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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. All added - keep them coming! Drumbstick, I am afraid you are now red. You were upgraded a couple of periods ago (off the top of my head).
  2. Hello All, First of all, thanks to everyone that raced in tonight's meeting. The racing was once again top notch. Congratulations to DanSkin on becoming the 2011 European Champion. Hard luck story has to go to Dan who struggled t get into the server all night! Meeting Results: Heat 1: 632, 236, 39, 760, 365, 495, 151, 112, 697, Heat 2: 41, 632, 112, 760, 365, 236, 151, 495, 39, Heat 3: 41, 365, 632, 236, 112, 760, 39, 151, Heat 4: 236, 151, 365, 760, 39, 632, 41, EUROPEAN:236, 365, 760, 39, 41, 632, 112, 151, Allcomers: 41, 760, 236, 632, 365, 112, Meeting Points: DanSkin # 236 - 59 travel # 365 - 53 Ryano # 760 - 51 Johno # 632 - 49 Drumbstick # 41 - 46 Leek # 39 - 34 TomD # 112 - 30 Dode # 151 - 26 Lew # 495 - 8 shane thepain # 697 - 2 Results and Points subject to confirmation from SSC Admin Team. (I have applied F1 rules to drivers not completing enough laps in a race to score points apart from Heat 1). Hope to see you all racing next time. Cheers Johno
  3. This Thursday sees the mighty UK Dirt F1s race in their penultimate World Championship qualifying round at Mildenhall. This round is the final round on shale this year, with one round left to go at this year’s World Final venue, Northampton on Wednesday 6th July. At this time of year, drivers start to look at where they could be on those all important World Championship Semi Final grids. If the qualifying round were to have finished after the previous round at Hednesford, the grids would look as follows: POSSIBLE SEMI FINAL ONE 137 - 315 391 - 236 262 - 277 221 - 172 380 - 31 561 - 84 515 - 365 256 - 488 363 - 164 48 - 4 POSSIBLE SEMI FINAL TWO 1 - 151 8 - 3 188 - 39 300 - 560 527 -90 290 - 41 285 - 413 33 - 525 588 - 130 531 - 233 Right now, the biggest battle is the battle fr the number one spot and the right to choose their semi final venue. MoR (137) currently has a 13 point gap over the current World Champion TomD (1). After making huge imprivements in his driving this year, Dode (151) is pretty much guaranteed a front row grid slot where as Mike (315) may have to come out once more to cement his front row slot. Position 4 to 10 are separated by just 24 points, so battle for the slots on row 2 of each semi final is certainly up for grabs. Looking further down the grid, and the likes of Daveyboy (380), Dazza (290), Drumbstick (41), Matthew (413), Lee (531) and Grasser (233) are currently a lot lower than their talent suggests. Whilst it will be entertaining to watch them battle through the grid in their respective semi final, it will be interesting to see if any of these drivers choose to race in any of the final two qualifying rounds. It is also interesting to see that the likes of Murf (561), Fasttrack (527) and Walker (363) all hold very good grid slots despite not racing in any World Championship Qualifying Rounds in 2011. I wonder if any of these drivers will be out to race in a semi final, or maybe even one of the last two qualifying rounds. It is always important to look at that all important 40th position, which is currently held Pusher (4). 40th or above guarantees you a place on the semi final grid, and whilst there will enevitably be drivers that do not attend their semi final, it is always good to gurantee your place on the grid. Three points will do that this year, with just 3 drivers currently falling short of that target (Jedd, Green and Waqar). This also means that anyone who fancies having a go in the last two world qualifiers has a great chance of making the grids. Finally, I always like to look at what a good meeting could do for someone down the lower regions of the qualifying chart. Lets say Hooty (256) goes out and scores 35 points at Mildenhall, it is possible that he could shoot from row 8 to row 4! Obviously it would require a lot of people above him failing to score, but it does go to show that one good meeting from the two remaining could make a massive difference come World Championship Semi Final time! Cheers Johno
  4. Hello All, First of all, thanks to everyone that has raced tonight. Despite the uniqueness of the track and people not particularly liking the place, the racing was superb all night. Congratulations must go to TomD on taking the meeting final. ….. finished top points scorer on the night. Results: Heat 1: 137 1 256 262 151 3 236 84 380 155 Heat 2: 137 262 256 236 151 380 1 84 3 8 Heat 3: 1 236 151 137 8 262 3 155 256 84 A-Final: 1 236 3 137 151 8 256 262 155 84 GN 1: 3 236 137 262 155 1 256 8 380 151 Points: 60 pts 1 Tom D 49 pts 137 MoR 47 pts 236 DanSkin 40 pts 3 Johno 34 pts 262 Harmen 33 pts 151 Dode 31 pts 256 Hooty 24 pts 8 Tosh 18 pts 155 Cobbers 10 pts 380 davey boy 7 pts 84 BullyJNR 0 pts 285 Mav JNR 0 pts 221 Spike I hope we will attract a lot more cars next week for an all important world championship qualifying round at Mildenhall. Cheers Johno
  5. Hello All, Tonight's meeting will be all in and ran from the server. Please be in chat by 8:25pm. Cheers Johno
  6. Yeah sure
  7. Thanks for letting m know Corny. I really dont know what the problem is to be honest. I aint very technically minded and that one is very strange.
  8. Thanks for letting me know
  9. both added
  10. I think I have heard of him......... Added
  11. HEllo All, If you would like a late booking for tonight's meeting then please post below. Cheers Johno
  12. This Thursday sees the mighty UK Dirt F1's racing on the leagues most unique venue: The Knockhill Tri-Oval. This once a year meeting carries Tarmac Masters Points and is always one that is exciting due to the fact it is so different. Don't forget, in order to run the track, you must run it in DX9. Hope to see you there.
  13. Ta Mav - I have just noticed myself when doing the points.
  14. Hello All, First of all, thanks to everyone that raced tonight. I thought the meeting was good despite the slightly lower turn out of cars. Congratulations to Daveyboy on taking the meeting final and getting 5th place from the hanicap. These points helped to make sure he was the top points scorer on the evening. Results: Heat 1: 236 221 1 525 233 300 277 380 262 3 Heat 2: 3 236 525 262 1 233 277 221 172 380 Heat 3: 1 262 236 233 300 3 380 221 525 84 A-Final: 380 221 300 262 1 3 236 233 525 277 GN 1: 236 233 1 3 380 172 525 84 300 221 Points: 49 pts 380 davey boy 47 pts 236 DanSkin 44 pts 1 Tom D 35 pts 3 Johno 34 pts 221 Spike 33 pts 233 Grasser 31 pts 300 Mattyaspin 29 pts 262 Harmen 26 pts 525 Mav 10 pts 172 Spike JNR 8 pts 84 bully jnr 8 pts 277 southy 0 pts 130 blymn Thanks once again to everyone that raced tonight. Next week we go up to Scotland for the second time this year. Last time we raced at Cowdenbeath, where as this time we will be racing on the tri oval at Knockhill. Cheers Johno
  15. Hello All, Welcome to tonight's meeting at Scunthorpe where tonight the mighty UK Dirt F1's will do battle for World of Shale Points THE FORMAT - HEAT 1 - HEAT 2 - HEAT 3 - FINAL - GRAND NATIONAL HEAT GRIDS There will be 3 heats with everyone racing in each heat (all in). SERVER INFORMATION Tonight will run the meeting from the server (.48). Please be in chat by 8:25pm so we can begin racing at 8:30pm. Cheers
  16. Thanks for letting us know Cheers Johno
  17. Hello All, Post here if you would like a late booking. I will be back about 7:45pm to sort the meeting out. Cheers Johno
  18. Hello All, First of all, thanks to everyone that raced tonights. The early races and the heats produced some superb racing, before a very hectic final and grand national where you needed to get the breaks through the pile ups. Onto the results, and it was a sensational night for yellow grade drivers James (Dodge) #560. He won both his heats, the final and then went on to record a 4th in the grand national. Congratulations on a great night for him. Results: Heat 1: 560 137 151 285 256 262 221 391 172 380 Heat 2: 84 1 256 151 90 525 8 115 391 285 Heat 3: 560 3 84 137 1 277 380 525 221 172 A-Final: 560 8 90 277 137 84 151 256 391 380 GN 1: 137 151 380 560 285 256 277 221 130 1 Points: 63 pts 560 Dodge 42 pts 137 MoR 34 pts 151 dode 27 pts 256 Hooty 27 pts 277 southy 26 pts 84 bully jnr 22 pts 8 Tosh 22 pts 90 LiamB 19 pts 380 davey boy 16 pts 285 Mav_Jnr 16 pts 1 Tom D 10 pts 221 Spike 8 pts 391 Corny 7 pts 3 Johno 6 pts 130 blymn 4 pts 525 Mav 3 pts 262 Harmen 2 pts 172 spikejnr 1 pts 115 michael green 0 pts 199 Waqar 0 pts 515 Big Al National Points and World Qualifying Tables are updated on the website. I will do the rest shortly. Cheers Johno
  19. Hello All, Welcome to tonight's meeting at Hednesford where tonight the mighty UK Dirt F1's will do battle for those all important World Championship Qualifying Points. PLEASE NOTE The meeting will be run from the server. Last week everyone remained in the server at all times which made the meeting run very smoothly. It would be great if the same could happen at all meetings starting tonight. Should you needto leave for any reason, then please let me know. THE FORMAT - W+Y - B+R - HEAT 1 - HEAT 2 - HEAT 3 - FINAL - GRAND NATIONAL HEAT GRIDS Heat 1: 130, 199, 172, 285, 515, 560, 221, 256, 3, 262, 380, 391, 137, 151 STEWARD: 1 Heat 2: 84, 199, 285, 515, 525, 115, 256, 277, 8, 90, 262, 391, 1, 151 STEWARD: 137 Heat 3: 84, 130, 172, 525, 560, 115, 221, 277, 3, 8, 90, 380, 1, 137 STEWARD: 391 SERVER INFORMATION Tonight will run the meeting from the server (.48). Please be in chat by 8:25pm so we can begin racing at 8:30pm. Cheers
  20. Book me in please Dave
  21. Hello All, WOW! What an amazing meeting!! First of all, thanks to everyone that raced tonight. I really thought the meeting was an absolute belter. Thanks to everyone for staying in the server which helped the meeting to run very smoothly. Onto the meeting, and DanSkin (236) was on fire in the heats winning 4 out of his 5 races. Other races wins went the way of the reds and superstars in the form of TomD (1), Corny (391), Liam (90) and MoR (137). This meant that the grid was formed as follows: ROW 1: 236 - 391 ROW 2: 413 - 1 ROW 3: 137 - 90 ROW 4: 3 - 256 ROW 5: 233 - 277 ROW 6: 151 - 115 ROW 7: 300 - 221 ROW 8: 525 - 380 ROW 9: 84 - 262 ROW 10: 39 - 19 ROW 11: 515 172 Once the dust had settled, it was the man of the evening, DanSkin who took the flag to become the 2011 British Drivers Champion. Congratulations to Dan on a very dominant performace over the course of the night. Results: Heat 1: 236 391 3 300 277 525 90 137 1 233 Heat 2: 236 413 233 256 277 151 221 39 3 380 Heat 3: 1 90 115 300 151 137 391 525 19 262 Heat 4: 391 3 256 413 525 236 380 233 277 300 Heat 5: 90 3 137 277 391 1 115 262 256 172 Heat 6: 236 413 1 233 151 221 90 380 300 525 Heat 7: 236 221 391 137 233 115 90 525 277 39 Heat 8: 137 413 1 256 151 115 84 380 300 515 British Championship: 236 233 151 1 90 413 115 137 277 391 Points: 60 pts 236 DanSkin 40 pts 1 Tom D 38 pts 413 matthewb 37 pts 233 Grasser 35 pts 90 LiamB 33 pts 151 dode 31 pts 391 Corny 31 pts 137 MoR 24 pts 115 michael green 21 pts 277 southy 21 pts 3 Johno 17 pts 256 Hooty 13 pts 300 Mattyaspin 12 pts 221 Spike 10 pts 525 Mav 5 pts 380 davey boy 2 pts 84 bully jnr 2 pts 39 LeeK 2 pts 262 Harmen 1 pts 172 spikejnr 1 pts 515 Big Al 1 pts 19 BigDog Josh 0 pts 130 blymn 0 pts 199 Waqar 0 pts 325 bobbert 0 pts 465 jedd Next week the UK Dirt F1's return to tarmac for another World Championship Qualifier. This is the pernultimate tarmac round at Hednesford. I hope to see you there. Cheers Johno
  22. Hello All, Welcome to tonight's meeting at Kings Lynn where tonight the mighty UK Dirt F1's will do battle for the British Drivers Championship. VERY IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE!! We will be very strict on time tonight due to the number of races that we have to get through. This means that there will be a maximum of 3 minutes to get into the server and only one restart per race maximum for the heats. We will start the meeting altogether in the server but should we have any issues with warp, we will go to chat, as with 26 cars, the server will be very busy. Practise for tonight's meeting will end at 8:20pm so the server can be set up for the meeting. Please be in chat by 8:25pm for meeting informtion. Heat 1 will be sent at 8:30pm. THE FORMAT - HEAT 1 - HEAT 2 - HEAT 3 - HEAT 4 - HEAT 5 - HEAT 6 - HEAT 7 - HEAT 8 ***TOP 22 POINTS SCORERS QUALIFY - BEST POSITIONS WILL BE USED IF NEEDED*** - BRITISH DRIVERS CHAMPIONSHIP (25 RACING LAPS) HEAT GRIDS HEAT 1: 130 199 325 465 // 525 // 19 236 277 300 // 3 90 380 391 413 // 137 233 1 // CARS: 17 // STEWARD: 221 HEAT 2: 84 130 199 // 172 515 // 115 221 236 256 277// 3 39 262 380 413 // 151 233 // CARS: 17 //STEWARD: 525 HEAT 3: 84 325 465 // 515 525 // 19 115 221 300 // 39 90 262 391 // 1 137 151 // CARS: 16 //STEWARD: 236 HEAT 4: 130 199 325 // 172 525 // 19 236 256 277 300 // 3 380 391 413 // 151 233 // CARS: 16 // STEWARD: 137 HEAT 5: 84 130 465 // 172 515 // 115 221 256 277 // 3 39 90 262 391 // 137 1 // CARS: 16 //STEWARD: 233 HEAT 6: 130 325 465 // 515 525 // 19 221 236 300 // 3 90 380 413 // 151 233 1 // CARS: 16 //STEWARD: 39 HEAT 7: 84 199 465 // 172 525 // 115 221 236 256 277 // 39 90 262 391 // 137 233 // CARS: 16 // STEWARD: 1 HEAT 8: 84 199 325 // 172 515 // 19 115 256 300 // 39 262 380 413 // 137 151 1 // CARS: 16 //STEWARD: 391 *Drivers, please check you have 5 heats each. Stewards, please let me know if you cant steward any race. SERVER INFORMATION We will be racing in the server ending .48. As mentioned above, we will try to run from the server to save some time, but should we have any issues then we will return to MiRC Chat. Finally, I hope you have a really good night tonight and may the best driver win! Cheers Johno
  23. Bookings now closed guys. Hooty added Cheers Johno
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