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Everything posted by Budge313

  1. Have a good 1 hack See ya in the fence soon
  2. Happy belated Birthday m8 Hope you had a good 1
  3. Also to add to MC's reply. Jolt server are open to F2 practice on a friday nite after Brisca legends in Jolt 2 and also on a sunday in Jolt 2..... normally a few about between 8 - 11 ish
  4. Happy Birthday Mav Hope you have a good day Btw, shall i not see Dawn tonight, Bring the F1 out and give you your Birthday Pressie
  5. Happy Birthday M8 hope you had a good 1
  6. You need to contact Mav Look in the ukdirt website site under Links & contacts in the side options http://www.ukdirt.co.uk/
  7. Happy Birthday M8 hope you had a good time at Brum
  8. Happy Birthday m8 hope u have a good 1
  9. Thx everyone, nice to meet you scrappy and willie.. and were going on holiday nxt week... so bring your bucket and spade
  10. Hope you had a good 1 andy
  11. 59.09.375: mr: fill rate is LAME, poly rate is LAME, machine speed is 448 this is how pedz can tell adam Mine says this.. and thats not that good compaired to some 43.35.611: mr: fill rate is AWESOME, poly rate is AWESOME, machine speed is 1472
  12. Thx you 2... made a great saturday nite at Northampton... the video (if it works)(were supposed to be pictures.. but laughing to much to care).. and only the end of them rolling down the hill numerous times *issed off there heads.... and how they never got hurt is beyond me... And is that you shouting come on moodie... you must have been *issed... Nice to meet a few new faces at the euro's and some old 1's 2... all made for a great wekend... Spike, stavo, dragon, parky, trav, Bathy. mav, Kev, kendo, sorry if i forgot anyone.. OH AND TRAV.... Approx 1.30 sunday afternoon...16.7.06... Get in there my son.. but see you stayed well clear..lol.. Thx lads top weekend MOV00001.zip
  13. nothing wrong with sleepy suffolk...
  14. btw... mine opens up in powerpoint slideshow
  15. good coz your only 16 sorry if it doesn't came via an email.. and don't know how to save it as norm file... if you do get it to work... think it's oh so true.... and very funny now i think back on my dating days
  16. Don't know if this will work.... but will upload it anyway.. BUT PLEASE BE CAREFULL.... DOES CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE so noone under 18 FW__flow_chart_for_blokes___.zip
  17. LMAO well said
  18. Well put cod... Good Luck Alb and family... come back and see us all soon... All the best m8
  19. Happy Birthday Big Al you can now join the rank of us OLDIES on here, Have a Great day Happy Birthday MC hope you have a great day 2 m8 Budge
  20. Chewy & Mek here why is your flag lime green.... "dunno but i think i wave mine when we're unsure if we yellow it" well isn't that all the time, i'm off to see gordon Mc coz i want one
  21. M8 Hope you have a really great day Says your 1 .. Must breed that "Eng V Scot" fued in you early up there... seems we been battling for years Have a good 1 M8 Budge
  22. Good Luck M8 Hope everything works out for you and all your hopes and dreams come true and you have a great life down under with your family, Had some great times online with you m8... Sure you'll be back to see us all again and hopefully it won't be to long, (trouble is now your leaving.... who are the gonna take the mick out of now for being OLD) All the best m8.... Don't be a stranger.. GOOD LUCK TO YOU & YOUR FAMILY BUDGE
  23. But you shout about what your going.... to do.... can do.... (But can't) ... can't remember you actually finishing anything.... starting lots and wanting other people to finish them for you.... you either haven't got the right software.... or more to the point the know how.... Now walk away in short jerky movements...... In other words..... i'll let you work that out !!! if you need a hand... like you normally do.... there's an F & an O in there somewhere I'll back albs and the rest.... Ban anyone who posts crap & are non paying members
  24. Happy Birthday M8 Hope you have a good 1
  25. Happy Birthday m8... hope you had a good 1
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