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Everything posted by mcrew

  1. mcrew


    Nice one Jamesy!
  2. No worries.
  3. I use psp9, all I do is click on the layer/decal I want to resize, and then use the ' deform' tool.
  4. You mean we still do?
  5. If you put in a search for decals, theres a pretty good ' basic' decal sheet posted on here somewhere, then try ' star' and you should get the signwriters favourite ' flash' effect.
  6. LOL. I coulda got you some nice shots of a striped Calibra thing yesterday, didnt think about it, so me mate scrapped it. If he gets anything else in, I'll make sure I take my camera to work.
  7. Just gently heat one coil on each spring with some Oxy/Actylene gas....if you dont have gas, turn the power up on your mig welder right up, and just concentrate on ' welding' one part of the spring for a few seconds, it'll do the same trick.
  8. mcrew


    Jamsey, that jag renders pants......I mean what scrutineer would ever allow anyone on track with centre caps on their alloys!? Joking aside, great renders
  9. Oi! I heard that ' man fat' was another form of rust proofing, so Ive just been preserving the life of my motors! Probably... ....not.
  10. ^ ^ ^ If they took the pants body kit and ghay accessories of it, that would look pretty good. Nem, youve got a Marina.............do you drive it round with a folded Tartan blanket and a box of tissues on the parcel shelf?
  11. Thats OK if you can afford the 11 MPG running costs.
  12. I know, Ive got one stashed away under lock and key.
  13. The MK3 & 4 Escorts are so similar ( front wings around the bumpers/bonnet/scuttle panel/front panel and rear light cut outs are all that realy looks different ), so its hardly worth anyone bothering with two of them ( as they look so similar), plus they are so cack anyway. The MK1, now thats a different matter..........
  14. Im sure that someone was making a mk4 ages ago now. Cant remember who, my memory aint as good as it used to be
  15. If you just trawl through the past few pages of this very skinpainting forum, you'll be suprised by the amount of cars that you'll find, but be warned, there are an awful lot of cruddy threads too. The ones with " such and such car, get it here" are the best bets.
  16. You obviously know the 250 Daimler exists, so why not use ' search ' and find it yourself, and then use the very same process to find all the other ' rare' cars.
  17. Looks far better now. May have to give this fwd pooh stuff a try now. Great work Rodder.
  18. If it was an ultimate setup, a stripped out Granny shell would rise up out of the floor
  19. Looks spot on Piker, I mean Roddie, err I mean Rodder. Silver steels would set it off IMO. Great job, I promise to get you them pictures as soon as I move them cars around.
  20. So youve got electric and a telly in the caravan then?
  21. Swindy.
  22. mcrew


    Try a search on google too.....if you can find the energy.
  23. mcrew


  24. ? i dont understand ya m8 I think that he ment " I thought that you where capable of doing your own skins, espescialy as only a couple of weeks ago you had posted that you where bored and willing to paint skins for other people".
  25. With that sort of attitude, you'll end up being the one told to **** themself.
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