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Dragon 428

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Posts posted by Dragon 428

  1. If he's from team 175 than I am curious who the little lad is........


    Easy tiger, once again you asked for comments which I did. If you take it the wrong way then thats your problem. I'll repeat my coments again if you can't see the difference between a comment and flaming someone down.

    "Comments: Font for numbers need to be changed.

    I think that the brand name Porsche is wrongly spelled it says Porche.

    I am missing a lot of signs (top of wing, bonnet) plus a couple of signs are just plain wrong. Like the chevrolet logo. The real car has a solid filled chevy logo with 383 in it whereas you have an outlined logo"


    It always surprises me that when people ask for comments about their skins and once they receive comments that are not in terms of "cracking, great skins, well done etc etc." they are quick off the mark to say that someone is "flaming" them down or is "talking crap".


    Try to improve the painting skills with the comments made. Like you said it's your first real life skin and render an all things are hard to learn. But don't go shouting when you ask for comments when those comments are not what you had hoped for.


    "Now leave me alone" Oh boy, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen please

  2. Wowww!! Horsey lol!!

    1st, For the record it's KEITH MURDOCK but i couldn't EDIT my post.

    2nd, the lots of missing signs you miss?? It's because the lad that gave me the request didn't have enough pictures.

    3rd, Because i didn't have ENOUGH pic's I just added a chevy logo t fill up some space and the lad liked it.

    4th, This was my 1st attempt at a RENDER and a real-life skin so theres much left to learn.

    5th, Everyone does a typo.


    and LAST,


    Who gives you the right to flame me?

    Good idea of using a list, I'll copy that:

    1) Your still wrong as it is Murdoch but then again, I am just a spectator who just looks at a real life picture and reads the name thats written at his mud gard on the screen where it reads "Keith "Howling mad" Murdoch". But hey it seems you know him a bit better that you can call him Murdock

    2) Why do a car when you don't have enough pictures for the signs?

    3) If you painted it for a lad, than why post it here and ask for comments?

    4) True

    5) Yes, true again, but a typo from a picture is a bit bad innit?

    Last) You asked for comments and so I did, so that gives me the right. That you don't like these comments is not my problem, try to learn from them and make some better skins. I don't know how you paint them and will never turn my hands onto skin painting but I do know the difference between a good or a bad skin


    edit: no need to use a bold font, I am not blind. Though I get the idea that you were trying to shout?

  3. Lost for words......(fill in yourself if its good or bad) but it seems a lot of people are happy with the current quality of skin painting.


    Please stop with those complete wrong renders as my monitor is about to explode. The wheels are just a joke and for the record, its Keith Murdoch (with an added H to his last name).


    Comments: Font for numbers need to be changed.

    I think that the brand name Porsche is wrongly spelled it says Porche.

    I am missing a lot of signs (top of wing, bonnet) plus a couple of signs are just plain wrong. Like the chevrolet logo. The real car has a solid filled chevy logo with 383 in it whereas you have an outlined logo.


    You might have caught me on a bad moment but I just don't understand why some people don't have a closer look at the real life car and copy the things the right way. It's great that you try to create your own decals and signs but I think you would be better of by cut and paste from a real picture, at least then the signs and font are right.


    A quick rush job to paint a real life skin, put the car on the forum and get comments like "very good" from people who don't know how the actual car looks like seems to be the general idea here nowadays. Problem is that the skinpainter in question will never learn from his mistakes that way when those people keep on commentating that way. I am not planning to comment on every car posted here as I do have seen some good copies of real life skins.

  4. Hi Nolly,


    I had the pleasure of meeting Simon over the last few weekends. He is a very nice and down to earth chap.

    Here is a picture I took from him during the world Cup weekend at Venray. Picture taken in heat 1 20-08-2006 (race after the world Cup race).

    I had to size it down and reduce the quality to post it on here.




    p.s. if you want to use the picture for the website, please do so.


  5. The font's for the signwriting are pretty straight forward with some adjustments here and there (like what the signwriter did with the letter A). I can't think which font it is but it's not far off from the range Arial etc. Make sure that the "leg" on the R is pointing the right way.

    As a tip, your grading is not right. It seem that you have copied the one side to the other. But when I look at the real picture I see the colour go from orange to white (left to right) where you have it the other way around.

    Try to "bold up" the signwriting on the side of the car.


    As for the numbers I am not sure which font that is either (can't be bothered to stroll through my font list) but I think it needs some personal tweaking as well. I think you have used either Bold or Compacta at this stage but like you say, they are not the ones you are looking for.


    There is not much on the car yet so I can't tell if it's any good for a first attempt. Main thing is that you have the general lay-out from the signwriting ok (like having the gradient pointing the right way!!!).


    Last but not least, why not paint the skin on the Higgy F2 model as the real life car is a Higgy as well?


    As for the render, the field F2 racers over here run with that amount of ground clearance ;)

  6. Those parts that I did see from the NIR team wrestling championships were quite funny.

    Trav almost destroyed an armchair of a guy who stood next to them, as the pair was at it again.


    As for Parky, nice to meet you m8. If you want another chat with me in the state you were on that Saturday night I'll have to pass m8. I couldn't understand jack tihs (read otherway around) from the majority of what you were saying. This was the bit I only remembered:

    "Hey Dwagolnm, flum niceth thos mmmmmethf you finalhfg" Add a little of a Pasty accent into it and you get an idea, lmao. :thumbs_up:



  7. Hi Albz

    We once had our differences but the best thing was that we spoke about it and got all solved, if not it was even better after it, thanks mr.

    Having met you only a very few times at the F2 world finals at Cowdenbeath, Taunton and Barford, if I am right, I have to say you are a sound guy and want to wish you and the family all the best down under :042:



  8. I have restrained myself fro replying in this thread as I truly think you are not worth it Sparky but the stuff you are writing about me in at least 2 different thread in the last days is getting worse and worse. Maybe it's your aim to provoke me but how on earth can you write things about me of which you think that's my reasons of doing so?


    Look, the models are there to be rendered

    Wrong, the models are not there to be rendered, the models are purely there so they can be converted to a .car file for the Nascar Heat add on called Brisca Heat/ UK Dirt. If I could make a .car file in a different way without making a model I would do so but it seems that the use of a modeling program is required, plus has the export abilities to let model be used in the Nascar Heat game. I have never ever said that it is not allowed to render the models. What I have said is that I don't want that the .car files get cracked.


    If he isn't happy then he must have some proper reason, other from being a rather arrogant eedjit he muct be jealous that people will stop coming to him for renders of his cars and go to other people which he won't like.

    Yes I am seriously jealous that people don't mail me about doing renders. I am in tears every day staring at my mailbox in the sheer hope that someone wants a car to be rendered.

    Get a grip kid, I got far more better things to do then rendering a car. Why should I get better at rendering when I don't even bother nor pretend to be a "rendering guru". This in contrary to some other folk on this forum who seem to be very happy when they render a car with Micky Mouse wheels on them, floating above the surface with some sort of crappy cut and paste signjob on it, asking "what you think of my render?"


    Lol@ "maybe respecting you're decision". Looking at the amount so post you spend on these type of topics I doubt that will ever happen kid.


    They have been made public, by releasing them to the community he has basically allowed us to use his models

    Once again you are so so wrong here. You are making things up yourself by saying stuff like that "he basically allowed us to use his models". I think my English is still good enough to read that I have said many times " I don't want that the .car files get cracked".


    I say, if you want to be the only one to render you're models, get good at them, simple. White floor not even with brazil sometimes just isn't enough

    Once how on earth can you judge me on rendering when I don't pretend to be a render guru. Rendering is just a press of the button in 3D Max, everyone can press a button.

    Well I use 3D Max 3.0 so I can't use Brazil, so once again you are wrong. Brazil is nice and give a great effect on the car, but I have never ever seen in my life a: shiny wheels in which the panels from the car reflect; b: shiny chassis, nerf and bumpers in which the panels from a car reflect.


    And for the white floor, I have just learned to use 3D Max and are only able to produce a white floor. Could you drop me a PM or tell me how to make the type of scenery and object you are saying? Well appreciated if you would.


    You keep on being the most funniest person of this forum but I am more then fed up with your writing. I didn't ask for the way you started posting on various threads in the last days about me.


    There are others on this and other threads who are saying how it is. The models are build by me and therefore I think I am the one who can say if they can be used to render yes or no.


    If you think I am arrogant by saying no to cracking the models, why don't you say exactly the same thing to every other shop where you buy your clothing or other chav stuff from? In the end it's the same thing, they got something that you want to use but you'll have to pay for them. Doesn't that make them arrogant as well as you can't get it for free?

    Why don't you go to you're local chav store and say to the manager "hey, your arrogant because you are giving me the 20"giovanny plastic wheels for free". "You are arrogant because you are not giving me that can of Coke for free".


    I am glad that the majority of people on here are a great bunch of guys but there is just one very rotten apple that spoils it for the rest.



  9. Dear "I need to post as many posts on this forum as possible" Rikard


    Please don't take this the wrong way but just like many others that have started modeling you are also one of that wants to run before they can walk.


    Modeling a car is seomething you have learned already but then the mapping sets in and you start to realise that it's not as easy as modeling. I understand that you are very keen on getting on with the project but after we would answer this question the next one will appear.


    My advice is to start with a basic cube. It might sound pretty daft but model it, create a template and map it. Once you understand how it works, you can take on bigger things but the way you are doing it, is very very tough.


    When I read "i see there is a snap tool but i don't know how to work it in the mapping interface" I start to doubt if you understand the basic options within 3D Max. The snap tool and various other settings are THE basic things that you need to know before you can even think about taking on bigger project then just a cube.

    Read through some mapping tutorials and other modeling guides that are spread over the internet. Far more easier then crashing into a problem every ten minutes.


    I know it's not an answer to your question but like I said, start with a cube and leave the Van on your harddrive for a while untill you understand how creating a template and the mapping works.



  10. Lately I've been missing the "mark all posts as read" button.

    I found it a usefull thing. That way I didn't have to read a post to mark it as "read". Uninteresting posts got unmarked by it.

    Now all I see is a green light at the beginning of a thread. Then I'll need to look at a time and date and try to remember if it's a new post or and older one.


    Any chance that this button comes back on the forum again?



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