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Everything posted by mcrew

  1. After using chat for half the night, when attempting to get back in after a race, I was prevented from doing so and keep getting this message "You need a registered nick to join that channel" I havn't changed anything from the last time I was in chat. I can still access BWS and TNB chat!?
  2. And as if the bolts arn't big enough.....hes welded the boot down too. You Londoners may have reckoned that the SW banger scene was trummy rods Knobby, but in real life, most of the cars used to have more welding than a PRI banger does. Dazza, is Penfolds yard realy still like I described it? If it is, Health and safety obviously havent paid the place a visit, either that or old man Penfold mustve scared them off, thats if Nelson is still going, he was ancient when I saw him last, and that was a few years back now.!
  3. Stu, theres a couple of pics from Newton Abbot, and Im sure that they are pre-'92 ones! The one of Richard Penfolds car reminds me of a trip I made to his old mans yard once, there where piles of mk1 grannys, three high at one side of the yard, and HUGE mountain of scrap cars in the middle, the height of the boom on his crane, and then on the far side of the yard there must have been at least 45/50 trummies, all piled three high, just waiting to be stripped. Pure Heaven!
  4. It couldve been much worse Jamsey, I couldve done the all time insult and said that it was an Autospud track! I get confused as to what its called there, as ahem, Autospud used to call it one thing, then it was... umm... oh I know, Westworld when Eddy was there, and my memories not as good as it used to be. Atleast I was complimenting it on being a good track, as it is a very good track!
  5. Shhhhh, not so loud, otherwise Crispen may get the wrong idea about me..... I would never feel safe using the toilets there again! You do have to admit though that there is something not right about wanting all your staff members to wear purple, verging on a shade of pink, overalls! And as for a purple/pink and yellow pace car, well what more can I say? Maybe " Chase me boys, woo Hoo Im over here!" Joking aside though, I do feel that ' the magic roundabout' is just a bit too small. Somthing the size of St Columb is more like it
  6. And as an addition to my last post, why no-one in Devon has approached the owners of Westpointe/Devon County Show ground, and asked-enquired as to putting an oval circuit/Speedway track/Greyhound track there is beyond me......theyve got loads of ground there thats unused, apart from the grazing of the odd wooly back here and there, and surely the extra income from thousands of paying spectators would be far more than that of Farmer Giles and his furry, welsh spunk dumps on legs????
  7. Smeatharpe is way too small, it needs to be atleast half as big again. And it needs to loose all the ghay purple paint! What next pink in the mens toilets.........
  8. Pictures?
  9. Here you go. Vole740L.zip
  10. Cheers Mate!
  11. Has anybody got the 740 Vole Limo template that was used on TNB the other week, and if you have, would you be kind enough to post it up for me please?
  12. I like the MK2!
  13. Congratulations Trav, when did you sign up for us? Happy Birthday mate.
  14. Autospud lease the place for the odd meeting, so maybe not all is lost? Its about time that they got their act together and got hold of and kept themselves a decent track......St Austell, Newton Abbot, St Columb, all excellent tracks and all of them slipped through their fiingers.
  15. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one mate.
  16. Get the cctv footage and post it up here, along with the details of the lorry that was there at the time of the car going missing! Im sure that between all of us we can sort something out!
  17. mcrew


    You guys have far too much spare time on your hands, but thats no bad thing! Keep up the work guys.
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Have a good un mate.
  20. Happy Birthday guys!
  21. Escort MK 1 & 2's Escort MK3's Rusty paper thin, bags of anal waste! The only good RS2000s where RWD, that mk5 escort pooh that was badged up as an RS don't count. Yellow Capris are gay and should all, by now have been raced or wrecked GT ? As far as I know GTs where a trim that you could spec, not an actual model Cortina MK3 Popular/Anglia Do you mean the sit up and beg variant or the later 105e anglais as well? Puma. WTF? thats a make of trainer! MK1 transits, cooler than a penguins dangly bits. MK2 Trannys Hmmmm rot boxes:shrug: Mustang, Yank tank. Over rated, over hyped, and unfortunatley some of them are over here! Granada MK1 Hail the mighty Sweeny car, I want one! You have failed to mention, in no particular order; RS200 Group B super car gone mad RS3.1 Mk1 capri ( NOT IN YELLOW!) Zepher and Zodiacs, the fore runner to the consul/MK1 granada Corsairs, MK1 cortinas with a droop snoot front end Classic Capri American styling in a UK body shell F100 pick up, brutish 60's american pick ups that are just lush! Im sure that are others that I have ommited. OH and fiestas are simply................pants.
  22. Nice one. I would keep it on the 2ltr running gear, that way you wont have enough power to spin yourself out, and whilst anyone else running 2.8s will be wheelspinning away, you should get off to a slightly quicker start than them, thats aslong as the 2ltrs a sweet one. Whatever you choose, Im sure you will enjoy it though.
  23. Just goes to prove, Scott you should stick to rodding and try to avoid crashing! Seriously though, I hope your back to as normal as you can possibly get, as soon as possible. Cheers mate, and a swift recovery to you!
  24. MK2 jags look better than MK10s? You shouldve gone to specsavers!
  25. Rikard, If your after car ideas, why not try your had at something oddball, like a Vauxhall chevette or a MK1 or 2 Escort estate, or maybe even a Marina estate? Somthing else that bit different would be a Volvo amazon.
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