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Everything posted by Johno3

  1. Told you he was on a scouting mission last week You more than welcome sir
  2. Post any late booking or cancellation on here tonight please guys. Due to the meeting format, I will be closing the bookings at 7:30pm tonight. Cheers Johno
  3. Thanks Bobbert - it is back online. Cheers Johno
  4. Hello All, I have just noticed the website is down. I am trying to track down a list as we speak and I do hope it is down for a short period as it has been up all day. If you would like to race tonight and cant access the main website, then please post below. Cheers Johno EDIT: I have written down who I remember seeing. I am not too far off but the last time I checked there were 24 drivers. If you on the list and shouldnt be please tell me. If you not on the list and would like to be, then please post below. WHITES 84 bully jnr 130 blymn 199 Waqar 325 bobbert 465 jedd YELLOWS 172 spikejnr 515 Big Al 525 Mav BLUES 19 BigDog Josh 115 michael green 221 Spike 236 DanSkin 256 Hooty 277 southy 300 Mattyaspin REDS 3 Johno 39 LeeK 90 LiamB 262 Harmen 380 davey boy 391 Corny 413 matthewb SUPERSTARS 137 MoR 151 dode 233 Grasser 1 Tom D TOTAL: 26
  5. A slightly more in depth preview has been added to the first post guys. As I have suggested that we stick our necks out on the line and pick a winner, I am going to choose Corny. I think he is ready to add to his British Championships won in heat. Cheers Johno
  6. Depending on the bookings of course, I wouldnt expect you to get many heats Harmen. I would expect by that time to be onto the latter heats. I will leave it with you, but I wont be able to promise anything of course. Cheers Johno
  7. Its up to you Harmen. I cant promise that you will get 5 heats or have all late heats but your more than welcome to come and join when you get home if you wish. Do you know roughly what time you be back? Johno
  8. The Contenders I think it is fair to say that the British Drivers Championship inspires all drivers. The format generally means that in order to take the title, you need to be the best on the night, as is reflected in the role of honour for this particular championship. The question is, with the way this season has gone so far, who is most likely to take the title? Tom will be looking to add the British title to his growing list of titles. For many people, the favourite will undoubtedly be the current World and National Series Champion Tom D (1). Tom has once again raised his game this year in terms of consistency which has led to him having a superb meeting average of just over 40. You then think back to the four final victories in just 15 meetings and you would be forgiven for thinking that it is a foregone conclusion. But you would be wrong, as there are many drivers from all grades that are more than capable of taking the title. MoR recently won the UK Open Championship at Coventry. A contender for the title this Thursday. In fact, just last month, MoR (137) became the first person to successfully defend the UK Open Championship after a fine win at Coventry. This was all the more impressive given that MoR was defending, on shale, the title which twelve months previous he had won on the tarmac of Skegness. Proof then, if any was needed, that MoR is more than capable on the loose stuff of winning big races and he would dearly love to add to his UK Open titles. It is unknown at this stage whether or not he will take to the track as he is currently having computer issues. Dode (151) is another superstar who is having a fine season. Although he has struggled a little bit more from the back of the pack, he is still successfully picking up results, and should he get a decent starting position on the grid, then he could be one to watch. As could fellow superstar Grasser (233). Grasser has only raced three times this season but his two shale meetings have produced very good results. He is a welcome addition to the grid and more than capable of beating any driver in the league on his day. Corny and LeeK are two of the bigger names looking to win the black and white chequed roof. Moving further back down the grid, there are a few red tops who will really fancy their chances of a good result in the big race. Corny (391) is having his best season in rfactor to date. Having always demonstrated good pace, Corny seems better able to deal with cars in traffic now, and thus his results have improved. Johno (3), LeeK (39) and Tosh (8) are three drivers who have had mixed seasons to date. Each of these drivers can more than hold their own with any other driver in the league, but they generally struggle with consistency for one reason or another. Should any of these drivers get near the sharp end of the grid, they too could challenge the biggest names in the sport for the second biggest title of the year. Just looking down the current booking list and there are other drivers from the red grade that will be looking to have a run for the title. Daveyboy (380) and LiamB (90) are currently booked in to race and both are more than capable of getting some good results which will get them near in the front of the grid for the big race. Whilst this particular title has been generally won by a star name, a blue grade driver has picked up the title before (Aub in 2008). This is perhaps where the title could end up again, as DanSkin (236) would be one driver who would be at the top of the current form table. The reason why Dan should be classed as better than a wildcard is that he is now demonstrating the pace that can see him compete with or even out drive the star names in the league. When you couple this with a good starting position for his qualifying races, he will expect to be up the sharp end of the grid which will give him a great chance of taking the British. Southy and Matty have already won many races this year. Could they win the title from blue? Other drivers in the blue grade include the likes of Southy (277), Spike (221) and Matty (300). In the case of Southy and Matty, they are probably more at home on the shale and have shown good form this year to progress up he ranks in the league. Spike in a veteran campaigner now and has once again started to show an up turn in form. From a veteran to a new comer, Green (115) has shown he also has the ability to produce some good results, and should he be anywhere near the front of the grid, he could also cause a surprise. Mav recently returned to the UK Dirt F1 fold. He would dearly love to qualify for this week's big race. With more whites and yellows on the grid than previous weeks, there is also the possibility for one of these drivers to get themselves up the near the front of the grid for the big race. Cobbers (155) has been a real sensation in recent weeks, picking up a handful of race victories, and although he will start the meeting at yellow, he could well be one to watch. When you then add veteran campaigners such as Mav (525) and Big Al (515) to the young blood of BullyJNR (84) and Spike JNR (172), there is a good possibility that one of these drivers could really put the cat amongst the pigeons in the big race. Don’t forget, this has been written more than 24 hours before the big event. There's still some big names that could book in and race. Looking down the National Points list, the likes of Aub (188), Matthew (413) and Drumbstick (41) are drivers that could book in and command low odds due to their talent and ability. Hooty (256) was last week’s steward during the Birmingham meeting no doubt watching over possible rivals. Perhaps someone like Skeet (31) is going to book in at the last minute to try and frighten the opposition. Either way, the booking list is incomplete and thus I may not have even written about the future champion. Will Dazza be there to defend the title he won so well at Skegness last year? There is one person I have not written about yet though. There is the small matter of the current British Champion, Dazza (290). Nobody knows whether or not he will be racing tomorrow, but he has been casting his eyes over the forum over the last few days. The 2009 World Champion knows his way around King's Lynn, having won that crown around this very track with a commanding drive. He has only raced once so far in 2011, but he demonstrated in that short time that he has lost none of his huge talent, and should he decide to try and defend his title, then he will go straight to the top of the tree with Tom D as one of the drivers to beat. I hope you have enjoyed this short preview into the second biggest title of the season. When I initially started to write this, I thought it would be hard trying to convince people that the outcome is not 100% guaranteed, but I am now at a total loss as to who will win the big event. What do you guys think? Is it a cut and dried Tom D win, or will someone else step up to the plate? Why not share your thoughts with us all? Edit: Updated post with graphic
  9. Johno 632 Red Please
  10. Thnak for the meeting Spike. Congratulations to Tom on becoming the Scottish Champion. Just a quick update on the UK Dirt website. The following have been updated: - National Points - WQ Points - WoS Points - GNC Points - Race Winners Chart - Results Stil to be updated: - Hall of Fame - Whites and Yellows - Novice of the Year - Blues and Reds - Premier League I am hoping to have all of those up to date over the course of the weekend. I will onfirm once they are complete. Cheers Johno
  11. Server ending .48 is up now ready for the meeting. There were people in there when I checked earlier Mav. Cheers Johno
  12. Dont forget you need to download the latest version of the track. This can be done via the UK Dirt website. Cheers Johno
  13. Hello All, We are currently having some issues with the drivers that have come to race during the open meeting in terms of getting them on the database. This will delay the UK Dirt website being updated. I will post on here when everything is up to date, but I will not be around all weekend so it will be Sunday night at the earliest. Cheers Johno
  14. Hello All, First of all, thanks to everyone that has raced over the two days. It has been absolutely superb to see so many new faces come and race with us and I hope they will come and race with us again. Dont forget, if you have raced over the course of the 2 days, you are entitled to membership for only £7.50. Onto the meeting itself, and the main attraction on the night was the UK Oen Championship. Despite the fact that James (560) ran him close, MoR (137) successfully defended the UK Open Championship to become the first person to do so in this championship event. Congratulations must go to him on becoming a two time champion. Onto the meeting itself, and it Matty (300) who took the meeting final. It was a very hectic race but the racing was hard fought with the blue grade driver coming out on top in the end. James (560), after two heat wins, became the top points scorer on the evening. A final word must go to the new faces that came to join us. I think we were all impressed with each and every one of you. Some mistakes were made, but in the main they were apologised for as they were toally accidental. Well one to all those drivers! Results: W+Y: 560 114 84 525 56 285 568 199 465 Heat 1: 84 39 115 277 188 221 1 3 151 525 Heat 2: 560 315 188 3 84 137 300 391 525 39 Heat 3: 560 315 137 380 285 300 482 277 56 262 Heat 4: 391 114 1 380 137 84 3 300 151 115 Heat 5: 114 391 115 277 39 482 151 315 262 525 Consi 1: 151 262 482 256 525 221 568 465 199 56 A-Final: 300 560 256 315 3 262 482 1 391 380 UK OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP: 137 39 391 3 1 256 262 560 380 300 Points: 44 pts 560 Dodge 40 pts 391 Corny 38 pts 3 Johno 38 pts 137 MoR 35 pts 300 Matty 32 pts 39 LeeK 31 pts 315 Mike 30 pts 256 Hooty 30 pts 1 TomD 24 pts 262 Harmen 20 pts 380 Daveyboy 15 pts 84 Bully JNR 15 pts 114 Cobley 15 pts 482 Sanderr 13 pts 115 Green 11 pts 277 Southy 10 pts 188 Aub 4 pts 285 Mav JNR 4 pts 151 Dode 3 pts 525 Maverick 3 pts 221 Spike 1 pts 56 Vixtro 0 pts 141 Bob 0 pts 199 Waqar 0 pts 465 Jedd 0 pts 568 Adam * UK Open scored as a meeting final for the purpose of the National Points. Thanks once again to everyone that raced over the two days. I hope that we will see you again at Cowdenbeath next week. Cheers Johno
  15. Hello All, Good evening and welcome to the second UK Dirt F1 open meeting which also doubles up as the first big title of the season, the UK Open Championship. Here is the information you require for tonight's meeting: MEETING FORMAT - W+Y - HEAT 1 - HEAT 2 - HEAT 3 - HEAT 4 - HEAT 5 - CONS - FINAL - UK OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP (20 LAPS) * Format subject to change - any changes will be announced in MiRC chat pre-meeting. HEAT GRIDS HEAT 1: 56, 84, 114, 141, 568// 525// 115, 221, 277// 3, 39, 380, 482// 1, 151, 188 CARS: 16 HEAT 2: 84, 141, 199, 465// 525, 560// 221, 256, 300// 3, 39, 262, 391// 137, 188, 315 CARS: 16 HEAT 3: 56, 199, 465, 568// 285, 560 // 256, 277, 300// 262, 380, 482// 137, 188, 315 CARS: 15 HEAT 4: 84, 114, 141, 199// 285, 560 // 115, 221, 300// 3, 380, 391// 1, 137, 151 CARS: 15 HEAT 5: 56, 114, 465, 568// 285, 525// 115, 256, 277// 39, 262, 391, 482// 1, 151, 315 CARS: 16 * Please check that you have 3 heats each. If you dont, please talk to me in MiRC Chat or post here. SERVER INFORMATION If you are a member, then you need to log onto the UK Dirt site and find the pasword on the server information page. For those drivers who are not yet registered, the password will be given to you in chat by Corny. SKIN PACK The latest skinpack is now available. Please download it by clicking on this link: >>> DOWNLOAD UKDIRT F1 2011 SKINPACK 3 <<< I do hope that you all have a good meeting. Cheers Johno
  16. Bookings now closed. Bob - if you get back to me, I will allow you to race as you didnt answer in the server.
  17. Tosh and Jedd added. Bookings will close at 8pm so I can finalise all the grids.
  18. Hello Will, Welcome to UK Dirt F1. I hope that you will enjoy tonight's meeting and the racing we have here. We will start you at white for the meeting tonight. Cheers Johno
  19. Hello Green, Welcome to F1. Based on your current F2 grade, we will run you at Blue tomorrow night. I hop you enjoy the experience. Cheers Johno
  20. Hello All, First of all, thanks to everyone that raced tonight. Satrted off a little chaoic from my point of view but it soon got settled down and the racing became very hard fought. Congratulations to Aub on winning the meeting final. MoR finished the night as top points scorer. Just before we get to the results, it was fantastic to have a fewnew faces in the server. I think they will become welcome additions to the league should they wish to join. I would also like to say that it was great to see some old faces back too. I sure hope tat they will be returning tomorrow for the UK Open. Results: Heat 1: 41 300 3 1 137 482 39 233 391 172 Heat 2: 172 315 221 380 233 525 482 256 151 3 Heat 3: 1 137 188 315 391 41 151 3 256 300 Heat 4: 41 221 233 137 380 1 262 315 391 285 A-Final: 188 137 1 315 380 84 233 525 39 3 * Result now official. 315 and 3 added into correct positions. Points adjusted accordingly. GN 1: 84 391 233 1 137 39 380 41 172 285 Points: 46 pts 137 MoR 45 pts 1 TomD 33 pts 233 Grasser 31 pts 380 Daveyboy 31 pts 188 Aub 29 pts 315 Mike 28 pts 84 Bully JNR 26 pts 41 Drumbstick 19 pts 391 Corny 17 pts 39 LeeK 15 pts 172 Spike JNR 13 pts 221 Spike 12 pts 3 Johno 11 pts 525 Maverick 8 pts 300 Matty 6 pts 285 Mav JNR 5 pts 482 Sanderr 3 pts 151 Dode 2 pts 256 Hooty 2 pts 262 Harmen 0 pts 130 Blymn 0 pts 199 Waqar 0 pts 465 Jedd I hope to see you all tomorrow night for the second part of the UK Open double header. Cheers Johno EDIT: Final result is subject to confirmation.
  21. Yep - that is fine
  22. Hello All, Good evening and welcome to the first UK Dirt F1 open meeting which also doubles up as qualification for the first big title of the season, the UK Open Championship. Here is the information you require for tonight's meeting: MEETING FORMAT - B+R - HEAT 1 - HEAT 2 - HEAT 3 - HEAT 4 - HEAT 5 - FINAL - GRAND NATIONAL * Format subject to change - any changes will be announced in MiRC chat pre-meeting. HEAT GRIDS Heat 1: 84, 199, 568 // 285 // 41, 256, 300 // 3, 39, 380, 391 // 137, 188, 233 // CARS: 14 // STEWARD: 1 Heat 2: 465, 568 // 285, 525 // 221, 256 // 3, 8, 262, 380 // 1, 137, 151, 233 // CARS: 14 // STEWARD: 391 Heat 3: 84, 199, 465 // 172, 525 // 221, 300 // 3, 39, 391, 482 // 151, 188, 315 // CARS: 14 // STEWARD: 137 Heat 4: 84, 568 // 172, 285 // 41, 221, 300 // 8, 262, 391, 482 // 1, 151, 233, 315 // CARS: 15 // STEWARD: 188 Heat 5: 199, 465 // 172, 525 // 41, 256 // 8, 39, 262, 380, 482 // 1, 137, 188, 315 // CARS: 15 // STEWARD: 221 * Please check that you have 3 heats each. If you dont, please talk to me in MiRC Chat or post here. SERVER INFORMATION If you are a member, then you need to log onto the UK Dirt site and find the pasword on the server information page. For those drivers who are not yet registered, the password will be given to you in chat by Corny. SKIN PACK The latest skinpack is now available. Please download it by clicking on this link: >>> DOWNLOAD UKDIRT F1 2011 SKINPACK 3 <<< I do hope that you all have a good meeting. Cheers Johno
  23. Sorry to hear that Adam Thanks for letting us know though
  24. Hello All, If you would like to request a late booking or cancel your booking for tonight's meeting then please do so on this thread. I wont close the bookings tonight with it being an open meeting. Cheers Johno
  25. List up to date - keep them coming on here! EDIT: Dont forget it is a 7:45pm start time tonight. Cheers Johno
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