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UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by Counter552

  1. First time online for about 3 years I think, only downloaded F2 rFactor on Sunday, so sorry if I messed up anyones race. I was trying hard to move over when being lapped, but 2 drivers in particular seemed to need to whack me anyway - their numbers are on the dash if I decide to percervere and get on the pace! Thanks again Dave for sorting me out. Mildo was my favourite track on Heat, even managed to win a Final their on WF night, so who knows, may download that and join you again next week. Thanks to Admin for the racing and well done to the winners.
  2. SNAP (or maybe it was 2003!! lol)
  3. Counter552 White (Novice, please be kind!!) Thanks for sorting a skin so quickly Dave
  4. UK Dirt Cash Statement March-11 Income Server Fees £213.04 Bank Int £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 £213.04 Expenditure Paypal Charges £6.43 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £206.61 £213.04 New Members 6 Renewals 13
  5. Liam Please send me a PM with the email address you are registered with and I'll try and sort it out for you. Cheers Counter
  6. Cowie retracted that version, and is still working on a new version I think. Just looked outside the window, someone will need to make the Snow version .............
  7. Sam If you haven't joined after 2 weeks, your account is denied and you should have received an email explaining that. You can pay without using the link from the site, send your payment to sales@ukdirt.co.uk and your samwit account will be activated. Any further questions, PM me. Cheers Counter
  8. Also won't really help having youtube and facebook running.
  9. Jedd Doesn't look like you have the all the files or it is not directed at the right path - when you installed, did you change it from the default path? Probably best to try and re-install from scratch and make sure you don't change the default path directory. I think I read somewhere that with Windows 7, you need to do something with the path - as the youtube link is trying to say, NascarHeat is not really designed to work with windows7. There are certainly people on here who will be able to offer much better help/advice than me. Ignore Hutch, he just assumes that because he believes rFactor is better than NascarHeat, then everybody in the world should agree. Not much help at the momemt if you want to race Bangers.
  10. UK Dirt Cash Statement February-11 Income Server Fees £605.00 Bank Int £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 £605.00 Expenditure Paypal Charges £13.39 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £127.54 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £464.07 £605.00 New Members 11 Renewals 47
  11. 28th February was THE LAST DAY YOU COULD RENEW FOR £10. Lapsed members will need to pay £12.50 to renew their membership. First time members now pay £15 (including joining fee). Please remember, anyone caught in the servers who has not renewed their fees will receive the normal ban. LIST OF MEMBERS TO 28th FEBRUARY 2012 ALi P areo boy Arnie Aub Avon Baldrick Biffo Big Al BigBen bigdaveUK Bigfatdad Blair bobbert bobdejong Bomber BRAIN DESTROYER bristolstokie Budge Bully jnr cabs Carlos Chris Curling coco Corny Counter crewesader Dan russ DanSkin Dave davis Dazza Dean demonstone Dippy dode Drumbstick folcooo freejohn Freew frenchy Gary GaryN Gixer Glencuz Grasser Gypo haggis happybear Harmen Harold headbanger Hooty jakie James jamesy Jarry jedd JK Johno johnny-ufc jonnyboy JustRuss kendo Kev Kevin152 Knobby Lakey Lars Lee Leech LeeK Lew madcowie Magic marky matthewb Mattyaspin michael green Mike mikestar MoR Mr Whippy Munch Nezza nozza Nutcase Nunny Parky Peppi PickworthNZ Pistol pluko Pusher radduz rhysco Robin H25 Robwoollhouse rsweb rudeboy Ryano SamA SammyT Samwit scootaah shane thepain SHEEP Skeet Si SOUTH southy Spike spikejnr splodge stavo stickyricky supraboy theboss Tin Man Tom D tombrad tosh travel trfcrob TrickyA walker Waqar Warlords Westy WoodyJW wrighty xTx zippie
  12. UK Dirt Cash Statement January-11 Income Server Fees £140.00 Bank Int £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 £140.00 Expenditure Paypal Charges £4.18 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £111.56 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £24.26 £140.00 New Members 1 Renewals 56
  13. In 2010 we celebrated 10 Years of UKDirt online racing action with the number of paid up members increasing to 218. The membership year runs from 1st March to 28th February and you will need to renew your membership unless you joined since 1st December 2010 under the 10 Year Promotion. ALL MEMBERS PLEASE CHECK THEIR RENEWAL FEE REQUIREMENT. Renewal fees must be paid and cleared through the UKDirt Bank Account or Paypal Account by 28th February 2011 to take advantage of the reduced renewal fee rate of £10. 1. Current paid up members (with no existing bans) can renew their membership for £10 if paid and cleared before 28th February 2011. After this date they will have to pay the revised annual renewal fee of £12.50 to continue their membership. 2. Lapsed members who did not subscribe in 2010 can renew their membership for £10 until 28th February 2011 (receiving January/February 2011 for free). After this date they will have to pay the revised annual renewal fee of £12.50 to renew their membership. 3. New members who join up to 28th February 2011 will receive January/February 2011 free for their £15 payment (including the one-off joining fee of £5). After this date, the revised first year fee for new members will be £15 between 1st March 2011 and 30th September and £10 between 1st October and 31st December. Please check for your name below to see if you are one of the 34 members who have been rewarded some or all of next year's racing for free. In addition to these winnings, several members will receive DVD's for Championship successes. Check for posts in each of the leagues to see who has won. Our preferred method for payment is PAYPAL or Bank Transfer. Please send payment to sales@ukdirt.co.uk stating your Nickname and using "gift" will help keep our fees down. or Direct Bank Deposit/Internet Bank Transfer (PM for details) or Cheque/Postal Order (PM for details) The 32 members who do not have to pay for 2011/12 are :- Aub, Biffo, Bobbert, Danskin, Dazza, Dean, Frenchy, Haggis, JK, Kendo, Knobby, Lars, Leek, Mike, MoR, RobinH, Spike, TomD, WoodyJW Baldrick, Counter, Demonstone, Dode, Drumbstick, FreeW, Grasser, Hooty, Kev, Kev152, Madcowie, SamA, Wrighty The 2 members who only have to pay a portion of the fee due to some success in 2010 are :- Owing £5 Server Fee :- Gary79, Lee531 If you have a query regarding your own payment please PM me.
  14. The 10 Years of UKDirt promotion has now ended and we enter year 11 of online racing with UKDirt. Please check the 2011 Membership Renewal Announcement for details of good rates during Jan/Feb for new or returning members.
  15. UK Dirt Cash Statement December-10 Income Server Fees £200.00 Bank Int £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 £200.00 Expenditure Paypal Charges £8.38 Server Charges £600.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Decrease in Funds -£408.38 £200.00 New Members 8 Renewals 5
  16. 152 Tar 502 Shale Just need to get praccy'in now
  17. I'd just like to add my thanks to all the guys who have spent many hours working on this. It has inspired me to dig out the rFactor disk and reload it onto the PC to check out the updates. I've not had any of the mods on the PC since it crashed over a year ago! If I can manage to master a few laps without spinning, I may even have a go online. Thanks again guys, great job as always.
  18. Unfortunately we don't have the Technology to process the payment automatically once you send it, I've got to do that manually. I do try and do them as quickly as possible, but I'm not at the PC 24/7 ................
  20. UK Dirt Cash Statement November-10 Income Server Fees £65.00 Bank Int £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 £65.00 Expenditure Paypal Charges £3.84 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £109.83 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Decrease in Funds -£48.67 £65.00 New Members 4 Renewals 0
  21. UPDATE Any new/returing or those who have only previously paid a trial fee, it's now the last month of the Promotion Rates (December has effectively started!) The 2010 Special Offer to "lapsed" members who re-join before the end of 2010 : Lapsed members who rejoin in December 2010 will be able to renew for £15 which will give full membership until 28th February 2012, effectively 15 months for the price of 12. 2010 Special Offer to New members who join before the end of 2010 : New members who join in December 2010 will be able to join for £15 (including the £5 joining fee) which will give full membership until 28th February 2012, effectively 15 months for the price of 12. 2010 Special Offer to anyone who has paid £5 Trial fee but never fully joined: New members who have already paid their £5 joining fee, but not yet joined, can get full membership for a further £10. This will give full membership until 28th February 2012, effectively 15 months for the price of 12. All paid up members as at 31st December 2010 will be able to renew their fees in January/February for a reduced rate. This will be announced/confirmed in the first week of January, but is likely to be £10, less if we can negotiate reduced server fees from our suppliers. As always, we hope a good number of members will win their 2011 fees with success on the track.
  22. UK Dirt Cash Statement October-10 Income Server Fees £105.00 Bank Int £0.17 Sponsorship £0.00 £105.17 Expenditure Paypal Charges £5.26 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £99.91 £105.17 New Members 9 Renewals 1
  23. We are having difficulty updating the registration emails at present, so if you are or know of any newbies looking to join, please pass on these details to make sure they don't overpay. I have been sending refunds to those that have not seen this and paid the full fees.
  24. UK Dirt Cash Statement September-10 Income Server Fees £85.00 Bank Int £0.28 Sponsorship £0.00 £85.28 Expenditure Paypal Charges £4.23 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £81.05 £85.28 New Members 6 Renewals 0
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