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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. Hello Guys Jus a quick reminder to help you remember the start time. The start time tomorrow is 7:45pm and NOT 8:30pm. Cheers Johno
  2. Hello Guys, Available below is Issue 5 of the F1 Dirter. Two pages this week, as there is a few extra items to inform you about. Sorry its a little late - I was not too well yesterday, so decided to have a rest. Cheers Johno Issue_5.pdf
  3. Issue 5 now available below Issue_5.pdf
  4. Issue 4 now availale below Issue_4.pdf
  5. Have added some pictures to the UK Dirt Website - media centre, from this weeks meeting. Just single car shots - sorry I couldnt do everyone. The F1 Dirter will be available later on this evening - I was not feeling too good yesterday. Cheers Johno
  6. Johno #3 booking in please
  7. First of all, thanks to Spike for running the meeting, and to Kev for stewarding the meeting. Well done to all the winners, including Munis on his first final, and TomD on top scoring. Personally, Buxton is not my favourite track, but I had arguably the best race of my Rfactor career on it so far, so I suppose you have to judge that it is how it is raced. I think it is fair to say that the standards were not as high as we have had over the past weeks, and as such, the UK Dirt Admin Team will have no choice but to act. I order to help with this, if you have something your bnot happy about, send me a PM letting me know and I will put it too the team. Anyway, negatives out the way, like I said, there were some positives out of tonight, and there were some examples of mighty fine racing. I think what happens is, in the early laps, drivers pile in. Once the grid has settled down, you actually get some really good racing, and it can produce some good battles. The other problem is, once one driver spins, you then have the problem of trying to get around them, which can be very tricky. Anyway, onto my meeting, and it was a mixed meeting. Achieved my average for the current year, but it could have been better. Bad start in Heat 1, set up change, and things went well in Heat2, catching some superb breaks Imust admit. Final, was spun out on lap 1, and in the gn, anything in the way, I hit it!! But there is no doubt that Heat 3 was easily my race of the season so far, if not my best race on Rfactor. I managed to get up to corny by about lap 5, and then as is the case, my car sort of goes off for a while. Crny was eaking out a gap ever so slightly, and then my car started to come good, so I started to eek it back. With about 3/4 laps to go, I noticed we were well ahead, and as he tried to pass BigAl, I thought it was time to strike. He returned the favour, and we went on changing places after each bend. Onto the last lap, and I was tucked in behind Corny, and decided not to strike. I went round turn 2, and just clipped BigAl slightly (not his fault at all - he got out the way the best the track would allow - thank you sir). Even so, I gave it my best into the last bend, but Corny held on, to win by half a car length. Absolutely fantastic racing, and a big well done to Corny. Anyway, next week we have 2 meetings at two different tracks. Wednesday will be Belle Ve, starting at 7:45pm, and Thursday will be Ipswich - Rund five of the World Championship Qualifying Series, but the first for 2010. Cheers Johno
  8. Just updated disciplinary, but want ppl to know they can book in late. 23 cars so far - little lower then we have been having so far, but I know a few people can't race tonight for one reason or another. Cheers Johno
  9. Awesome stuff Dazza. Dazza appears to try and take the blame for it being late, but the fact was I have not been around to convert it, so I am sorry guys. Top stuff putting it together though Dazza
  10. I will post on this one, as this is the first time I have seen both of them. I totally agree with what Dazza says - I think every formula should do one, but it finding someone who is willing to take it on. Onto this one, and Ithink it is a big round of applause Tosh. I think when your on Admin, you feel as though it is almost your duty, but to do it when you are not is fantastic. The format looks great, and by the way you have managed to easily transfer issue 1 and 2, the format is simple and effective and easy for you to change, and that's exactly what you need. So well doen Tosh. Cheers Johno
  11. You cant seriously of let that Sub bloke win Well done Aub I will venture out soon and slow you down Johno
  12. First of all, thanks to Mke for running the meeting, and Kev for being the meeting steward. I thought the meeting was a superb one on Thursday. Some hard but fair racing. I think Hooty has it spot on - the nature of the Sheffield track helps to produce some superb racing. Personally, I did not have a great start. My first heat, I got a good start, but when I hit fordy, I made a mistake a spun around. I did feel as though my car was very 'arsey' in the race, especially under braking, so at the end of the heat, I decided to take the 100% left wheel braking off, and go back to the normal position. What a difference that was. My second heat was really good, and took a fine third place, try desperately hard to catch Grasser, but failing. Most improtantly, I had found an extra bit of pace that I was missing in Heat 1, and the car was a lot more stable under braking. Final time, and I got a very bad start, finished up dead last I think. Ifoguth my way back, following the superstars as they worked their way through the field. I felt we had worked really hard, and I couldnt believe we were only just inside the top 10, and a massive gap between us a seventh. With that in mind, I started to battle with them as I felt I was quicker at this point in the race. A superb battle took place between myself, TomD, Dazza and Mike. It was a superb high speed battle, in which Tom was to come out on top, and unfrtunately I was to come out the loser. But it was a superb race, and I was pleased that I did not look out of place battling with the superstars, and put in the fastest lap of the race, which was superb from my pov. Grand National Time, and was on the outside again. Slotted behind MoR and Tosh. I was very agressive with MoR and removed him first bend - not sure he will ever thank me for that! I then set on my way, trying to make up places. In the middle of the race, I was really struggling, but all of a sudden, the car started to come good, and I managed to catch and pass both Woody and Tosh, and finish not too far behind second place Lee. Corny was at this point confortably out in front. So once again, it was a fantastic meeting. As we move onto Buxton, people will need to remember that Buxton is a track that is very tight and therefore you need to be very respectful of the cars around you. It is far too easy to fence your opponent, but take yourself out at the same time. Hopefully, drivers give each other respect, just like they have done this season, and we will be in for another fantastic meeting. Finally, well done to all the winners, and to Lee for top scoring. Cheers Johno
  13. Added some stats from Sheffield for any statos out there!! Cheers Johno
  14. Johno3

    F1 Rules

    Hello Guys, I didnt realise that I had not uploaded the rules to the UK Dirt Wesbite, and I am afraid I have not got an understanding of how the webiste works, so for the time being, they will be placed on here. I apologise for not updating guys, I for some reason thought I had done it. Cheers Johno UKDirt_F1_Rules_and_Regulations.pdf
  15. Just to clarify for anyone hwho has not downloaded the newspaper. I did, and always do this in the MI. However, the spreadsheet doesnt do it (it actually has our old ones on) so I went with server 1 and 2, aa has been the case for 18 months. No one asked me which server was which, or I would have replied. But, as I said in the results thread, we ask for feedback, we listen to what people are saying, as we see if we can do something about it. It has been requested that we do this, so do this we will do because as you quite rightly point out, its not something that takes long to do, or long to think about. Cheers Johno
  16. Hello Guys, Here is Issue 3 of The F1 Dirter. An extra page this week covering a few more issues. Previous papers are available for download at the top of this forum in the thread called 'The F1 Dirter'. Cheers Johno Issue_3.pdf
  17. Issue 3 now available below. Issue_3.pdf
  18. I will try and fish them off the server for you later tonight sir. Cheers Johno
  19. I have adjusted the points to include Lee's double points. As Kev and Drumb have outlined Murf, there should be no variation at all. White and yellows, grade gap behind S/S and Blue and above the full lap. Both however score double points. The other option is not to take it at all, and actually with the starts in real life currently, a lot of drivers didnt bother taking it last year, and I think now people online start to think the same, that they might not score points from the full handicap. I forgot to add one more thing - one of the biggest enjoyments last night was being able to race against different people, and that only comes from good attendances, so fingers crossed, its a trend we can keep up. Cheers Johno
  20. The Newspaper will be written most weeks dont worry My point of view from the racing side of things now. I think that the meeting itself was pretty good. I had some superb battles with different drivers throughout the night. Whenever me and MoR were in the same race, we were never far away from each other. We had some good exchanges, and in one race I got the better of him, and in the next race, he got the better of me. It was superb racing. I do need to apologise to Trav who I think may think I right turned him deliberately in one of the Heats. I do apologise sir, this was not my intention at all. It got a little bit crowded on the exit of turn two at that point, and I am afraid you were outside me at the time. Also had a good battle Dazza in the Grand National. Dazza made a good move when I was trying to get past Spike, so I returned the favour, to which he did it back. Hard hits, but nice, fair and good fun. In the end, I settled in behind him and hoped to hold on until the last lap, but he was too quick for me. One thing I would like to say, from my racing POV and not my Admin View. I know it can be frustrating when a new driver gets in the way, or costs you a place, or even a position in the final, but I think what we have in the new comers are drivers that want to learn how to race and improve. I spoke to 2 of them this evening, and if they did something wrong, I politely pointed it out, and they apologised straight away. For me, that is a decent person who is showing remorse and an keeness to learn. Obviously it cant go on forever, as they wont be new forever, but lets give them time to learn the racing, and perhaps offer them advice about what to do at certain times. Every racing part has drivers that are really fast and others that struggle, but the two can go together as long as we help each other. Anyway, that was my one little thing about the evening. Please feel free to add comments - comments are good for people to read. If anyone does have any complaints, please forward them to me via forum PM. I am afraid I can't remember everything that everyone says to me in chat. I wish I could, but I cant even remember my kids names sometimes, and I have had 6 months to remember them!! Cheers Johno
  21. Hello Guys, First of all, thanks to everyone that has raced tonight, and made the evening a record breaker. It's by far the highest Rfactor attendance we have had so far, and thats thanks to all of you guys - so Thank you very much. Can I just say, Tosh pointed out that people didnt comment on the newspaper last week. Well I can't speak for everyone, but although comments about things we create is very good, the biggest reward for me is seeing race numbers improve, and hopefully this is something that we can now try and maintain throughout the season. Anyway, onto the meeting, and its a well done to Lee #531 for taking the Grand Final win. I am unsure if you took the handicap sir, so once I get it confirmed I will adjust your points accordningly. Results: Heat 1: 561 262 17 112 39 3 16 236 315 151 8 172 365 4 107 516 Heat 2: 256 87 291 363 188 588 1 164 351 488 323 221 599 525 515 Heat 3: 39 3 1 233 137 516 351 221 151 391 291 413 588 236 172 Heat 4: 527 531 16 126 112 399 188 87 8 17 323 256 599 488 525 Heat 5: 399 561 315 527 531 233 107 137 413 363 164 391 4 515 126 Consi 1: 391 291 188 137 516 164 413 17 4 61 151 172 Consi 2: 126 588 8 107 488 323 363 221 515 599 351 525 236 B-Final*: 236 17 323 363 515 351 221 151 4 488 516 172 A-Final: 531 561 87 137 233 39 112 315 399 3 527 16 292 256 391 107 126 8 588 1 DNF 188 GN 1: 391 233 262 1 3 151 221 561 291 516 527 363 315 351 599 515 8 GN 2: 399 17 87 112 39 137 4 531 188 323 16 236 172 525 DNF 256 488 * Harman removed from the results as he should have been in the Grand Final. Points: 44 pts 531 Lee - Points changed has he took the handicap. 39 pts 561 Murf 35 pts 87 Robin H25 32 pts 233 Grasser 31 pts 39 LeeK 29 pts 399 GoingInStyle 27 pts 137 MoR 27 pts 112 Tom D 21 pts 3 Johno 20 pts 17 munis 16 pts 262 Harmen 16 pts 1 Dazza 15 pts 315 Mike 13 pts 391 Corny 13 pts 527 fast track 9 pts 188 Aub 9 pts 291 Marten 8 pts 151 dode 8 pts 256 Hooty 8 pts 16 JK 7 pts 363 walker 6 pts 221 Spike 5 pts 4 Pusher 5 pts 126 Leech 5 pts 516 IanStep 5 pts 236 DanSkin 4 pts 351 BigFatDad 4 pts 323 madcowie 3 pts 588 fordy 2 pts 107 JanHarm 1 pts 515 Big Al 1 pts 164 Jarry 1 pts 488 Dave 1 pts 8 Tosh 1 pts 413 matthewb 0 pts 172 spikejnr 0 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 365 travel 0 pts 525 Maverick 0 pts 61 WaningeJR. Can I issue an apology whilst I am here. I was a little short with a few people in the meeting, most notably Fordy via PM. I do apologise but when your trying to sort out the meeting, it is hard trying to do that and deal with comments at the same time. I was trying at the time to balance the GN grids out, which is tricky when you are not sure who has left and who has not. So I apologise if I was short with anyone. Ipersonally thought that the meeting was not too bad, and will be back with more of my thoughts later. But what we as an Admin Team would like to know is what you thought of the meeting. Some people had issues during the meeting, and this is fine. If there is something we can do, then we will do it. Results threads used to have many people comment, with some very interesting points on the racing, and I would like to try and get that back, so please leave your comments, good, bad or ugly! Cheers Johno
  22. Cheers Tom
  23. For anyone else missing this, it is on the rfactor F2 Forum. Sorry, I thought I had solved the problem, but clearly I aint. Johno
  24. Hello Guys, First of all, I would like to thank everyone that has booked in for tonight’s meeting. It really is superb to see such a great line up of drivers, and hopefully it shows that the F1 league is improving nicely. However, I do think I need to remind you that we should always race to the rules and excessive hitting will be punished with heavier disciplinary points being handed out this year. Last week was fantastic, so lets make sure this week stays the same...... right moaning Head Admin bit done and out the way!! SKINPACK We do have a skinpack tonight guys, which can be downloaded from the thread at the top of the forum or the UK Dirt Website. It is skinpack 2. MEETING INFORMATION Tonight’s meeting looks as follows: 5 Heats – Top 14 points scorers to the final. 1/2 consolations – 8 Qualify if there is 1, 4 from each of there is 2. B-FINAL (Please note, there should be enough cars for not only a B-Final, but a points scoring one too) GRAND FINAL 2 Grand Nationals HEAT GRIDS Heat 1: 4, 172 // 17, 39, 107, 262, 365, 516 // 61, 151, 236, 561 // 3, 8, 16 // 112, 315 // Cars: 16 (Server 1 - .90) STEWARD: Kevin Heat 2: 351, 515, 599 // 107, 164, 221, 488, 525 // 188, 256, 323, 588 // 87, 291, 363 // 1 // Cars: 16 (Server 2 - .91) STEWARD: Grasser Heat 3: 172, 351 // 39, 221, 365, 391, 516 // 151, 233, 236, 588 // 3, 137, 291, 413 // 1 // Cars: 16 (Server 1 .90) STEWARD: Kevin Heat 4: 399, 599 // 17, 126, 262, 488, 525, 527 // 188, 256, 323, 531 // 8, 16, 87 // 112 // Cars: 16 (Server 2 .91) STEWARD: Mike Heat 5: 4, 399, 515 // 126, 164, 391, 527 // 61, 233, 531, 561 // 137, 363, 413 // 315 // Cars: 15 (Server 1 .90) STEWARD: Kevin GRAND NATIONAL GRIDS These will be given out in chat after the Final. Pease can you let myself or Kevin know if you are leaving before the grand nationals grids are called. Please be in chat by 8:20pm, and don’t forget the Skinpack. Cheers Johno
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