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Everything posted by Mav

  1. Well my first ever time as a red roof in rFactor and its just a different league back there! Decided to let the two superstars go in my first heat, so I could see if I could just keep up; wasn't expecting to get in the places so take it as it comes scenario. After one lap I was facing the wrong way, thanks to being spun out by a Superstar! A racing incident but now well and truly last - Great Start!!! lol Managed to gain 10th after a couple of whites spun out during the race - So a point scored in my first race as red - RESULT!!! Second heat, I made a tweak and was more comfortable and just kept battling away to a great 8th place. The final was daunting - 25 cars - I was pole red, so a lot of fast drivers behind and a lot of drivers in front who could potentially cause havoc on this tight track. I started off well holding my own in the hussle and bussle only to come off turn 4 and just see a wall of cars!! I closed my eyes and kept my foot in and to my sheer amazement I was the first car that came out of the pile up AND I had all four wheels attached!! I went from 19th to 7th or something like that! Now all I had to do was keep it going and miss the carnage all around the track. Come the flag I had only lost one further place to a fast red so to finish 8th out of 25 from red was truly a miracle in itself, and well chuffed Grand National should have been split into two races - can't find the logic of running it all in after the hectic Final that several complained about. I didn't think I would be lucky twice in a meeting to go from 20th to a top ten finish and I was proved right, although I did get to 7th at one point. So 10 points from red - I only thought I could score 10-15 points per meeting from yellow, and only scored 4 points from my one appearance at blue, so my expectation from red was don't score zero!! Not a bad start, but with two fast tarmac tracks coming up and a tight tricky shale track, I fear that I will be back to my expectation but while I am here - Let's give it a go!!! Thanks to Admin for the meeting (GN withstanding) and to all the winners - they were hard fought!
  2. Blimey I though blue was going to be a challenge, but that's just tripled it!!! OH MY GOD!!!
  3. Well Done Becks Having Kami & Karzi in the yellow grade it is not a surprise that you were able to get away easily and win all the races. Still had to be done tho, and you did it in style I am glad that hours of practice we put in with you is paying off, shame that we are just being treated badly in the meeting, else we could show what we can do from all the practice too! Welcome to yellow grade DBecks - Good Luck - You'll need it!!!!! Here's hoping that Kami & Karzi have dive bombed once too often last night and we get a free race at Bradford (Tarmac) next week.
  4. Chuffed to bits
  5. Mav

    Barford WQR

    Just for you Mav..... Absolutely Awesome Wardieeee - Thank You
  6. Mav

    Barford WQR

    For the second week running, the Grand National was my saviour! As I have grown to hate Barford, I wasn't expecting to do anything and having been spun in both heats and then the final, I wasn't best pleased However, I must apologise to DanW, whom I was waiting, waiting, waiting for him to pass before I re-joined the Final only for him to clatter into me and into the fence to end his race before it had begun! I was only doing 6mph when he hit me! Also I have apologised to TamValentine for wrongly accusing him of taking me out, when it was someone else (Always watch the replay first! lol). Therefore I feel I must raise a blanket apology if I contributed to anyone else's demise last night. Finally my one and only race that went well I managed a podium place Onward to Belle Vue The pictures are brilliant Wardieee, most of me are in incidents tho Any chance of one of me close up taken from the infield for my own collection please?
  7. I think you helped me into the tyre, but I was expecting a hit and tried to stay tight, so no matter what happened I contributed to it After 100's of laps practice, I still felt that I wasn't consistent enough to be in race winning positions but thought I would be competitive for top 10 finishes. W&Y's and my three heats never gave me a chance of even being in with a shout, as incidents by others in the opening laps, compounded on me and put me to the back in each race. However a 7th and 8th in two heats was just reward for keeping going when all seemed lost. Lining up for the final, I discounted my chances looking around at the company I kept in the yellow grade. But to my surprise the start went well and I found myself in 2nd and 3rd was just visible in my mirrors. After DBecks was wiped out by a rogue white, I was leading! YES - Mav leading! I bet TS was going into overdrive Having come so close to winning a Kings Lynn F1 final before, I knew that consistency was the key and set about doing good laps. However upon coming up to an incident, a backmarker was just getting going again in the middle of the track. I squeezed by but they was in my mirrors putting me off my line. I let them through but they were all over and it slowed me enough for 2nd and 3rd to catch me and my chance of the final was gone. No matter 4th was a great result after the disappointing heats - I don't think I finished an A Final in the points for most of the last season that I raced, so a big improvement. The GN was superb too although disappointing at the end. I lead for a few laps when Liam and Grasser caught up and passed me. This time I managed to stay with them, not going for hits, just followed and it felt brilliant! I saw an opportunity to go past them both but it failed and the red top train went through, and later in the race my tyres had gone off and then damage from a tyre hit, so I couldn't remount a challenge. Disappointed to finish 8th after leading and holding 3rd for a long period, but the buzz of side by side racing was superb To finish 8th top scorer of the night is incredible and makes the night a success and is a big step towards moving up a grade - Well Chuffed HARRY, To start with just learn how to get the car round the track without crashing, spinning or hitting the fence. A white should be around .5 of a second slower than a red, so if you can get below that then there will be a good chance you will be ahead by the end of the race. BUT, you have to have car control first. If a car passes you don't instantly go to hit it back, it only slows you down. Follow it, see how it drives, see where you loose or gain time on it. I practice other nights so the server is empty and I can tweak my setup so that I can drive the car consistently without others interfering! Then on race night practice I use that setup to drive in traffic and learn how to deal with other cars around me. I very rarely hit another car, because I am still not good at it! But when I am confident of my handling of the car I will then learn how to hit and how that affects my car. Also learn how to be hit, and what you can do to avoid spinning after, or if you are nudged how to keep it pointing forward. Throttle off is better than throttle on most of the time. All this will help you stay in the race, but remember you don't have to be the fastest to get to the end first! Keep trying, you seem like a genuine guy, and it will come.
  8. Had the same with 540 in my 2nd heat, so you are not alone Aub
  9. I was gutted to have this happen! I had just taken 6th off Stinjeman on lap 17 only for him to dive up the inside exiting the bend and side swipe my front end into the fence - up I went and BANG! Luckily no damage and I found the throttle again when I landed and away I went but now in 13th place. Apologies Mark, had some good fair racing with you all night shame that this "incident" took us both out of the running. Was good to watch DanW and Spike have a cracking race with each other in a heat and for Spike to win the Grand National (although he does like to get pole if Harold doesn't get there first ) But looking at the points, DanW, Puxlo, Spike (with exception of the GN) and Ritzo along with myself, all fair racers, ended up the wrong side of the forceful lower grade drivers and thus we scored low. Well Done DBecks on 3 "easy" wins, nice to see a lower grader performing well - should bode well for you in the early season! Nevertheless not having raced F1's since August last year, I found the evening as a whole enjoyable.
  10. Nickname: Mav Number: 525 Grade: Yellow (UKDirt F1) Real Life Driver: John Lawn #441 Please
  11. Still awaiting my "Key" to be e-mailed to me. Hopefully all will be well when they do. Thanks for the replies
  12. When I get my "Key" and activate 1255g, I understand that I can copy the files, if the game works but is pointing to a different file, that is not a underlying problem for me. The problem I fear I will face is that Windows 7 stored some files in a "Compatibility" folder which no longer exists (I can't find it anyway!) in Windows 10. If I had some setups, or files I created during the course of the game, I no longer will have these. As we are in the closed season, I have time to work out thinngs, but just wanted to know if anyone has been through the update and had some advice. rFactor isn't the only game that won't run that I have and I am convinced it is down to these "Compatibility" files not being available.
  13. I have updated my PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and everything went better than expected. The PC now runs faster and is very responsive compared to Windows 7. However, I have had a few issues with one of them being that when I clicked on my rFactor icon, nothing happened. After researching on the rFactor forums, they suggested downloading version 1255g. Having done that, the icon is now active and the games loads. However, because I purchased the game prior to 2012, I now need to request a "key" from rFactor, so that I can activate the game again. The 32 digit activation code I received back in 2010 is now invalid. I am at present awaiting rFactor to respond to my "Key" request. I am assuming that once I key in this new "Key" code that F1 & F2's etc will run as normal or will I have to download these mods again or is version 1255g not compatible with our mods? Talking of Compatibility - I note that the "Compatibility" section of Windows 7 has now disappeared, therefore have I now lost anything that was stored there for rFactor? Has anyone else been through this and found issues or have they any resolutions to the issues??
  14. Drivers Name: Dennis Middler #641 Your Number: 641 Your Name/Nickname: Mav Current league/grade: UKDirt - Yellow Please
  15. My Skins "Mav #525" for 2016 Added 525flcs.zip 525faldT.zip
  16. Drivers Name/Chassis: 101 - Kelvyn Whalley Driver Number: #285 Your Name/Nickname: Mav_Jnr Current league grade: UKDirt - White
  17. Drivers Name/Chassis: 641 Dennis Middler Driver Number: #641 Your Name/Nickname: Mav Current league grade: UKDirt - Yellow
  18. Well Done DanW Congratulations on winning the Whites & Yellows Championship Wear the honour with pride and be back fighting for it again next season
  19. Absolutely superb guys - Well Done!! If this doesn't sell rFactor to Stock Car people I don't know what will!!
  20. Please cancel my booking - Mav #641 - Thanks.
  21. Car is my most confident, so I was really happy after the first two German stages. The third I made a schoolboy error and that blew that one, but overall I was pleased with my runs. Greece I was too confident in this car and just kept going too fast at the wrong times and making errors. Had a good third run tho, was happy with that, but I find that the stage goes on too long when I am doing well and when the finish doesn't come I end up making an error right near the end Never mind, got the car to the end and not too far behind those that have done it so far, but I still think I will be last overall
  22. I didn't have time to fit my runs in, so had to retire but not before I was livid with those wet Welsh stages!!!!!
  23. Well to quote JoshW - "Another rubbish meeting". W&Y : Spun after first bend contact, was well down got back into it only to be spun again. Finally caught up but too late but happy with 6th after all that. Heat 1 : Was spun into a tyre on the first bend, broken wheel - End of race. Heat 2 : Was spun on lap 2 now last, got back into the race and finished 8th. Consi : Passed Spike for the lead, was determined to win, stuck to my racing line causing JoshW to hit tyre and although I won I wasn't happy about the nature of how I won. Final : Drove really well until DannyKing spun in front of me (we were 2nd and 3rd) I put Danny right again, he disappeared off and I went backwards. Was 6th entering last lap finished 16th! GN : DanW got first bend wrong and was sideways, didn't want to hit him so braked and lost the back end finally hitting the same tyre as heat 1. I got wedged and lost 2 laps getting out so quit. So not a great night, but that's Stock Car Racing! Happy that my PC was sound all night. I am sorry for JoshW in the consolation, it wasn't a deliberate move or ploy, I was just trying to stand my ground as I had been spun so many times earlier.
  24. On the steam/dirt rally forum, people are complaining about the major drop in fps + other issues since the update. Personally I haven't tried the RallyX yet as I can't afford the cars! lol but obviously I have had the update.
  25. That was the worst it could get. Did not enjoy it one bit However, I do think my PC is not playing ball anymore as rFactor has suffered and now this is suffering too. So it might not be all down to my driving! I had a lot of trouble staying on the road in wet wales, and eventually just drove around in 3rd at 40-50mph, yet I still slid off the course at several points! Car was fine at half way, so no major repairs required but very slow as it turned out not surprisingly! Despondent, I set off in the 1st German course and nailed it - so chuffed with myself, but as I crossed the line the pc froze and when I rebooted I found it didn't count! Even more despondent now I set off again, but by the time I had three crashes I just gave up and quit - Yes I quit Won't do anymore until I can figure out why my PC has decided to loose performance, been running all sorts of diagnostics, but to no avail as yet. Will keep an eye on what's going on though
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