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  martin379 said:

Sounds like a familiar process is being repeated here. For one the "NZ Style Meetings" were if I remember correctly, Rollcage97's or Hazy's. No offence lads but you seem to just be repaeting what was said quite some time ago about having things like 2 cars( 1 shale and 1 tarmac), stuff like that. Also what do you mean about not going OTT with the bumper but you are allowed to follow people in? That doesn't really make sense. Another thing, if you look back on this topic you will see a list of names and numbers of people who are possibly interested in racing this formula. And what do you mean about there being too many Rules/Fixtures, wasn't sure what one you meant? Please don't take any offence to anything i've said above as i'm just saying what I think!



Martin ;)


yeh we are alowing follow ins and i have just decided there will only be 1 car a tarmac one

so just ADD ya name then i will get back befor thursday and the track will be at arena essex

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Posted (edited)

I Dont see why there should be a dirty version of minis! Not every1 will have time and for one dont know how to paint it dirty (i for one)


I say Rule that rule out and only have one car per person!

You do wana get this league started so i would do away with this rule and then maybe more people would race! IMO



Edited by martwisely

ive been through each post and here is a list of names of people who said thel be interested






Rollcage 97

kane 456


Kruiz 136






Dave 908

Mac Jnr 219




Sash 332


Are all of you still interested ??


And if it is on a Thursday Night how about a 6pm Start as there is TNBangers on a thurs Night!!


Martin :unsure:



count me out, follow ins is typical sort of thing kane does so he doesnt get banned :3:


imo, this league was best left alone, or kane not run it so u have decent rules and fixtures and planning,

u can't just say ryt turn up for this thursday at arena, no one has time to do a setup. Ideas are copyed from the original ideas in this thread.


U need a booking list and say run a test meeting to see who turns up etc

Posted (edited)

Is this a special banger league now?Becasue well it sounds...diffrent? So you can takemy name off that list aswell please.

Edited by martin379
  martwisely said:

ive been through each post and here is a list of names of people who said thel be interested






Rollcage 97

kane 456


Kruiz 136






Dave 908

Mac Jnr 219




Sash 332


Are all of you still interested ??


And if it is on a Thursday Night how about a 6pm Start as there is TNBangers on a thurs Night!!


Martin :unsure:


If this goes on in the main season too, probably not as F1's will not be beaten by any other mod :coffee:

Posted (edited)

I diasgree with the Follow in rule! Minimial contact like a nudge!! should only be allowed not Full contact :3: It will spoil the fun if its full contact and ur allowed follow ins etc!


If your going to run this league you at least got to have some rules and not stupid ones! like follow ins are allowed!


I think you don need to think about the rules again Kane and be serious about them and not just we can do this we can do that, if he follows him in thats ok no ban! :3: I am only willing to help out if you change these rules!

Edited by martwisely
  jimmymuk said:

count me out, follow ins is typical sort of thing kane does so he doesnt get banned :3:


imo, this league was best left alone, or kane not run it so u have decent rules and fixtures and planning,

u can't just say ryt turn up for this thursday at arena, no one has time to do a setup. Ideas are copyed from the original ideas in this thread.


U need a booking list and say run a test meeting to see who turns up etc



"count me out, follow ins is typical sort of thing kane does so he doesnt get banned"


jim i mite follow in but do i race as other people ( :011: NO)



I have written up a new set of Rules!




Hope these are better! If any1 disagrees with anything or thinks they could add to the Rules, or doesnt understand anything then just let me know!


And how does Thursday Night 6pm Sound? for running this league! It will be in Private Servers!


Martin :thumbup:

Ministox_Rules.txtFetching info...

Posted (edited)
  kane said:

  jimmymuk said:

count me out, follow ins is typical sort of thing kane does so he doesnt get banned :3:


imo, this league was best left alone, or kane not run it so u have decent rules and fixtures and planning,

u can't just say ryt turn up for this thursday at arena, no one has time to do a setup. Ideas are copyed from the original ideas in this thread.


U need a booking list and say run a test meeting to see who turns up etc



"count me out, follow ins is typical sort of thing kane does so he doesnt get banned"


jim i mite follow in but do i race as other people ( :011: NO)


i caught u trying to use my account once and u asked if you cud another time, i also remember speaking to marty and he said u asked if u cud race as him then went off in a strop cus he said no.


like martinwisely says. rethink the rules, you have never been to a ministox meeting kane apart from grimley which is crap tbh and like martin said, minimal contact, and just cus u will be an admin dont mean u dont abide by rules.


p.s i havent called you anything in this post so no need to get family involved is there

Edited by Jimmy

this topic is about ministox so there was no need to put about me and follow ins so leave it as ministox


Posted (edited)

I really cannot see this league taking off at all, its not even been the first meeting or even an official set of rules published and admin(kane) are already arguing with potential racers. I can't see how arguing with people who you are trying to persuade to race is going to help get this off the ground. If all it is going to be is just childish name calling and arguing there is no way i will race.


Kane as admin, you need to accept other peoples opinions and abide by them rather than arguing back. This is admins job, to do what you see is best for everyone who wants to race instead of doing what suits you best. If you are the only one who wants to folow people in, which it looks like that is the case, you will have to abolish the rule.


For a starting league, which imo needs to be a quick come and race league should start of slowly with only one skin, that is all it needs. People will not want to paint two skins for a minor league. Especially if they have to use difficult techniques like the 'dirty' effect, that as far as i can see most people can't be bothered with.





Edited by Kruiz 136
Posted (edited)

Oh for God sake. I only inquired as to whether this "league" was going to happen or not, I didn't intend it as an opportunity for you younger members to squabble. I also agree with Kruiz's post. Anyway, would it be possible to have this league at 6pm on a Tuesday? I know Martin's league is on that day, but if the Minis start at 6pm, they should be finished by 8:30?


I'm fine with Martwisley's rules, apart from a few things;


1. There are too many restrictions as to what you may put on the roof. I would allow anyone who wants to put a Scottish or English flag on their roof to do so. I personally would like to have the Saltire on my roof.


2. The contact, or lack thereof. I feel that a fair amount of contact should be allowed, but no oppo, follow ins or lap downers.


3. There should be a clear definition of what constitutes an obscenity on a skin.


As for kane's rules, there are just too many. Even I can't be bothered to read the whole thing, whereas Martins are short but get the message across.

Edited by erik
Posted (edited)
  erik said:


3. There should be a clear definition of what constitutes an obscenity on a skin.



Clear Definition:


No puttin pictures of naked or half naked women or men on your car! and also no Swearing on the car itself!


You will only need to Submit 1 Car and you do not need to make it look Dirt!

Edited by martwisely
  martwisely said:

  erik said:


3. There should be a clear definition of what constitutes an obscenity on a skin.



Clear Definition:


No puttin pictures of naked or half naked women or men on your car! and also no Swearing on the car itself!


You will only need to Submit 1 Car and you do not need to make it look Dirt!


Well naked or half naked men would be an obscenity, theres no danger of that appearing on any of my cars. But what was wrong with the one of Sophie Howard I had on a skin for your league?

Posted (edited)

Okay. If you lot are left to carry on like this, the league just won't happen. It will hopefully be Tuesday nights at 6pm. We will go with Martwisely's rules apart from the following....


-Reasonable contact will be allowed, its Ministox not Minirods

-No late book ins. End of.

-Anyone can have a Saltire or St. George's flag on their roof who wants to.


Also, we could line up for the final, but I'd rather this wasn't the case for heats, too much hassle.

Edited by erik
  erik said:

Okay. If you lot are left to carry on like this, the league just won't happen. It will hopefully be Tuesday nights at 6pm. We will go with Martwisely's rules apart from the following....


-Reasonable contact will be allowed, its Ministox not Minirods

-No late book ins. End of.

-Anyone can have a Saltire or St. George's flag on their roof who wants to.


Also, we could line up for the final, but I'd rather this wasn't the case for heats, too much hassle.


Erik the league will get knowwhere if you keep changing the rules keep the ules that imade up!


And no to the Saltire Roof!


If your gona keep changin them then im not gona help out Simple as :banghead2:


Nobody's going to keep changing the rules. What you see below will be the rules, end of. They will not be changed again.



Reasonable contact is permitted. No driving the wrong way, lap-down take outs, attacking from the infield or


If your car is damaged you should pull off the track into a safe place if it is possible and Park up! If you want to carry on and you have Damage and there are faster cars approaching YOU MUST Move to the side to let them pass.



The league admin(s)/RM's decision is final! If you cannot follow these simple rules then please do not race in the League!.



The tracks we will be using will be Normal and Reverse tracks! (Fixture list still to be written up)


Please send in a Car for your own use! There will be 8 Novices included in the pack:

They will be:

White Roof - both Chassis

Yellow Roof - both Chassis

Blue Roof - both Chassis

Red Roof - both Chassis


A new Skinpack will be released once A month. Allowing those drivers who have gained up into a different colour to change there car!

No swearing or obscenities will be accepted on the car! If there is your car will be rejected!


How the Points system works!


How the Evening will go:

There will be 3 Heats and an A final! a B final will be used if another server is available!


The top 12 will go through to the A final

The points scoring system is:


For Heats: 16,12,10,8,6,5,4,2


And for the A Final: 25,22,20,18,16,12,10,8,6,4,2,1



The Following Champions may only use these for there Roofs!


World Champion - Gold Roof

National Points Champion - Silver Roof


Heats will be Go on Green, with the Final being lined up highest points at Back and lowest points at Front!


Booking in:


Each member must book in before each meeting! Bookings will be accepted until 4PM.



The meetings should be held on a Tuesday at 6pm, as I've previously said.



Well im afraid ur stil not sticking to the rules i made up so count me out :3:


Sorry kane until youz can get your act together then i say No Mini league! :3:

  martwisely said:

Well im afraid ur stil not sticking to the rules i made up so count me out :3:


Sorry kane until youz can get your act together then i say No Mini league! :3:



  martwisely said:

Here is the Link to the website that i had Started for this League!!


Martin :coffee:


So you're not helping just because you can't get exactly your own way?




"and the award for most comical thread of the year goes to......the ministox gang" :rofl:


booze up in a brewery springs to mind for some reason................ :coffee:

  Nezza46 said:



"and the award for most comical thread of the year goes to......the ministox gang" :rofl:


booze up in a brewery springs to mind for some reason................ :coffee:


Classic thread this has been nearly wet meself with laughter is there gonna be a minstox league or not....


  PARKY said:

  Nezza46 said:



"and the award for most comical thread of the year goes to......the ministox gang" :rofl:


booze up in a brewery springs to mind for some reason................ :coffee:


Classic thread this has been nearly wet meself with laughter is there gonna be a minstox league or not....



Probably, a good one though, i doubt it unless everyone just works together and takes each others ideas into consideration and find out what the most popular verdict is. :shrug:

Posted (edited)

Wrong topic i posted this in and its posted it twice :S

Edited by martwisely
  PARKY said:


Classic thread this has been nearly wet meself with laughter is there gonna be a minstox league or not....



Erik is now Running this league and will Be Rming it as far as i know :shrug: So he will tell u if it is going ahead or not! and i deleted the site so link above will no longer work!


Martin :shrug::coffee:

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