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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. No problem - thanks for letting us know
  2. Hello All, Sorry it is a bit late posted up - I have been trying tosort on or two things out. Anyway, congratulations to Walker on winning his second meeting final in as many weeks. Drove a calm and comfortable race. Results: Heat 1: 561 3 1 262 112 236 531 233 553 363 Heat 2: 363 531 1 553 39 3 315 233 262 112 A-Final: 363 531 561 1 112 315 553 233 3 236 GN 1: 553 3 112 561 1 531 39 262 363 151 Points: 40 pts 363 walker 35 pts 531 Lee 35 pts 1 Dazza 34 pts 561 Murf 28 pts 553 Lars (Qualified for the European Race) 28 pts 112 Tom D 26 pts 3 Johno 14 pts 315 Mike 10 pts 262 Harmen 10 pts 233 Grasser (Qualified for the European Race) 9 pts 39 LeeK 7 pts 236 DanSkin (Qualified for the European Race) 2 pts 151 dode 0 pts 343 NumbNuts 0 pts 365 travel (Qualified for the European Race) I will confirm all european qualiiers shortly. Cheers Johno
  3. Hello All, With 16 drivers booked in, tonight's meeting will be all in. Late bookings are still being accepted. Dont forget, the meeting starts at 7:45pm. Cheers Johno
  4. Lars Added
  5. Added Spike JNR removed.
  6. As the thread says, book in here if you would like to race tonight. Dont forget, the meeting starts at 7:45pm.
  7. BOOKING FOR THURSDAY 22ND JULY -EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP WHITES #172 Spike JNR #365 Travel #553 Lars YELLOWS #363 Walker #484 Jack Ward #515 Big Al BLUES #39 LeeK #107 JanHarm #151 Dode #262 Harmen #391 Corny #413 Matthew #527 FastTrack REDS #8 Tosh #16 JK #236 DanSkin #531 Lee SUPERSTARS #1 Dazza #112 TomD #137 MoR #315 Mike #561 Murf TOTAL: 22
  8. Hello All, More details will be made available after the weekend, but this week we have our annual European Double Header. WEDNESDAY: Arena Essex (European Qualification) Book in on the UK Dirt Website THURSDAY: Northampton (European Championship) Book in on this thread EUROPEAN QUALIFIERS National Points Qualifiers 112 TomD 315 Mike 1 Dazza 3 Johno 561 Murf 8 Tosh 527 Fasttrack 531 Lee 262 Harman 137 MoR 391 Corny 17 Munis 39 LeeK 363 Walker 16 JK 87 Robin 236 DanSkin (Qualifies through the National Point as Johno can't race) Wednesday night Qualifiers (Only 4) 553 Lars 233 Grasser 151 Dode 365 Travel Cheers Johno
  9. Hello All, Here is the programme for the upcoming Sheffield Semi Final. I apologise that it is not up to our usual high standards, but we have been a little restricted timewise. I will keep the same format for the Buxton Semi Final though to make it fair. Cheers Johno Sheffield_Programme.pdf
  10. Superb read sir once again - well done Cheers Johno
  11. Hello All, This Thursday sees the UK Dirt F1's in their first World Championship Semi Final at Sheffield. Sheffield has produced some superb racing this year, and Thursday is set to be no exception! We will be releasing something at the start of the week in regards to both semi finals, but I will keep this thread up to date with bookings. I would be grateful if you could let me know if you do not intend to race in the semi final, as this will give a reserve the chance of racing. Cheers Johno SEMI FINAL GRID (Those currently booked in are in Blue) ROW 1: 315 ... 3 ROW 2: 8 ... 561 ROW 3: 137 ... 16 ROW 4: 39 ... 363 ROW 5: 164 ... 87 ROW 6: 413 ... 515 ROW 7: 525 ... 399 ROW 8: 221 ... 17 ROW 9: 126 ... 188 ROW 10: 551 ... 292 Reserves in order: 216, 323, 48, 516, 445, 291, 380, 599, 365, 260
  12. I have to keep you down somehow!! Seriously, I apologise sir. Johno EDIT: No problems Kruiz - we thought something had happened when you came in and out.
  13. Hello All, First of all, thanks to Kev for stewarding the races. Well done to Mike on taking the meeting final and being the top points scorer. I think it is fair to say that the racing tonight was fantastic. There were fantastic battles all over the track which is superb. Results: Heat 1: 31 315 365 262 1 8 363 527 17 112 Heat 2: 315 262 363 1 3 221 365 164 525 8 A-Final: 315 262 363 527 1 17 112 31 8 561 GN 1: 3 112 561 527 315 1 8 262 17 221 Points: 47 pts 315 Mike 36 pts 262 Harmen 29 pts 1 Dazza 26 pts 363 Walker 25 pts 527 fast track 21 pts 112 Tom D 16 pts 31 Skeet 16 pts 17 munis 16 pts 3 Johno 15 pts 8 Tosh 13 pts 561 Murf 8 pts 365 travel 5 pts 221 Spike 1 pts 164 Jarry 1 pts 525 Maverick 0 pts 172 spikejnr Next week sees us race in the first world campionship semi final at Sheffield. More information will be available over the next week. Cheers Johno
  14. Hello All, Tonight's meeting at Hednesford Hills Raceway will be all in. This the lastmeeting before the new grades come into effect. Cheers Johno
  15. Walker added Meeting will be all in.
  16. I had a very interesting night on Thursday, but I was pleased to see someof the lower graders going really well. I just couldnt get a break on Thursday - bad luck stikes for the second week in a row. Did have some good races and battles, as Jarry ppints out above, but unfortunately they were always for the lower places in the top 10. Well done to all winners - the next grading period could be very interesting again! Cheers Johno
  17. Hello Munis, The points will be updated this weekend. The semi final grids were confirmed last night by Kev. Cheers Johno
  18. Reserves in order: 216, 323, 48, 516, 445, 291, 380, 599, 365, 260
  19. Hello All, First of all, thanks to Kev for stewarding the meeting tonight. Well done to Tom on taking the meeting final and giving himself a chnce to win the qualifying points battle. Unfortunately for him, he was not able to do this, which meant that Mike won. He then picked Sheffield as his venue without any hesitation, so at the time of writing this, we know that Mike will be atSheffield. Results Heat 1: 315 1 17 151 527 262 515 365 531 561 Heat 2: 300 515 3 315 136 561 262 151 164 365 Heat 3: 164 112 136 1 300 3 17 531 391 527 FINAL: 112 151 531 164 561 515 262 527 1 315 GN: 315 561 515 136 300 164 3 363 1 17 Points 112 32 164 31 515 30 315 29 561 28 151 26 1 21 531 20 300 19 136 18 262 15 3 14 527 13 17 10 363 4 365 2 391 1 172 0 221 0 Next week we go to the shale of Scunthorpe. I hope to see you there. Cheers Johno
  20. Thanks for letting us know sir
  21. Hello Guys, Welcome to the final world championship qualifying round, the last chance to cement your place on one of those all important semi final grids. With 23 cars currently booked into race, the format looks as follows: HEAT 1 HEAT 2 HEAT 3 CONS FINAL GRAND NATIONAL Heat Grids Heat 1: 484 515 // 164 221 365 523 // 17 262 363 391 //8 315 // 1 112 137 561 // CARS: 16 Heat 2: 515 // 151 164 172 300 365 // 17 391 527 // 136 315 531 // 3 112 137 //CARS: 16 Heat 3: 484 // 151 172 221 300 523 // 262 363 527 // 8 136 531 // 1 3 561 // cars: 15 See you all in chat at 8:25PM. The meeting will then be run in the server. Cheers Johno
  22. Thanks for letting me know Hooty / Grasser. 23 currently booked in. I am happy to conitue accpeting booking, but I am starting the MI now.
  23. Dont forget to book in here fortomorrows meeting. I will of course check the site as well. Cheers Johno
  24. Thanks to Spike for running the meeting and to Kev for stewarding as always. It was ashame about the turn out tonight, but when you take into account a number of things, it is understandable. Tonights racing was once again really good, with the bumpers going in as and when they were needed. At tims we did get spread out, and the racing became a bitroundy, but on the whole there was alays a battleto be had. Congratulations to Woody. Some may think that he dominated the meeting due to the fact that he is a blue top here, but that is not the case at all, especially in the final. He really had to work hard and battle for position and drove a very good race to take the flag. It a shame we dont see you moreoften but I know that Wednesdays tend to be your only opportunity to race. I really think he would become one of the 'big names' here at UK Dirt. Anyway, tomorrow is another meeting..... the small matter of the final world championship qualifying round. Belle Vue is the venue of choice, and it sure is looking like it will be one tastey meeting, with 17 cars currently booked in, and some very big names missing! Cheers Johno
  25. Ta for letting us know Trav Cheers Johno
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