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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. No worries - the race is always going to be a little more heated due to what is to play for. I didnt actually realise how hard the hit was until I watched it on the replay I enjoyed the race -it was something different to race for and something different to think about. Loved the concept and enjoyed the race, so no worries here Robin. Cheers Johno
  2. Just to add to another superb poster from Walker, this is actually the last shale meeting before the World Final. So for those of you that don't race shale often (cough Dave ), this is a good opportunity to get some shale practise before the big World Championship Double Header! Cheers Johno
  3. Sorry I disappeared pretty much after crossing the line in the Grand National. I could hear gears and tears starting in the background so I dashed off! Can I first of all thank everyone for last night. Gary and the Admin Team did a superb job on a tricky night. Well done to Robin and Tom for winning their respective Semi Finals. Well do to Lew on taking the meeting final. My first venture out on tarmac in the F2 for about a year and I really enjoyed myself. I thought the meeting was superb and there was a lot of respect paid to drivers, which all around meant some very good racing. I really struggled over the weekend to get any kind of pace at all. I occasionally broke into the 14.2's. I was really struggling. Drumbstick tried to help me, but I only got a tiny bit faster. I then spoke to Dan on the phone who told me that I had some things that I could change in the extras. So I changed the diff and I changed the gear box and that was it then, I was at least nearthe pace of the bulk of the field. So thanks very much to Dan and Drumbstick. Whilst iiwll not be a regular, and I do not know if that set up works everywhere, I will try and attend more meetings on a Monday, even during term time. I think I have a set up for both surfaces and thus I think I can at least get some decent finishes. Speking of decent finishes, I am not sure what happened in the Grand National. I went into it second, hit the leader, and all chaos broke loose!! I then did a little dance with a white top backmarker (sorry I dont know who you were) as he tried to get out of my way and I tried to get around him and we both kept going in the same direction It was very funny!! Anyway, thanks once again to everyone involved in last night's meeting. I will most definitely be back for more!! Cheers Johno EDIT: Apologies to Robin too for having a few goes at him in the final. It is not normally my style at all, but someone reminded me that in the meeting final we race for the inside. He wasn't in my Semi Final so I had to try and slow him down!! Sorry sir - it is not normally like me!!
  4. Oops - thats what happens when you copy andpaste something from last year!! Shows how organised I am this time Johno
  5. superstar time is 13.750 14.0-13.8 is the norm johno Best get practising then - I am way off that pace!!
  6. Hello Guys, It is that time of the year again where we start thinking about the World Championship (the programme is well on it's way already). With the race now being just a few weeks away, I would like you to answer a couple of questions to make the World Final Programme even better. WORLD FINALISTS (1) What do you think are your chances in the big race? (2) If you don't win the big race, who do you think will? Please feel free to say as little or as much as you want. Only swearing / spelling will be edited (spelling not by me) NON WORLD FINALISTS If you wish to comment on the big race then please feel free to do so. (1) Who do you think will win the big race? PLEASE PM YOUR ANSWERS TO MYSELF (JOHNO). All of the team are clubbing together to produce what should be a absolutely stunning programme, and youR input can only make it even better. Cheers Johno
  7. Hello, Having not raced F2 tarmac for a long time, I have no idea if I am on the pace or not. Could anyone give me a rough lap time to aim for? Cheers Johno
  8. Johno #632 - Thanks very much to LeeK 632_Johno___Shale.zip
  9. Johno #632 - Thanks very much to LeeK 632_Johno___Tar.zip
  10. Thanks very much for the kind comments guys. Unfortunately we still need someone to come on board and join the disciplinary team. If you need any further information, then please feel free to talk to any members of the Admin Team. Cheers Johno
  11. Thnaks very much to Spike for running the meeting, and to Kev for stewarding the races. It certainly was a very good meeting. It is very easy to constantly keep swapping places here, but what I thought was good was when the time was there to work together to get to the front, the drivers around me did it, and then when it was time to battle for positon, that happened too. All in all, that adds up to a very good meeting. EDIT: Even me and Tom worked together at times!! Cheers Johno
  12. Get yourself booked in for tonight's blast around the capital. Should be a fantastic meeting! All I need is for those Rfactor people to send me a new licence code now! Cheers Johno
  13. After nearly 3 years as the F1 Head Admin, I have decided that it is time to step away from the Admin Team. I am afraid that my time is not as readily available as it once was and when thinking about my job (teaching), I realise it is the right time to step down. I would like to thank everyone that has worked on the team with me. The guys have been superb and although I have found that the Head gets a lot of credit for things, the league would be nothing without the team. So thanks very much to everyone that has been on the team, both past and present. Don’t think I am leaving you totally though! I will still be racing pretty much every week, but it just means I focus on one evening for a couple of hours. I will officially step away (or turn yellow on the forum) after the F1 World Final. In order to move forward, the team has decided that they will run it as a team. This means that any queries you have can be directed to any members of the F1 Admin Team after the World Final. HOWEVER…… WE NEED YOU TO HELP US. In order to help keep the league ticking over, we need one person to come and join our Disciplinary Team. As it stands, the role is specifically aimed at disciplinary, which means we will be looking at you to review replays and give your opinions on any incidents. You will be part of a Disciplinary Team so don’t think that you will be on your own. If you need any further details, you can still get in touch with me via PM, or speak to any other member of the F1 Admin Team. The closing date for this will be THURSDAY 19TH AUGUST. Please send your application to either myself or a member of the F1 Admin Team. Cheers Johno
  14. Very rarely come on here - had to have it pointed out to me Thanks very much guys - not too old yet though!! hehe
  15. Travel has pretty much answered it there Matthew. He has in effect done nothing wrong. We did refuse to downgrade him the month previous, as a bit like he has done with the rules, we pulled him up on a technicality. So he came back and did the correct number of full meetings to be downgraded. Graders discresion can only be used with a good reason that can be backed up really, or else you could be constantly keeping drivers up because you think they are too good . There are plenty of drivers (and I would put you in that category) that are too good for a certain grade, but for one reason or another, we have to downgrade them. When looking at Travel's stats, he had blue for one grading period only, and he was not good enough to keep it. Therefore, after a bad start to the season (or sandbagging as he says it is), there was no reason to keep him at yellow. As for why he does it, he explains above himself. I personally dont see the point in it, but some people do, and if they are happy with that, then fair play to them. I personally want to win every race possible. I want to try ad be the best in the league. Will I ever do it? No. But that is my motivation for racing. Everyones is different. Needless to say, we need to learn from this, and we have. We are tightening up the rules to bring them inline with a new real life rule. Trav won a final in September 2009 so he will never be allowed to be white again, unless we change games in the future. Anyway, onto the meeting, and thanks very much to Kev for running it and stewarding the races. Well done to Matthew on winning the final. Ican't believe I top scored - recount I thought hte racing was superb tonight, and the starts were a lot better. One of the heats looked a little dodgy from the blues, but they got themselves back inline quickly. Hope to see you next week guys as we have the final round before the top 6 drivers for the shootout are decided. Cheers Johno
  16. With both Murf and Dazza booked in for tonight's meeting, we will be doing the coin toss. Another good reason to be racing this evening!
  17. Get yourself booked in guys!!
  18. Hello All, I have tried to do a bit of a catch up of all the recent goings on, so there are a couple more pages than normal. Cheers Johno Issue_21.pdf
  19. Thanks to Kev for race managing the meeting. Congratulations first of all to Dazza on taking the semi final, and to the other 9 qualifiers. Obviously the race itself was incident packed and this is currently being dealt with by the Admin Team. Congratulation then to Matthew on taking the meeting final and to Lee for top scoring. Before I talk about last night, can I just say it is always good to hear people thoughts about the meetings and one of the main reasons I like Skeet racing is that he always gives a detailed account of the meeting - superb read sir. Anyway, it was superb to see that numbers increased again. No doubt that this was down to the World Championship Semi Final, but it was still pleasing to see. Matthew is quite right with what he says about Buxton: if drivers give respect, then it is a good track, but it is so easy for it to go wrong. Onto my meeting, and I had an absolute shocker. The set up just didnt seem to work as it di in practise. In practise I was always quick at the start and then would tail off towards the end. Unfortunately when it came to a race, it apeeard twork the opposite way. I was spun out in both heats which meant that I had no points. Consolation came around and I moved over for Dazza as I was slow and then the car seemed to kick in a bit. We both caught up the battling Corny and GoinInStyle and I was not very agressive at all, instead tried hard to stay out of the way. This meant that I got pushed back into the pack and all of a sudden a qualifying place loked unlikely. It was not helped when I then spun myself in one of the corners. Fortunately, Spike gave me a good shot after the spin and it gave me a kick up the arse. Got a shot off Lew as he tried to regain he all improtant sixth place but he eventually lost the back end. Onto the Final, and again the car just did not work at the start. I let the superstars past and then concentrated on working my way forward. I followed TomD for a long time and I felt the car coming too me. We then exchanged places but Tom eventually got through a gaggle of cars and I ended up stuck in the middle of them. I then started going backwards and then whilst in 13th, I had Harman behind me. As normal he was knocking the hell out of everyone. Now I don't mind, but sometimes I think drivers need to look at the race situation. All the time Harman was battering me, the guys in front were getting away and a top ten position was out of the question. Sometimes you need towork together to get forwards, and then other times you need to fighthard and scrap for your position. Racing for 13th and 14th is not the time to be scrapping for position imo. Work together, catch up it the battling pack up front, and then start to use he bumper again. At least then you have a chance of scoring points. Anyway, I think I eventually collected Kruiz and all of a sudden we were both on the infield. It's fair to say that I was annoyed with the whole evening and I decided to change everything on the car and see what happens. I was very happy with it at the start of the race, and I got a few breaks at the same time. Come the end of the race, I was struggling like crazy though, and I could not get anywhere near Kruiz to pinch forth. As it happened, I pinched it anyway, as he raced in the wrong Grand National! Overall, my night was due to a very poor setup. Or a set up that was poor in race conditions anyway!! Thanks to everyone that raced last night. I need towait for Kev to confirm to me, but I think the race for the final shootout place is now really hotting up, and with two meeting left before the cut off is decided, the focus could well turn to the battle for 6th place. I will also try and do an F1 Dirter that covers what has happened over recent weeks. Cheers Johno
  20. Hello All, First of all, I am very sorry that the programme is late. I have to be totally honest and say that it totally slipped my mind and thus I have had to finish it tonight. Thanks to Fasttrack for reminding me. Cheers Johno Buxton_Programme.pdf
  21. Semi Final list s currently up to date according to the UK Dirt website. I would expect a few more names to be booking in yet, and with the current list of 17, it should be a good meeting. Cheers Johno
  22. Hello All, I am disappointed to announce that after all evidence has been reviewed, there has had to be an ammendment to the World Championship Semi Final result. The official Semi Final result is as follows: CONFIRMED SEMI FINAL RESULT SEMI: 561, 315, 137, 39, 3, 8, 16, 188, 87, 363 Savage has been removed from 6th place after evidence from many sources had been reviewed. Walker will thus be promoted to 10th place and will be on row 10 for the World Championship at Coventry in September. Munis has also been removed from the Semi Final result (he finished 12th) after evidence from many sources had been reviewed. Everyone moves up one place again, but it does not change the World Final grid. There has also been an ammendment to the Heat 3 result. Munis has again been taken out of the results (8th place) which moves everyone up one place. Jarry now comes into 10th place. CONFIRMED HEAT 3 RESULT HEAT 3 Result: 527, 3, 363, 561, 137, 87, 16, 39, 221, 164 All evidence from the meeting has been past to General Admin. General Admin will then decide on any bans. Until they have come to a conclusion, neither Savage or Munis will be allowed to take part in any F1 meeting. The Admin Team are very sorry to have to make this announcement, but at the same time would like to congratulate Walker on making it to the World Final in September. In order to make sure that there is no 'witch hunt' and bad comments made about people, this topic will be locked. Both Munis and Savage have been informed and have tried to help the UK Dirt F1 Admin Team with their enquiries. Cheers Johno
  23. Hello All, This Thursday sees the UK Dirt F1's in their Second World Championship Semi Final at Buxton. Buxton has produced some superb racing this year, and Thursday is set to be no exception! We will be releasing something at the start of the week in regards to the semi final, but I will keep this thread up to date with bookings. I would be grateful if you could let me know if you do not intend to race in the semi final, as this will give a reserve the chance of racing. Cheers Johno SEMI FINAL GRID (Those currently booked in are in Blue) ROW 1: 112 ... 1 ROW 2: 531 ... 236 ROW 3: 262 ... 527 ROW 4: 136 ... 391 ROW 5: 488 ... 2 ROW 6: 151 ... 259 ROW 7: 300 ... 107 ROW 8: 233 ... 588 ROW 9: 495 ... 172 ROW 10: 484 ... 31
  24. Booking list updated - qualifiers added Cheers Johno
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