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Everything posted by Dave488
Here are the 1st grade changes for this season, these come into effect NOW! so you will need to have the correct wings on for this mondays meeting at Sexbierum for the euro masters, congratulations to all those that have gone up up to s/s 39 180 238 down to red no one up to red 8 52 380 488 down to blue 31 167 246 up to blue 146 342 down to yellow 589 641 up to yellow 356 394 down to white 21 221 285
Don't forget the deadline is midnight tomorrow (Saturday). And remember if you have used a novice skin this year you can't use 1 anymore so you must submit a skin I've been away so haven't read pms or checked the upload tool I will do this and reply/update this thread tomorrow morning sometime
still need f2 skins from 52, 73, 93, 184, 474, 544 no skin no racing next month simple
also i have added rule 9 i cant beleive i have had to but i have so now there really is no excuse in getting anything wrong
list updated a quick reminder, please read ALL the rules before sending skins in, and also IF you are sending in a new skin that is on the same chassis as your old 1 it WILL BE CLASSED AS A CHASSIS CHANGE!
We are now accepting skins for the 2nd Skinpack of 2014 please send them in ASAP and I will try to keep the received skins part updated A FEW SIMPLE RULES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please) 2: CAB PANELS/ROLLCAGE - cab panels and cage MUST BE YOUR GRADE OR NEUTRAL COLOUR (ie if you are a red roof you CANT have a white, blue or yellow cage or panels, if you are a blue roof you CANT have red, white or yellow cage or panles and so on) THE COLOUR GOLD CAN NOT BE USED FOR ANYONES CAGE OR CAB PANELS EXCEPT THE WORLD CHAMPION (236) - A NEAUTRAL COLOUR MEANS ANYTHING BUT GOLD, RED, BLUE, YELLOW OR WHITE 3: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 4: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates: main file/veh - 14UKD488_DaveT for tar and 14UKD488_DaveS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 14UKD488_DaveTred or 14UKD488_DaveTyellow etc if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way 5: SENDING IN FILES - please send in your files via THE UKDIRT WEBSITE UPLOAD TOOL or BY PMING ME ON THIS FORUM, DO NOT upload to this thread 6:RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2013 season, let me know on this thread please and i will add them to the pack 7: NOVICE SKINS - remember if you have used a novice skin this season you MUST upload a skin for this pack or you WILL NOT be able to race until the next pack is made 8: CHASSIS CHANGES - you have 1 change on each surface in the season but can then go back to your 1st chassis choice if you wish, HOWEVER if you send in a new skin that is on the same chassis as your existing skin, just different colours/signs IT WILL CLASS AS A CHASSIS CHANGE, and once you have met the limit for chassis changes no more skins will be excepted from you 9: ROOF COLOURS - i remind you that the roof grades are RED, BLUE, YELLOW AND WHITE NOT BROWN, PURPLE, GREEN AND GREY - if the colour you have chosen is not deemed to be correct admin will fix it themselves, or REFUSE it i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED any questions regarding any of the above please PM me and ask BEFORE sending your skins in DEADLINE FOR SKINS IS MIDNIGHT SATURDAY 5TH APRIL Skins received so far: 8 shale 52 73 93 167 tarmac 276 tarmac 285 356 384 394 481 544 691 shale
45 added to this thread as he cant book on website
post here if you want to book or cancel for the 7.30pm stoke meeting bookings close at half 6
You can book in for mondays Stoke meeting on the website (start time 7.30) please post below for the 9pm meeting at belle vue on this thread, stating your name number and grade I.E: Dave 488 Blue Drivers booked: Whites 45 Andrew 187 Lanx 244 Toff 356 Mitch 394 PaulE 474 Danny 146 Crashley England 599 Harold Yellows 8 Lloydy 21 LouisH 52 HHunter 221 Spike 285 Mav Jr Blues 39 LeeK 262 Haemen 276 Tyzer 380 Liam 488 Dave 641 Mav 981 MartinB Reds 31 Si 167 CB 180 Wardieee 238 Kane 246 Stox 691 Jakeeey Superstars 112 TomD 236 DanSkin 27 booked
Can you add bully jnr #12 skins from last year also please
thanks all for racing tonight most of the racing seemed to be top notch, well done to Lloydy#8 for winning the final and now going up to yellow for next week, also well done to DanSkin#236 for top scoring, a big thankyou to Stumpy for stewarding once again Results: Heat 1: 848 238 691 52 45 641 112 180 981 221 488 589 394 Heat 2: 8 233 342 151 236 244 380 39 276 237 31 599 187 167 Heat 3: 39 981 848 112 246 641 8 237 238 589 151 31 244 599 Heat 4: 236 180 691 52 167 233 488 380 276 394 45 342 221 187 Consi 1: 276 221 31 237 589 394 599 187 A-Final: 8 236 180 276 233 238 848 246 112 39 244 342 641 981 221 691 167 488 237 52 151 45 31 380 GN 1: 180 236 276 488 342 641 599 167 151 981 848 221 244 691 GN 2: 233 52 238 112 246 380 589 39 31 237 8 394 187 45 Points: 43 pts 236 DanSkin 38 pts 180 Wardieee 36 pts 233 Grasser 34 pts 8 Lloydy 29 pts 238 Kane_M 26 pts 848 BullyJnr 26 pts 276 Tyzer 23 pts 52 Hhunter 22 pts 112 Tom D 18 pts 39 LeeK 18 pts 246 Stox 16 pts 691 Jakeeey 15 pts 641 Mav 14 pts 342 Heatrick 12 pts 380 Liam Powell 12 pts 981 MartinB 11 pts 488 Dave 9 pts 151 Dode 9 pts 167 CB 6 pts 45 AndrewP 5 pts 244 Toff 5 pts 237 RickyLjames 5 pts 589 Stijneman 4 pts 599 Harold 2 pts 31 simon 1 pts 394 PaulE 1 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 187 Lanx HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL NEXT WEEK WHERE WE WILL BE RACING AT NORTHAMPTON >REPLAYS ARE HERE<
Welcome to the 1st meeting of the ukdirt f2s 2014 season, please make sure you have the skinpack installed and have checked the new grades incase you have moved each driver will get 2 heats each (please make sure you are in 2) Heat 1: 45, 52, 146, 394, 848 // 221 // 488, 589, 641 981 // 180, 238, 691 // 112,,,, 14 cars (Server .48) Heat 2: 8, 187, 244, 342, 599 // 237 // 39, 151, 233, 276, 380 // 31, 167, 246 // 236,,,, 15 cars (Server .45) Heat 3: 8, 146, 244, 599, 848 // 237 // 39, 151, 589, 641, 981 // 31, 238, 246 // 112,,,, 15 cars (Server .48) Heat 4: 45, 52, 187, 342, 394 // 221 // 233, 276, 380, 488 // 167, 180, 691 // 236,,,, 14 cars (Server .45) consi final top 20 points scorers go directly to the final joined by the top 4 from the consi there will be enough GNs for everyone PLEASE BE IN CHAT FOR 8.20
bookings closed mi up soon
read the 3rd post down here >CLICK<
if you wish to book in or cancel for tonights meeting please post below with your name number and grade bookings close at 7.30 don't forget the skinpack and new grades for tonight
these are the grade changes for the start of 2014, you may have changed grade without doing many meetings but this is how the team feel we should start the season until we see whos racing and whos doing what don't forget the skinpack that can be found >>HERE<< please make sure you have the correct grade and the skinpack for kings lynn tomorrow night up to ss 397 down to red no one up to red 43, 74, 84 down to blue 80, 151, 233, 249, 338, 455, 488, up to blue no one down to yellow 6, 64, 90, 211, 212, 274, 454, 494, 624, up to yellow 21, down to white 205, 954,
All 2014 F2 skinpacks will be posted on this thread, (and the website) please make sure you install them in the correct order >>GET PACK 1 HERE<< you will all need this for tomorrows meeting at Kings Lynn, it is already on the server and server .45 is set for practice now new grades will be posted later tonight so please keep an aye out in case you have changed grade
ok as you can see above the 2014 fixtures are complete and are all added to the ukdirt website, so you can book in for meetings there starting with tomorrows Kings Lynn meeting that also kicks off the WCQRs 2014 will see us race at 51 meetings 28 tarmac and 23 shale, with 20 WQR and 18 WOS rounds then that will take us into the new shalemac series 4 rounds on tarmac (SMT) 4 on shale (SMS) then semis and a finale more details will be made available later in the year but you will be asked closer to the time to decide what your preferred surface will be for this championship, this replaces the now discontinued central series championship most rules are the same as last year but please make sure you read them and understand them on the website, the only changes to not are 1, novice skins will not be allowed to be used in championship races, and 2, the Scottish format has been changed to a stand alone race not determined on points as in prevous years I hope you all have a good 2014 season
Less than half hour left. Have not included pms and uploaded skins yet
list updated to here, please check your PMs if you are not on the list but have sent in skins
Same as last year please
list updated, less than a week to go
Drivers Name/Chassis: Brett Constable 91 - RCE Driver Number:488 Your Name/Nickname: Dave Current league grade, UKDirt Red
Dave 55r