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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. ****IMPORTANT**** PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT VERSION OF THE TRACK. IT IS AVAILABLE FROM THE UK DIRT WEBSITE. Hello All, This week's meeting sees he mightyUK Dirt F1's do battle around the Shale track of Bradford. This week's meeting also sees the battle for the Whites and Yellows and Blues and Reds series continue. The points are very tight at the moment which is fantastic to see. You definitely want to get booked in if you qualify for these particular races! Whites and Yellows Top 4 with 6 rounds to go 1 515 Big Al 93pts 2 172 spikejnr 87pts 3 199 Waqar 75pts 4 525 Mav 65pts Blues and Reds Top 10 with 4 rounds to go 1 380 davey boy 39pts 2 221 Spike 34pts 3 151 dode 33pts 4 391 Corny 29pts 5 90 LiamB 27pts 6 277 southy 24pts 7 365 travel 24pts 8 262 Harmen 23pts 9 236 DanSkin 22pts 10 233 Grasser 20pts I am sure you will agree that both championships could go either way and this Thursday could go a long way towards shaping the outcome of the each championship. Cheers Johno
  2. Hello All, I can confirm that there will be no green and white chequered roof for winning the Irish Open Championship. Trav is free to show it on his car how he wishes but it must be within the skin rules. I have also spoken to Trav about this earlier in the evening. As it has come up, I can also confirm that there is no National Series of any kind this season. The National Points Championship is a driver's best 35 scores from the 40 meetings available. Cheers Johno
  3. Hello Dougie, I am afraid I can't confirm when they will be done. I am race managing the meetings while James and Dan are on holiday. I believe they are back next week but I maybe wrong. Cheers Johno
  4. Hello All, Based on the number of votes recieved, and the fact that it does not appear on the fixture list this year, we will be racing at Westworld on Wednesday. I am afraid I can't change the venue on the website so you will have to book in under Sheffield or book in on this thread. Cheers Johno
  5. I have just done 10 laps and I have managed to go round in the 13.4's. I have not adjusted anything and I had a kings Lynn set up from last year on the car. I know it was re-done sometime ago to be made wider or appeared to be anyway), but I think it might have been done again because I do not remember that squeal of the tyres being on there when we last raced. I absolutely hate it - it goes right through me!! Cheers Johno
  6. Westworld sounds good to me too. Iwill see what other have to say first and make a confirmation announcement on Sunday evening. Cheers Johno
  7. Hello All, Based on the fact that Sheffield was cancelled last time out, I have permission to ask about a possible fixture change. So is there anywhere that you would particularly fancy racing? Cheers Johno
  8. Hello All, First of all, thanks to everyone that raced tonight. I thought the racing was superb around a very good track. Secondly thanks to Hooty and Drumbstick for stewarding the races tonight. Congratulation to Travel on becoming the first ever IRISH OPEN CHAMPION. Dode and DanSkin top scored on the night. Results: B+R: 365 380 262 151 236 136 560 249 221 Heat 1: 365 380 236 292 8 262 315 495 3 249 Heat 2: 39 151 3 249 292 515 315 1 8 221 Heat 3: 39 136 221 151 315 3 262 1 249 495 Heat 4: 151 380 262 130 1 560 365 8 292 495 A-Final: 365 236 315 292 249 151 39 560 1 380 GN 1: 136 249 236 130 1 560 8 262 151 315 Points: 38 pts 151 dode 38 pts 236 DanSkin 35 pts 365 travel 34 pts 249 stoxjack 31 pts 315 Mike 26 pts 292 Marco 26 pts 39 LeeK 23 pts 136 Kruiz 22 pts 1 Tom D 20 pts 560 Dodge 18 pts 380 davey boy 18 pts 262 Harmen 16 pts 130 blymn 14 pts 8 Tosh 10 pts 3 Johno 7 pts 221 Spike 3 pts 515 Big Al 3 pts 495 Lew 0 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 465 jedd 0 pts 122 craigcharles 0 pts 172 spikejnr Thanks once again to everyone that has raced tonight. Next week we go back onto the shale in the form of Bradford. I hope to see you there. Cheers Johno
  9. Hello All, Welcome to tonight's meeting at Nutts Corner where tonight the mighty UK Dirt F1's will do battle for the Irish Open. Tonight is the first time that the f1's have raced at this venue and for this title. VERY IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE!! The UK Dirt F1 Admin Team would like to remind you of the following regarding the rolling lap: (1) The rolling speed is 20mph maximum (2) Always keep the grade gap the correct length (3) Stay close to your grade. Within a grade, you should be no more than 1 car length behind a driver in front. You are NOT allowed to warm tyres or back off your grade for no reason. This has creeped in again and it needs to stop! PRACTISE Practise for tonight's meeting will end at 8:20pm so the server can be set up for the meeting. Please be in chat by 8:25pm for meeting informtion. Heat 1 will be sent at 8:30pm. THE FORMAT - BLUES AND REDS - HEAT 1 - HEAT 2 - HEAT 3 - HEAT 4 - CONS - FINAL - GN 1 - GN 2 (NUMBERS PERMITTING) HEAT GRIDS HEAT 1: 130, 237, 515 // 172, 292, 495 // 39, 136, 365, 380 // 3, 8, 249, 262 // 236, 315, 560 // CARS: 17 // STEWARD: 221 HEAT 2: 130, 465, 515 // 122, 172, 292 // 39, 221, 380 // 3, 8, 151, 249 // 1, 315, 560 // CARS: 16 // STEWARD: 236 HEAT 3: 237, 465, 515 // 122, 172, 495 // 39, 136, 221, 365 // 3, 151, 249, 262 // 1, 236, 315 // CARS: 17 // STEWARD: 380 HEAT 4: 130, 237, 465 // 122, 292, 495 // 221, 136, 365, 380 // 8, 151, 262 // 1, 236, 560 // CARS: 16 // STEWARD: 515 *Drivers, please check you have 3 heats each. Stewards, please let me know if you cant steward any race. SERVER INFORMATION We will be racing in the server ending .48. We will try to run from the server to save some time, but should we have any issues then we will return to MiRC Chat. Cheers Johno
  10. Both added Keep the bookings coming!
  11. Hello All, If you require a late booking for tonights meeting, then please post below. If you need to cancel, then please post below also. Cheers Johno
  12. I have edited the top post and changed the consolation qualifiers from 8 to 6 as the track limit is 20. My apologies for this oversight. Cheers Johno
  13. Hello All, Thanks very much to everyone that raced tonight. I thought the racing was really good. Congratulations to Dode and Dougie on sharing all the race wins tonight. Dode come out on top in the final. Results: Heat 1: 220 488 151 351 760 632 365 Heat 2: 151 488 231 632 365 220 760 351 Heat 3: 220 151 488 632 760 351 231 365 Heat 4: 151 760 488 632 231 351 220 365 A-Final: 151 220 231 351 760 632 488 237 Allcomers: 220 351 760 488 231 151 365 237 Points: 62 pts 151 Dode 57 pts 220 Dougieford 49 pts 488 Dave 45 pts 760 Ryano 43 pts 351 BFD 40 pts 231 Si 36 pts 632 Johno 20 pts 365 Travel 9 pts 237 RickyJames I wil speak to the man who can and let you know about next week! Cheers Johno
  14. Tonight's UKDirt Saloon meeting will be held at Onchan. We will be running ALL IN! Bookings WHITE #129 Scootaah #200 Dougieford #237 Ricky James YELLOW #351 bfd #231 Si BLUE #151 Dode #488 Dave RED #632 Johno #760 Ryano Champions #365 Travel Meeting Information 4 Heats Final 1 Allcomers Chat Ukdirt members use their normal UKDirt chat Points Heats 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Final: 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 Allcomers 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Start Procedure The starting procedure used for all races is as follows unless otherwise stated: When the lights go green (or the final buzzer has gone and countdown timer completed) drivers will make there way at a speed of less then 20mph to their starting position, as listed below and line up 2-a-breast. You must not pass drivers of your own grade. You must line up correctly without making contact with other cars, incidents will be dealt with the same way as if it were part of the race. Previous race winners during the meeting must start at the back of the grade. Once drivers are in position the steward will ask if anyone is not ready. If nobody replies, 'Roll at 20' is called and the leader of the whites will roll at a steady 20mph for the rolling lap. Drivers at the front of each grade are to drive at approx. 20mph but ensure they keep their 4 to 6 cars distance to the grade in front. Anytime after the leading white reaches the apex of turns 3 & 4 the steward will call 'GO GO GO' and the race will be on. If for any reason the grid does not form properly after rolling, then a restart may be called. If there are persistent offenders that stop races being started they will be sent to the back of the grid or excluded. Starting positions approximate - always follow instructions from meeting steward Whites: At the start / finish line Yellows: Exit of Turn 4 Blues: Exit of Turn 3 Red: Entry to Turn 3 On Track Behaviour - Drivers must drive in the correct direction (clockwise) at all times. - No use of the infield at any time, using the infield during a race will be classed as cutting. - No driving round the track slowly or waiting for other drivers. - Contact and Fencings are permitted but this must not fall into stupid driving by deliberately ruining somebody's race outside the rules. - No following in or unsporstmanlike sideswiping is allowed - No talking once the race has started, and until all drivers have crossed the finishing line. - If your car is damaged you may leave it on track but off the racing line. - Do not leave the server during a race as this will cause warp. However if your car is sat on the top of the fence please press escape. - Care is to be taken when rejoining the racing line following a spin and persistent carelessness in this respect will be punished. - Individual drivers with a bad connection may be banned from the rest of the meeting if it causes a problem for other drivers. - Wall riding is NOT permitted. If you are hit into the wall, you must back off the throttle and gain full control. You must not use the wall to steer the car around the turn, nor use it to gain a race advantage. Anyone found to do so may be docked places, excluded from the results, or have their meeting points removed. -Jump starts will be penalised by docking, 2 places or 2places per car they jump. Grades Drivers are graded at intervals throughout the season, please make sure you know what grade you are. Novice drivers to rFactor have been graded as white, where a driver races in another UKDirt rFactor mod they start from one grade below there highest grade i.e. Mike is red in F1s so drops to blue grade. If anyone believes they have been graded incorrectly please just say and we'll sort it out.
  15. Added
  16. excellent guys - keep them coming!!
  17. Tomorrow night sees the first ever UK Dirt F1 Irish Open Championship. Nutts Corner is the venue for the meeting, and once again, it is the first time we have raced around the Irish tarmac oval in league racing. IRISH OPEN FORMAT - 3 heats (Top 14 Points scorers) - Cons (if required then the top 6 will qualify) - Final - IRISH OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP - 1/2 GN's The final will be gridded slighty different to normal. It will be run grades within grades in blocks of 6 with a 3 car length gap between each block of 6 drivers. The top points scorer from each grade will be be the first person in their grade and so on and so on. This means that in the first group, there could be a mixtue of whites and yellows - it all depends on each number in a grade. We hope that this will add something a little different to this new championship. Cheers Johno
  18. Anyone wanting a late booking for tonight's meeting at Onchan, please post below. The server is up for practise. Cheers Johno
  19. Meeting starts at 8:30pm.
  20. Both more than welcome
  21. I will be race managing tonight due to holidays, so of course you can. Come on guys - get yourselves booked in - Onchan produced some fantastic racing last year! Cheers Johno
  22. Thanks for the congratulations guys. I really did enjoy the racing and had a great race with Trav in the final (plus thanks for the help through the choas to Trav!). I think Drumb's tactic with his write up worked, as the attendance was prbably higher than expected! Thanks for themeeting Gary! Cheers Johno
  23. Dan has put them in the top post Liam Cheers Johno
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