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Posts posted by LeeK39

  1. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack and Tom for the stewarding assistance!


    Well Done to CharlieGuinchard #183 for winning the A Final and to Crashley #346 top scoring for the evening.



    Whites & Yellows: 183 125 131 712 20 144 215 454 69 780 415 434 497 83          

    Heat 1: 183 57 484 39 454 777 621 606 48 80 69 20 434 259 122 83        
    Heat 2: 131 468 691 238 783 889 8 291 527 100 144 712 589 415 582 215 190       
    Heat 3: 183 131 299 468 112 780 691 146 889 48 143 653 215 582 125 621 497       
    Heat 4: 69 229 777 8 291 454 211 712 39 346 100 783 492 83 190 589        
    Heat 5: 183 299 291 527 484 238 653 80 57 492 131 20 48 415 125 780 69 497      
    Heat 6: 346 712 434 468 39 777 783 211 112 691 144 606 143 215 259 37 122       
    Heat 7: 20 100 125 8 780 238 143 484 582 589 653 146 434 492 259 497        
    Heat 8: 621 889 346 454 80 144 527 112 57 299 211 37 229 415 122 83 606       

    B-Final: 783 229 144 211 100 125 37 653 492 434 48 606 582 589 143 122 259 80 415 215 146 497 83 
    A-Final: 183 346 20 780 8 112 39 131 57 712 484 468 889 238 291 299 527 691 777 454 69 621  
    GN 1: 8 291 484 229 112 777 144 131 468 80 37 39 143 582 783 125 122 780 454 653 589 215 146 
    GN 2: 100 346 691 299 238 527 48 492 889 20 183 51 57 434 712 415 211 259 606 497    

    82 pts 346 CrashleyEngland
    80 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard
    68 pts 8 Tosh
    52 pts 20 MilanSonnemans
    48 pts 112 Tom D
    46 pts 780 TREBLE C
    40 pts 131 Leechy
    36 pts 100 Tomdavison
    35 pts 291 Maarten
    35 pts 39 LeeK
    33 pts 484 Jack Ward
    32 pts 299 Burnsy
    32 pts 229 Tsjalle
    29 pts 238 Kane_M
    29 pts 691 Jakeeey
    28 pts 777 HGR
    27 pts 468 BraderzzCooper
    23 pts 57 LittleTheo
    23 pts 527 fast track
    21 pts 144 LewisW
    20 pts 783 d_dickson
    20 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers
    18 pts 454 Frans
    17 pts 712 ErinnM
    14 pts 621 jouke heddema
    14 pts 211 EmielDeJong
    13 pts 125 ASHNFFC
    12 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy
    11 pts 48 Tinman
    10 pts 69 j.lennox
    9 pts 434 JordyG
    9 pts 492 mastermealing
    7 pts 653 Ryan Simpson

    4 pts 37 Trez
    4 pts 143 Cammy
    3 pts 146 JackAylward
    3 pts 606 Stannie
    2 pts 582 ginger
    1 pts 589 Stijneman
    0 pts 83 BenS
    0 pts 190 tomgum
    0 pts 415 EgbertDHL
    0 pts 51 Peet Gommans
    0 pts 215 hitman scooby
    0 pts 497 martinj
    0 pts 122 craigcharles
    0 pts 259 jimmymuk

    The replays are here!

  2. Good evening all!


    Whites & Yellows:  69, 83, 125, 131, 146, 183, 190, 415, 434, 606, 711, 927, 20, 51, 144, 215, 454, 497, 712, 780  server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) - 8.20pm Start


    Heat 1: 69, 83, 183, 434, 606, 20, 51, 454, 48, 80, 122, 259, 621, 39, 57, 777, 229, 484  server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 2: 131, 146, 190, 415, 144, 215, 712, 8, 100, 291, 468, 582, 783, 527, 589, 889, 238, 691 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)
    Heat 3: 125, 131, 146, 183, 927, 215, 497, 780, 48, 299, 468, 582, 621, 143, 653, 889, 112, 691  server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 4: 69, 83, 190, 711, 51, 454, 712, 8, 100, 291, 346, 492, 783, 39, 589, 777, 211, 229  server 2 - 34298 (steward 39)
    Heat 5: 69, 125, 131, 183, 415, 20, 497, 780, 48, 80, 291, 299, 492, 57, 527, 653, 238, 484,  server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 6: 434, 606, 711, 927, 144, 215, 712, 122, 259, 346, 468, 783, 39, 143, 777, 112, 211, 691,  server 2 - 34298 (steward 39)
    Heat 7: 125, 146, 190, 434, 927, 20, 497, 780, 8, 100, 259, 492, 582, 143, 589, 653, 238, 484  server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 8: 83, 415, 606, 711, 51, 144, 454, 80, 122, 299, 346, 621, 57, 527, 889, 112, 211, 229  server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)

    A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298


    GN 1:  Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    GN 2:  Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298



    You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats.


    Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting

  3. 2020 Membership:-


    The membership year runs from 1st March to 28th February each year. The 2019 season saw UKDirt run free for the first time since the initial days of UKDirt DTRSC. During 2019 we saw a big up turn in bookings for all formulas throughout the season with both new and returning members racing. With this in mind the UKDirt General Admin team have decided to once again run UKDirt FREE to race for the entire 2020 season.


    With no fees being generated for 2019 and now 2020 this may shorten the length of time UKDirt can continue to run in its current state but we feel this is the best step to hopefully build the league back.


    This offer is only open to those who are not on a current UKDirt Life Time Ban. Everyone else is welcome to join.


    How To Join:-


    To join you will simply need to create an account on www.ukdirt.co.uk and PM Counter or LeeK to request your account to be updated to paid member status and get full access to our rFactor and Wreckfest servers. All previously 'paid' members will have there membership status automatically extended to 28th February 2021.




    Anyone who wishes to help with the running costs of UKDirt is more than welcome to do so by way of a donation.


    Our preferred method for donations is via Paypal using the link: Donate! stating your Nickname and using "friends or family" as that will help keep the fees down. You will also find Donate buttons on the UKDirt homepage, in the Member Area on the UKDirt website or use the Donate tab at the top of the forum.


    The General Admin Team hope this will help improve the numbers regularly racing and improve the overall fun and enjoyment for all.

  4. BOOKINGS: Pre-Season Warmup Meeting

    Lelystad - 20:30 Thursday 27th February 2020


    This meeting will be run using real-life skins and will not score points for the normal season. This meeting will be Free to race for all members who are already signed up via the website.


    Please book in below stating your UKDirt F1 racing number and grade (if you have not raced with us before then please state your highest grade on any other leagues for rFactor F1/F2).


    Please also indicate the driver which you would like to use... note that this is a shale track so you are limited to drivers with shale cars in game. Drivers will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


    The format is not decided yet (and will depend on how many bookings we get). At a minimum there will be a normal format meeting (3 heats each, final(s) and grand national(s)).


    The UKDirt F1 server will be up with real life skins between now and the meeting for practice.


    Bookings will close 17:00 Thursday 27th February 2020.



    Please book in below stating (for example)...


    Nickname: DanSkin

    Number: 236

    Grade: Superstar (UKDirt F1)

    Real Life Driver: Frankie Wainman#515


    Car List


    2 - Paul Harrison (238 Kane_M)

    4 - Dan Johnson (492 mastermealing)

    8 - Mick Harris

    11 - Neil Scriven

    12 - Michael Scriven (434 JordyG)

    16 - Matt Newson

    21 - Mark Gilbank (653 Ryan Simpson)

    22 - Will Yarrow (299 Burnsy)

    33 - Peter Falding (527 fast track)

    37 - Chris Cowley (606 Stannie)

    50 - Lee Henshaw 

    51 - Dylan Williams Maynard (143 Cammy)

    51 - Nick Smith

    53 - John Lund (484 Jack Ward)

    55 - Craig Finnikin

    56 - Graham Moulds

    59 - Dave Barry

    73 - Rob Cowley

    84 - Tom Harris (911 ColeMcFall)

    91 - Tony Smith

    97 - Murray Harrison (48 Tinman)

    105 - Chris Bonner

    107 - Lee Robinson (107 Evnos)

    121 - Kevin Shinn

    136 - Steve Jacklin

    141 - Carl Pickering

    150 - Mick Sworder (100 TomDavison)

    152 - Neil Scothern 

    153 - James Lund (783 d_dickson)

    161 - Mark Allen

    172 - Mickey Randell

    188 - Mike Kingston (144 LewisW)

    189 - Stu Heppenstall

    195 - Dean Whitwell

    197 - Ryan Harrison (145 SKint)

    212 - Daniel Wainman (20 MilanSonnemans)

    212 - Frankie Wainman Snr

    217 - Lee Fairhurst (889 EllisR)

    218 - Derek Fairhurst

    231 - Mark Peters 

    244 - Mick Rogers

    246 - Ian Brickley 

    257 - Timmy Aldridge

    259 - Paul Hines (381 Kevharbord)

    260 - Dave Berresford

    263 - Paul Philips

    278 - Mike Ashcroft 

    285 - Richard Earl

    288 - Simon Panton

    290 - Simon Gill

    291 - Dan Squire (291 Marten)

    295 - Wesley Goodwin

    297 - Chris Walker

    305 - Carlos Perez (712 ErinnM)

    318 - Rob Speak (229 Tsjalle)

    321 - Ed Neachell

    322 - James Neachell (529 Gimp)

    323 - John Riley

    337 - Dave Willis

    347 - Steve Hopkins

    361 - Steve Reedman 

    390 - Stuart Smith Jnr (346 Crashley)

    391 - Andy Smith (468 BradleyCooper)

    397 - Stuart Smith

    434 - Ivan Pritchard

    441 - John Lawn

    464 - Luke Davidson (39 LeeK)

    488 - Mike Kingston Jr

    490 - Mark Taylor

    494 - Lee Davidson

    507 - Neil Smith

    515 - Frankie Wainman Jnr  (691 Jakeeey)

    538 - Darren Mitchell

    H007 - Dave Schaap (621 Jouke Heddema)

    H16 - John van 't Veer

    H217 - Ron Kroonder (83 BenS)

    H22 - Louw Wobbes (57 LittleTheo)

    H24 - Willie Peters

    H29 - Durk Greidanus (454 Frans)

    H332 - Robert Jan Schutter

    H365 - Joep Hendriks (37 Trez)

    H44 - Gosse Hoekstra (215 Hitman)

    H482 - Peter Vd Bosch

    H71 - Henk Alberts

    NZ10 - Peter Rees (777 HGR)



    Booking List



    37 Trez

    83 BenS

    434 JordyG

    529 Gimp

    606 Stannie



    20 MilanSonnemans

    51 Peet Gommans

    144 LewisW

    215 Hitman

    381 Kevharbord

    454 Frans

    712 ErinnM



    48 Tinman

    100 TomDavison

    145 SKint

    299 Burnsy

    346 Crashley

    468 BradleyCooper

    492 mastermealing

    621 Jouke Heddema

    783 d_dickson



    39 LeeK

    57 LittleTheo

    143 Cammy

    527 fast track

    653 Ryan Simpson

    777 HGR

    889 EllisR

    911 ColeMcFall



    229 Tsjalle

    238 Kane_M

    484 Jack Ward

    691 Jakeeey

  5. Grade changes for February 2020.


    Up to SS



    Down to Red



    Up To Red

    143, 822


    Down to Blue

    8, 100, 167, 468


    Up to Blue

    204, 492


    Down to Yellow

    51, 454


    Up to Yellow



    Down to White



    Congratulations to those drivers upgraded and commiserations to those downgraded.

  6. In 2019 UKDirt ran totally free to race for the full season for the first time since dedicated servers were in use.    This obviously helped boost numbers for 2019 but in reality for UKDirt to continue beyond 2020 we would either need a lot of donations or to bring back membership fees.


    Please cast your vote so General Admins can have some kind of idea as to how we look to the possible future of UKDirt.

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