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Everything posted by Johno3
Hello All, Thanks to everyone who raced at tonight's meeting. I once again thought that the racing was superb even if the attendance was a little less than expected. Cngratulations to TomD for winning the meeting final, which made sure that he won the WINTER SERIES POINTS CHAMPIONSHIP for the second year on the trot. Comisserations to Dode who tried hard, but could not quite match the World Champion. That left us with the Winter Series Shootout to round off the Winter Series, and there is once again a new name on this trophy. Congratulations to Aub for winning this race, over 25 hectic laps at Northampton. RESULTS W+Y 488 84 164 172 343 199 B,R+S/S 151 188 8 31 112 391 221 365 3 Heat 1 188 8 391 1 31 151 84 365 3 488 Heat 2 31 1 8 3 188 221 151 84 391 172 Heat 3 188 151 8 1 221 3 31 172 365 488 Final 1 151 391 221 8 188 84 31 199 488 GN 188 1 151 3 221 31 488 391 8 172 WSS 188 1 8 151 391 84 488 199 365 221 POINTS 104 pts 1 88 pts 188 82 pts 151 72 pts 8 60 pts 221 58 pts 391 56 pts 31 34 pts 3 26 pts 84 22 pts 488 12 pts 199 8 pts 172 4 pts 365 0 pts 343 0 pts 164 Thanks once again to everyone that raced throughout the Winter Series. News on the upcoming UK Dirt F1 season is just around the corner now, so keep looking on the forum over the next week for detailed information. Thanks once again, Johno
Feel free to come and join us.
Hello All, Tonight's meeting sees us racing in the Winter Series Finale. Two titles are up for grabs tonight. First of all the Winter Series Points which is mainly between two drivers (TomD and Dode). There is currently 18 points between them, but with double points on offer tonight, it could get very very close. Once the points are sorted, it is then onto the Winter Series Shootout. The grid will be fore in the order that points are scored. It sure seems like this has the potential to be a superb race to round off another superb winter series. Format - W+Y - B+R+S/S - Heat 1 - Heat 2 - Heat 3 - Final - Grand National - Winter Series Finale (over 25 laps) Cheers Johno
Keep those bookings coming guys - should be a superb night of racing. Cheers Johno
I have put a server up. I will be around about 9pm. Johno
Well done to all involved in another big update. I hope to race these a few times during the year. Cheers Johno
I will be around tonight, and we can have a few fun races. If you specify a time, I will make sure I am there. Cheers Johno
I will try and be around tomorrow. I am currently off work with a bug that the children have given me. I have made quick sharp visits to the computer today but have spent a lot of time in bed. If I am up to it, then I will be around tomorrow. Cheers Johno
Hello Guys, Next week will see UK Dirt F1's racing at Northampton in the Winter Series Finale. In terms of the points championship, double points will be on offer as TomD and Dode do battle of the points title. Everyone will be keen to score double points however, as the points at the end of the meeting will be added together to form the grid the the Winter Series Shootout. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself booked in for an awesome series finale. Cheers Johno BOOKING LIST WHITE #84 Bully #199 Waqar #343 Numbnuts YELLOW #164 Jarry #172 Spike JNR #488 Dave BLUE #31 Skeet #151 Dode #188 Aub #221 Spike #365 Travel #391 Corny RED #8 Tosh SUPERSTAR #1 TomD #3 Johno TOTAL: 15
Points up to date guys. Cheers Johno
Hello All, Thanks to everyone that raced tonight at a superb little track. It really did produce racing of top quality. Congratulations to Dode for taking the meeting final. This helped him to become the top points scorer for the meeting too. RESULTS W+Y 172 84 199 B,R+S/S 151 8 365 1 3 137 363 391 221 Heat 1 151 8 365 391 1 363 137 172 3 84 221 199 Heat 2 1 391 137 172 363 365 8 151 84 221 199 DNF 3 Heat 3 8 137 151 365 1 391 221 172 84 199 DNF 3 363 Final 151 1 391 365 8 137 363 221 172 199 84 DNF 3 GN 8 365 1 391 151 137 3 363 172 84 221 199 POINTS 47 pts 151 45 pts 1 43 pts 8 41 pts 391 40 pts 365 33 pts 137 21 pts 363 16 pts 172 11 pts 221 6 pts 3 5 pts 84 5 pts 199 Next week we go to Northampton for the final meeting of the Winter Series. Double points are on offer and the series will be ended with the Winter Series Finale. It won't be the final meeting before the new season though. Instead we will be running one more meeting on the Dutch track Posterholt. The idea is to test the track to see if it is worth a place on the fixture list, so as many people as possible would be superb. Cheers Johno
Sorry Numbnuts - I did not see your reply until Trav told me before the first race. Johno
Hello All, Tonights meeting will be an all in meeting. Please feel free to come and join us if you fancy a blast around a new track to UK Dirt F1. Cheers Johno
List updated - feel free to come and join us guys
Hello All, First of all, can I apoilogise - I totally forgot to put up the booking thread. Tom pm'ing me gave me the reminder!! This week sees the mighty UK Dirt F1's visit Mildenhall for the first time in UK Dirt Rfactor F1 history. This track will be in the main fixture so perhaps a few more people will venture out onto track. Anyway, book in for this meeting on this thread and I will update the list as frequently as possible. EDIT: We will be using F1 Stockcars V1.4 so therefore you will need to register a skin to race in the meeting. SEE HERE. Cheers Johno WHITE #84 Bully JNR #199 Waqar #343 Numbnuts YELLOW #172 Spike JNR #365 Travel BLUE #151 Dode #221 Spike #391 Corny RED #8 Tosh #363 Walker SUPERSTARS #1 TomD #3 Johno #137 MoR TOTAL: 12
Latest Points Added
Hello All, First of all, thanks to everyone that raced tonight. I thought that once again, despite the low turn out, the racing was superb. Congratulations to Dode for taking the meeting final and with it being the top points scorer on the night. Results W+Y 488 285 172 84 199 B,R+S/S 1 151 3 137 8 221 188 Heat 1 137 151 188 285 488 8 3 221 1 84 199 dnf 172 Heat 2 137 285 8 1 151 3 488 188 84 199 172 dnf 221 Heat 3 84 1 488 137 8 151 172 188 3 285 Final 151 1 221 3 137 488 188 285 172 84 199 dnf 8 GN 3 1 151 137 8 221 188 172 488 285 84 199 Points 48 pts 151 43 pts 137 43 pts 1 34 pts 3 27 pts 488 25 pts 221 23 pts 285 23 pts 188 20 pts 8 14 pts 84 12 pts 172 1 pts 199 Next week we are back on the loose stuff when UK Dirt F1's make their first appearance on the shale of Mildenhall. Cheers Johno
Any late bookings, please post here.
Apologies Tosh - corrected Cheers Johno
Hello All, Next week sees the might UK Dirt F1's visit the indoor arean in Birmingham. This track is only ever visited once in the year and usually produces some very good racing. Anyway, book in for this meeting on this thread and I will update the list as frequently as possible. EDIT: We will be using F1 Stockcars V1.4 so therefore you will need to register a skin to race in the meeting. SEE HERE. Cheers Johno WHITE #84 Bully JNR #199 Waqar #285 Mav JNR YELLOW #172 Spike JNR #488 Dave BLUE #151 Dode #188 Aub #221 Spike RED #8 Tosh SUPERSTARS #1 TomD #3 Johno #137 MoR TOTAL: 12
Hello All, Thanks very much to everyone that turned up to race tonight. I thought the racing was very good with some hard fought battle taking place throughout the field. It is a case of family domination tonight though, with Aub being the family leader wining two heats, the final and the closed grid Grand National. This also meant that he went on to become the top points scorer. Results W+Y 84 488 515 525 285 172 B,R+S/S 151 1 262 3 8 87 221 188 Heat 1 188 1 8 151 3 84 515 262 87 285 Heat 2 188 488 1 8 87 151 84 221 515 525 Heat 3 488 1 188 87 3 8 285 221 151 84 Final 188 1 151 3 488 221 285 87 525 84 GN 188 3 87 1 151 488 8 84 285 172 Points Points Driver 59 pts 188 48 pts 1 35 pts 488 34 pts 151 34 pts 3 27 pts 87 19 pts 8 16 pts 285 14 pts 221 14 pts 84 7 pts 525 3 pts 515 2 pts 172 1 pts 262 Next week we have a once a year visit to the NEC in Birmingham. I personally think it is a superb track, although not one to be used week in week out!! I hope to see you there. Cheers Johno
Hello Guys, So it is a little late - I have been at a school disco!! Anyway, tonight's meeting will be as follows: Whites and Yellows Blues, Reds and S/S Heat 1 Heat 2 Heat 3 Final Grand National (Closed grid) Cheers Johno
I have put you down as blue for now but the end of season grades will be sorted out this week therefore it should change before the meeting. Cheers Johno
I have put you down as blue for now but the end of season grades will be sorted out this week therefore it should change before the meeting. Cheers Johno