 8 Tosh
    0 pts 141 RichardFalkena
    0 pts 780 TREBLE C


    The replays are here!



    818 NickNack

  5. Good evening all!


    Whites & Yellows: 141, 201, 317, 666, 818, 882, 80, 128, 215, 780  server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) - 8.20pm Start

    Heat 1: 141, 666, 882, 215, 780, 299, 348, 822, 8, 131, 783, 911, 39, 238, 777  server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 2: 201, 317, 818, 80, 128, 100, 143, 112, 468, 889, 229, 527, 691  server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)
    Heat 3: 201, 317, 666, 128, 780, 100, 299, 8, 468, 889, 911, 39, 238, 777  server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 4: 141, 818, 882, 80, 215, 143, 348, 822, 112, 131, 783, 229, 527, 691  server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)
    Heat 5: 201, 317, 666, 80, 215, 299, 822, 8, 131, 468, 783, 39, 691, 777  server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 6: 141, 818, 882, 128, 780, 100, 143, 348, 112, 889, 911, 229, 238, 527  server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)

    A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298


    GN 1:  Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    GN 2:  Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298



    You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats.


    Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting

  6. Grade changes for October 2019.


    Up to SS



    Down to Red



    Up To Red



    Down to Blue

    143, 346


    Up to Blue

    51, 299, 341, 348


    Down to Yellow



    Up to Yellow



    Down to White

    201, 212


    Congratulations to those drivers upgraded and commiserations to those downgraded.

  7. Congratulations to Jakeeey #691, FastTrack #527, LeeK #39, Kane_M #238, Tsjalle #229, EmielDeJong #211, LittleTheo #57 and HGR #777 for qualifying for the 2019 UKDirt F1 Shootout Series. They will contest the first round this week at Arena Essex.


    From the UKDirt F1 rules:


    • 6 meetings in the latter part of the season count towards the Shootout Series.
    • The top 8 drivers in the National Points Championship before the first round will contest the Shootout Series.
    • All drivers start with zero points and scoring is as per normal meeting points.
    • At Shootout Series meetings the Shootout drivers will all race from Superstar, and any superstar not in the series will race from Red.
    • At Shootout Series meetings the Shootout drivers will be gridded for A-finals in reverse Shootout points order.
    • At half way (after 3 rounds) the bottom 4 drivers will be dropped from the Shootout Series.
    • The last round of the Shootout Series (the Shootout Finale) will be double-point scoring.
    • The 2019 Shootout Series Champion is entitled to silver stripes until the 2020 Shootout Series.



  8. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack for the stewarding assistance!


    Well Done to BraderzzCooper #468 for winning the A Final and to Evnos #338 for also top scoring for the evening.



    Heat 1: 229 238 100 822 777 39 691 346 338 783 341 228 348 245 674        
    Heat 2: 51 215 143 497 8 889 271 712 527 145 666 201 780 83 468        
    Heat 3: 238 215 229 889 341 51 666 271 100 348 777 39 783 228 83 822       
    Heat 4: 468 338 691 527 8 780 346 143 712 201 145 245 674 497         
    Heat 5: 822 691 8 39 229 299 228 346 783 338 341 666 201 271 245 777       

    Heat 6: 100 497 238 889 145 527 51 712 215 780 143 468 348 83 674       



    B-Final: 299 348 666 783 201 83 245 228               

    A-Final: 468 338 777 100 215 691 229 527 497 822 51 143 889 145 712 8 341 780 238 271 39 346 


    GN 1: 229 238 777 51 527 338 889 712 100 780 143 271 497          

    GN 2: 299 691 145 39 346 8 215 348 341 468 666 783 228 83         


    67 pts 338 Evnos
    64 pts 468 BraderzzCooper
    64 pts 229 Tsjalle
    64 pts 691 Jakeeey
    62 pts 777 HGR
    59 pts 100 Tomdavison
    58 pts 215 hitman scooby
    45 pts 238 Kane_M
    41 pts 527 fast track
    33 pts 51 Peet Gommans
    30 pts 8 Tosh
    27 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers
    26 pts 497 martinj
    26 pts 39 LeeK
    25 pts 299 Burnsy
    23 pts 145 SKint
    22 pts 822 Roelof
    22 pts 346 CrashleyEngland
    14 pts 712 ErinnM
    11 pts 143 Cammy
    10 pts 341 BryanLee
    8 pts 780 TREBLE C
    7 pts 348 Boyle
    7 pts 271 Kizzza
    4 pts 666 JohnH
    4 pts 228 Sierd
    3 pts 783 d_dickson
    1 pts 201 ASHNFFC
    0 pts 56 Camiel Bouwman
    0 pts 83 BenS
    0 pts 245 JensonBrickley

    0 pts 674 gordonmcdougall


    The replays are here!



    0 pts 484 Jack Ward
  9. Good evening all!


    Heat 1: 56, 69, 245, 674, 299, 341, 348, 100, 228, 338, 822, 39, 238, 346, 777, 783, 229, 691  server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 2: 83, 215, 497, 666, 51, 201, 780, 145, 271, 468, 712, 8, 112, 143, 889, 484, 527,  server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)
    Heat 3: 69, 83, 215, 666, 51, 341, 348, 100, 228, 271, 822, 39, 238, 777, 783, 889, 229, 484  server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 4: 56, 245, 497, 674, 201, 299, 780, 145, 338, 468, 712, 8, 112, 143, 346, 527, 691  server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)
    Heat 5: 56, 69, 245, 666, 201, 299, 341, 228, 271, 338, 822, 8, 39, 346, 777, 783, 229, 691  server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 6: 83, 215, 497, 674, 51, 348, 780, 100, 145, 468, 712, 112, 143, 238, 889, 484, 527  server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)

    A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298


    GN 1:  Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    GN 2:  Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298



    You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats.


    Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting

  10. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack for running the meeting and to Grasser and Dode for the stewarding assistance!


    Well Done to DanSkin #236 making it 3 World Titles in a row and to Kane #238 and Jake #691 for rounding out the podium. 👏


    As for the main meeting, Well Done to Burnsy #299 for winning the A Final and to DanSkin #236 for also top scoring for the evening by virtue of the 200 point World Final victory. 👏




    World Final 236 238 691 39 112 484 889 527 8 468 57 143 582 783 599 472 20 228 100 341 299 666 145 48

    Heat 1: 822 30 112 783 39 128 468 497 472 48 599 20 228 201 238 102        
    Heat 2: 299 338 691 271 582 57 8 145 100 889 143 484 527 712 245 341 666 348 83     
    Heat 3: 128 145 299 112 39 582 348 341 57 238 783 228 599 338 83 497 484       
    Heat 4: 822 468 691 20 30 245 889 472 143 100 527 48 271 712 8 666 102 201      
    Heat 5: 20 582 889 30 228 143 712 238 599 527 472 201 271 245 666 48 299 102 8     
    Heat 6: 128 822 468 112 338 691 341 484 39 783 100 145 497 348 83 57        

    B-Final: 484 238 8 497 599 527 100 201 83 666              
    A-Final: 299 112 128 691 348 472 341 57 39 783 889 20 582 245 338 712 271 143 145 468 228   

    GN 1: 112 128 238 20 582 472 484 100 57 527 83 245 201 145 889 348        
    GN 2: 468 691 341 39 271 599 783 338 299 712 143 666 467 8          

    200 pts 236 DanSkin
    117 pts 112 Tom D
    114 pts 691 Jakeeey
    83 pts 128 Hinsie
    76 pts 299 Burnsy
    74 pts 238 Kane_M
    73 pts 39 LeeK
    46 pts 468 BraderzzCooper

    46 pts 484 Jack Ward
    43 pts 341 BryanLee
    40 pts 472 MarkF
    34 pts 348 Boyle
    33 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers
    32 pts 582 ginger
    31 pts 20 MilanSonnemans
    29 pts 822 Roelof
    26 pts 57 LittleTheo
    23 pts 527 fast track
    22 pts 30 Lazer
    22 pts 8 Tosh
    21 pts 338 Evnos
    21 pts 783 d_dickson
    19 pts 271 Kizzza
    18 pts 599 Harold
    13 pts 100 Tomdavison
    12 pts 145 SKint
    10 pts 497 martinj
    7 pts 143 Cammy
    6 pts 228 Sierd
    6 pts 712 ErinnM
    5 pts 245 JensonBrickley
    3 pts 201 ASHNFFC
    2 pts 83 BenS
    1 pts 666 JohnH
    1 pts 48 Tinman
    0 pts 215 hitman scooby
    0 pts 102 ChewyJnr


    The replays are here!



    621 jouke heddema
    910 McFerran

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