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Everything posted by mcrew

  1. This ones been sign written especialy for me! http://www.trevorcope.com/New%20Folder%20(8)/lledohta.JPG
  2. It wouldve been far more helpful to put a link to the site of the tracks new owners, and then everyone could fill out the questionaire/feed back form. Who knows, if enough people give them enough good feedback about oval racing, maybe if the planning goes A over T for the surf park, they may consider giving the race track a go? Oh, the the site addy if anyone is interested is: http://www.retallacksurfside.co.uk/ ALL forms have to be emailed back by 31/10, so get writing!
  3. Cheers Hadee
  4. That was a short answer! It was, compared to some of regs slightly longer replies
  5. The hearse and Limo do, but Im 99.9% sure that the saloon doesnt...well yet anyway
  6. It would help if they existed first.
  7. mcrew

    mk2 cortina

    Thanks yet again Tads.
  8. Its looking good.
  9. Cheers Tads!
  10. Cheers FBF
  11. Isn't it spelt ' Captain '?
  12. mcrew


    I woulda suggested putting the straps over the cars and lashing them to the lorry, not the car underneath, cool render anyway.
  13. Happy Birthday you Plonker!
  14. I raced a saloon version of that a few years ago, it was well hard. Make a nice addition to the game at some point.
  15. Looks good Tads...........keep off them ciggys mate!
  16. mcrew

    Mk10 skins

    Agreed that the signs need re-sizing, they are far too out of scale, most sign edges are cut off by arches/different panels etc. "Eyes for 11 years", that cracked me up!
  17. The other wheels you want are not an official update for UK Dirt, if you attempt to use them in drivers texts, and other drivers dont have them installed, you will end up crashing their games! If you put a search in for the new wheel files, Im sure you will find the right post, but make sure you back up your game before hand, just incase it messes your game files up.
  18. Try this one mate, you may have to play around with the brightness on it. [attachmentid=19434] Spanner.zip
  19. You will more than likely have to make your own, but its not that difficult. If you look on ebay someones selling the old ' push button' type starter solenoid, its seperate to the starting motor, and they make great starter switches.
  20. Well, Id blank someone if they looked like a pikey...........
  21. And not forgetting Michael Park either. Simply tragic news. RIP Coiln.
  22. Trying to mess with another persons account.....Life Ban!
  23. TBH, this is all very confusing. Kev posts this " This is a public forum and anyone with internet access can read what is posted on here. Making posts containing strong/offensive language must stop. No more warnings will be issued. Any further posts containing such language will result in your forum account being suspended and/or banned. You have been warned." And then Kendo posts this " I think you need to be a touch more realistic about the day and age that we live in......Driving to work most mornings you hear the words "crap" and "[b][color=red]FILTERED[/color][/b]" used on radio one by chris moyles, plus plenty of "double entenders" aswell.....I assume this isn't aimed at a family orientated audience either?" So basicly, where do WE stand? What constitutes bad/offensive language and what DOES? And IMHO, Chris moyles is not family entertainment, his only value to a lagging Radio 1 is to drag in listeners with his gutter language/abusive behaviour. What do I know though, after all, I " need to be a touch more realistic about the day and age we live in"!
  24. Have done so Like I said originaly, the swearing on the forum is not realy a good advert, espescialy for a family forum, even if it does seem that these days the kids now know and use far more swear words than the adults!
  25. Not at all, they deserve to have their bol.. I mean, crown jewels, hacked off, boiled and then spoon fed to them.
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