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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. Hello Guys, I have just had half an hour on the Rfactor F1 game, and about 10minutes in, the steering wheel stopped steering properly. It understeered violently. I initially thought that it was my steering wheel thathad given up the ghost, as it is getting a little old now, but I got an even older one out, and that is doing the same. Therefore, I can only conclude that it is something wrong ith the game, but havn't he foggiest idea what it could be. The only thing I was messing with was my car set up, but I have even treid at different tracks just incase. Can anyone suggest anything? Do I need to totaly re-install it perhaps? I cant understand why it just started doing it. Thanks in advance. Johno
  2. Hello Guys, Next weeks sees a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFYING ROUND DOUBLE HEADER. The Wednesday meeting will take place at Hednesford Hills raceway, with the Thursday meeting taking place at Bradford Tarmac. For the WEDNESDAY meeting, please book in on the UK DIRT WEBSITE. For the THURSDAY meeting, please book in on THIS THREAD. Wednesday's meeting will start at 7:45pm, and Thursday meeting will start at 8:30pm. Cheers Johno BOOKING LIST WHITE #4 Pusher #48 Tinman #172 Spike JNR #515 Big Al #525 Mav YELLOW #31 Skeet #126 Leech (Prov) #164 Jarry #221 Spike #300 Matty #365 Travel BLUE #3 Johno #8 Tosh #17 Munis #137 MoR #236 DanSkin #363 Walker RED #16 JK #87 Robin (Prov) #262 Harman #315 Mike #391 Corny #531 Lee SUPERSTAR #1 Dazza #39 LeeK #112 TomD #527 Fasttrack #561 Murf TOTAL: 28
  3. First of all, thanks very muh to Kev for running the meeting and stewarding the races. Well done to Murf on becoming the 2010 UK Dirt F1 Dutch Champion. As the event was kindly sponsored by Roothost, I will be in touch in regards the sponsorship and how it will work out. Personally, a mixed meeting for me. I drove poorly tonight. I was really not on my game. The car was nothing like it was in practice - so much so, I dont think I did a .6 all night. Heats wereamixed bag. Heat 2 was obviously good, but then it was hard to be wrose than heats 1 and 3. The Final was always going to be hard starting on the outside, but I was fortunate enough to get a decent break, and find myself in about 7th place. I was quite hapy then. Picked off acouple of places, but was no decisive enough when I got onto the back of LeeK. 4th place was still good though. Grand National, I had some tough battles early on, but came out of it unscaved. I reeled Mike back in, but made a small mistake on the pernultimate lap which cost me time and thus I couldnt quite get onto the back of him on the last bend. All in all, I think tonight was quite good, or what I saw of it was. A few mutterings, but that seems to happen most weeks. Any problems, send them too me and we will deal with them. Next week, we have a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFYING DOUBLE HEADER. Hednesford features on the Wednesday night with Bradford tarmac being the port of call on the Thursday night. I think it is fair to say that numbers were a little low tonight, with many of the regulars not being around. Hopefully that will pick up again in the coming weeks, as after a superb start to the season, things have really tailed off. Looking around, this is happening in a lot of leagues, but if there are any suggestions that you could make as to why, or perhaps how to ecourage more people to race, then please let me know. Cheers Johno
  4. Good stuff again Walker - well done. Johno
  5. First of all, thanks vey much to Kev for running the meeting and stewarding the races. Well done to Matthew on taking the meeting final. Personally, it was not too bad. The problem is, the points are all in the final, and if you dont score in that, you dont score big points. Heats were fine, both times came across a white top and ending up spinning them - sorry to them both again. It i hard around here as the corner speeds differ everytime. my lap times were yo-yo'ing around like mad. Onto the final, and as I said, you never know what is going to happen, and sure enough, eveything went wrong. I was a bit tentative off the start, trying not to damage he car and it cost me, as I got swallowed up into the pack and before I know it, I was around. Turn around, but the car was damaged. It was then I had to battle, and the more I tried, the worse my laps got, and with the damage, it made it worse. Anyway, the first championship of the season next week, and the once a year three-a-breast clutch start final!! Cheers Johno
  6. Awesome pictures from the both of you - top stuff guys I should also thank MoR for the World Final logo on my car - not sure I have done that yet!!! Cheers Johno
  7. Your quite right Al - now you mention it, they do jump out at you now you pointed it out! I never really check the headlines - I just expect I have done them right. That's a bit of a slap in the face and a reminder for me to check!! Tweaked on the forum though with the changes. Cheers Johno
  8. Hello Guys, The latest issue of the F1 Dirter can be found at the top of the forum (again saves uploading it twice). Also, dont forget to download Issue 7, which informs all drivers of the new grades. Thanks once again to Kev and the rest of the team fr all their help. Cheers Johno P.S Hopefully the first interview will take place in next week's issue.
  9. Issue 8 now available. Issue_8.pdf
  10. I am hoping to get a few more voters before we close it. Come on guys - get your votes in. Who has impressed you this period thus far? What was your favourite meeting? I will leave it open until tomorrow evening, as I cant finish the Dirter until then anyway, as I have no laptop!!! Cheers Johno
  11. Perhaps excel is the way forward!!! I hope Murf that it is just a typo - but best best class these as unofficial and wait for Kev149.com to be updated!!
  12. Good work again Tosh - well done sir
  13. EDIT: I AM ADDING THIS HERE AS I WOULD LIKE EVERYONE TO READ IT. PLEASE VOTE FOR YOUR DRIVER OF THE GRADING PERIOD, ON THE THREAD ON THIS FORUM. WE NEED 4 MORE VOTES FOR IT TO CONTINUE, BUT I WOULD LIKE A LOTMORE THAN THAT IF POSSIBLE. Hello Guys, Thanks to everyone that raced tonight. I think in the main it was a very good meeting with very few grumbles, which is always good to see. Well done to Lee on takng the grand final, and Harman and becoming the top scorer for the meeting. RESULTS: HEAT 1: 527 262 391 87 315 1 221 531 236 516 HEAT 2: 561 16 300 112 1 531 87 8 39 516 HEAT 3: 391 561 315 8 16 527 112 363 3 262 CONS: 3 236 363 39 164 107 172 515 525 4 FINAL: 531 262 87 561 315 236 1 300 516 391 GN1: 1 561 16 300 39 236 363 221 107 8 GN2: 527 3 262 516 87 112 315 551 531 515 POINTS: 262 37 531 35 87 32 561 31 1 29 315 29 527 23 300 22 16 20 236 19 391 18 516 16 112 13 3 11 39 8 8 8 363 6 221 6 107 3 515 2 4 0 172 0 164 0 525 0 Personally, I had a disaster and a triumph. My disaster was my nights racing. I just seemed to hit anything that spun in front of me. Got a break in the Grand National and was fortunate enough to be able to capitalise on it. Disappointed that this will be my last meeting at red for the near future. Was hoping this year to stay at red and tryand get in the shootout by doing so, so have not achievedone of my targets for the season. But I did have a triumph. After being a forgetful git, I managed to race manage the meeting successfully using only a pen and paper. Perhaps Spike and Corny were right and its the new way forward!!! Next week sees us start a mini tour to Holland, and the very unique Baarlo Short race track. It was a superb meeting last season (although I dont want to be reminded of what I did in the meeting final ta!!!!) and I expect that it will be another superb meeting. Add to that the fact that the new grades come into play, and I am sure you will agree that it sounds like it could be an absolute classic!!! Cheers Johno
  14. Hello Guys, Welcome to tonight's meeting. Tonight we will do battle for those all important World Championship Qualifying Points at Coventry. Normals rules apply, so play nicely and I am sure you will have a great night of racing. FORMAT 3 HEATS CONS FINAL 2 GN'S (Unless numbers drop by 2 in the meeting) HEAT GRIDS HEAT 1: 4, 515 // 107, 164, 221, 300, 391, 516, 527 // 236, 531 // 3, 87, 363 // 1, 315 // CARS: 16 HEAT 2: 172, 515 // 17, 39, 164, 221, 262, 300, 516 // 531, 561 // 8, 16, 87 // 1, 112 // CARS: 16 HEAT 3: 4, 172 // 17, 39, 107, 262, 391, 527 // 236, 561 // 3, 8, 16, 363 // 112, 315 // CARS: 16 The meeting will take place in the server, but we need to meet in chat first. Cheers Johno
  15. 164 and 8 added (I see the threat worked Jarry hehe) 551 removed
  16. Added Lee
  17. Hello Guys, If you would like a late booking for tonights meeting, or you need to cancel, could you please let me know below. Cheers Johno
  18. Hello All, The latest issue of the F1 Dirter is available from the thread at the top of the forum (saves keep uploading it twice). Thanks to Dazza, Kev and the rest of the team as always! Thanks must also go to this years UK Dirt F1 Sponsors. Cheers Johno
  19. Issue 6 is now available below. Issue_6.pdf
  20. OK, I will kick us off. Driver I think tere are many drivers that could be chosen this period - a period that has been dominated b the lower grade drivers. Murf obviously ha been fantastic from blue. Grasser would be on that list, as he has a superb averae from the meetings he has raced. There are a few yellow grade drivers too. Veterans Corny and LeeK have made fantastic starts to the season. Fasttrack madea superb start until internet troubles slowed down his progress. White grade drivers continued to battle, with GoinInStyle driving well. So I think it is very hard to choose. I think that based on the fact he started at white, although I wonder if he watched that 30 poins barrier carefully, I will go for GoinInStyle (399). He has drove very nicely throughout the period, and I think he will get o well at a higher grade. DotGP: 399 Meeting Again I think there have been some superb meetings this perio, but for me, Sheffield was the best meeting. I don't know if it is something about the track, but the racing is always supeb there, and the third meeting of the season was no let down. MotGP: Sheffield Cheers Johno
  21. Hello Guys, I would like to introduce a new intiatve to try and keep people talking about UK Dirt F1 racing, and also to try and get people to recognise good racing that has taken place. As an Admin Team, we talked about this at the end of last season, and the possibility of having a driver of the meeting, but we felt that it could become too repetitive. With that, coupled with something that I will be working on throughout the season, we would like to introduce a driver/ meeting of the grading period. Now it is totally up to you who you vote for. You can only vote for one person / meeting, and your vote will only count if you have raced / watched a meeting from the grading period. If there is enough people willing to comment, then I will try and look into some sort of sponsorshp during the season. I think we need a minimum of 12 votes to make it worth while, so this is what we will be aiming for. So who is your driver of the grading period? What was your meeting of the grading period? EDIT: CLOSING DATE: FRIDAY 19TH MARCH Cheers Johno
  22. First of all, as always, thanks very much to Mike and Kevin for running the meeting. I think it is fair to say that after the disaster of Wednesday night for me personally, Thursday night was a lot better. Heat races could have been a lot better had I been a little more patient. I am pleased how I fought back in those races though, and picked up some decent results. Onto the final, and I didnt get a bad start, but we were in a pack, and as per normal, we started knocking ten bells out of each other. Fortunately, I got the break I needed, as with Murf leaving hal a door open, I forced my way through. From there it was all about if I could catch anyone, and I reeled off a few places. My car really came good in the last 3 laps, as I had looked after my tyres, but I didnt know what the laps were at the time, and tapped Lee wide on the pernultimate lap. Had I have realised what lap we were on, I would have waited, as I thought we could catch the white top ahead. Must take note of the laps next time, and time my attack a little better - although I must say Lee, the line you took with a bounce off the fence was interesting as I didnt really hit you hard enough for the fence. I wouldnt have beat you anyway, as JarHarm had managed to get me nicely and pinch the place off me. Grand National - tired somethign different with the set up, and it was very poor early on in the race, so had to really scrap for my position. In the second half of the race, it came good, but it was too late. Had a last bend dive at Marten, but didnt get him wide enough, and for the second time in a week on tarmac, I was beaten by the length of the front bumper. Think it worked out about 0.03 of a second. Anyway, next week, we are back on the shale of Coventry for World Championship Qualifying Round 6. The last meeting at these current grades, so I am sure there are a few drivers hoping to make the most of it. I have put some pictures on the website of some more drivers, fromboth Belle Vue and Ipswich. I hope to try and get a variety, but I do apologise if I have not got you this time. I will try and get different drivers, unl;ess I want one for a reason. Cheers Johno
  23. Thanks for the meeting Spike and Kev. I think it is fair to say I had a mare today. Couldnt avoid the spinners to save my life!! Plus the reds and superstars were firey today - even dished some out myself tonight! Anyway - on to tomorrow and the 5th round of the World Championship Qualifying Series. Cheers Johno
  24. Thanks for letting us know Cheers Johno
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