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Everything posted by Counter552

  1. As wee dode says, the number you are trying to register is probably already taken, therefore you will need to use a different one. To check what numbers are available, look at the League Information/Drivers Lists/Banger Drivers on www.ukdirt.co.uk
  2. UK Dirt Cash Statement August-10 Income Server Fees £165.00 Bank Int £0.26 Sponsorship £0.00 £165.26 Expenditure Paypal Charges £7.94 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £124.62 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £32.70 £165.26 New Members 9 Renewals 2
  3. Counter552


    From memory, I think there is a limit on how many cars appear on the drivers list in the game. Make sure you have put your entry near the top of the drivers.txt file and it should appear for you to select in the game. If its not that, I'm sure someone else will be able to help.
  4. UK DIRT 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PROMOTION DETAILS This year we continue to celebrate 10 Years of UKDirt with "Anniversary" promotions for all server fees. The membership year runs from 1st March 2010 to 28th February 2011 and we want to finish 2010 with special rates to celebrate the 10 years of online racing with www.ukdirt.co.uk. The 2010 Special Offer to "lapsed" members who re-join before the end of 2010 : 1. Lapsed members who have not renewed so far in 2010 can renew their membership for £5 between now and end of November. This will give full membership until 28th February 2011 and enable you to take advantage of reduced renewal fees in 2011. 2. Lapsed members who rejoin in December 2010 will be able to renew for £15 which will give full membership until 28th February 2012, effectively 15 months for the price of 12. 2010 Special Offer to New members who join before the end of 2010 : 1. New members who join between now and the end of November can get full membership for £10 (including the £5 joining fee). This will give full membership until 28th February 2011 and enable you to take advantage of reduced renewal fees in 2011. 2. New members who join in December 2010 will be able to join for £15 (including the £5 joining fee) which will give full membership until 28th February 2012, effectively 15 months for the price of 12. 3. New members who have already paid their £5 joining fee, but not yet joined, can get full membership for a further £5. This will give full membership until 28th February 2011 and enable you to take advantage of reduced renewal fees in 2011. We will update the website and registration emails as soon as possible, but anyone paying too much will get it refunded. 2011 Renewal Fees for existing paid up members are still not finalised and are not due for payment until after 1st January 2011. We cannot finalise them until all sponsorship winnings have been determined as we hope many members will continue to win their server fees. The likely renewal fees for existing paid up members in 2011 will be £12.50, with a discount to £10 if paid before 28th February 2011. FAQ Answers! 1. The Promotion Offer of the Fees will last until 31st December 2010 2. All new members and returning lapsed members will be able to take advantage of reduced fees if they join before the end of 2010. 3. The 2011 Renewal Fee for 2010 paid up members will be announced in early January 2011, with a discount available if paid in Jan/Feb 2011. Any other questions, please PM Counter or email sales@ukdirt.co.uk.
  5. UK Dirt Cash Statement July-10 Income Server Fees £30.00 Bank Int £0.30 Sponsorship £0.00 £30.30 Expenditure Paypal Charges £1.45 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £28.85 £30.30 New Members 1 Renewals 0
  6. UK Dirt Cash Statement June-10 Income Server Fees £90.00 Bank Int £0.31 Sponsorship £0.00 £90.31 Expenditure Paypal Charges £3.95 Server Charges £650.00 Hosting Charges £28.79 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Decrease in Funds -£592.43 £90.31 New Members 4 Renewals 1
  7. Of course we are allowed discussion, but please read the the forum rules if you want to use the forum to verbally attack individuals.
  8. Try stopping VOSA and please stop using this forum to slander promoters.
  9. UK Dirt Cash Statement May-10 Income Server Fees £95.00 Bank Int £0.30 Sponsorship £0.00 £95.30 Expenditure Paypal Charges £4.32 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £175.14 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Decrease in Funds -£84.16 £95.30 New Members 4 Renewals 1
  10. UK Dirt Cash Statement April-10 Income Server Fees £210.00 Bank Int £0.35 Sponsorship £0.00 £210.35 Expenditure Paypal Charges £7.50 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £186.10 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £16.75 £210.35 New Members 9 Renewals 6
  11. UK Dirt Cash Statement March-10 Income Server Fees £164.63 Bank Int £0.29 Sponsorship £0.00 £164.92 Expenditure Paypal Charges £4.86 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £160.06 £164.92 New Members 4 Renewals 9
  12. Hi Si Looks like the problem is with your Paypal - the link simply takes you to Paypal, there isn't a payment facility on our site. The options remain using Paypal to sales@ukdirt.co.uk or send a cheque (PM me for details). Cheers Counter
  13. Here's all the ones I have, including the full drivers.txt. I've kept this to race the 255 Car which I painted. It's still in Eric's garage, but will probably never be on track again. BH2005Skins.zip
  14. Here are the extra ones you asked for. I've put in the full drivers txt file so you can see the chassis. BH2005LeeRob.zip
  15. Still have BH2005, here'e the Lee Robinson skin, ask if you want more BH2005LeeRob.zip
  16. jay If you no longer have the nascar heat game disk, don't worry, there is a dowmload on the ukdirt site that gives you what you need to race heat Bangers. Heat Essentials.
  17. The promotion rates are now finished, thanks to all who continue to support ukdirt into it's 10th Year. The new rates for 2010 are still lower than previous years and are : 1. Lapsed members (ie those that have previously been paid up members) can renew for the new reduced fee of £10 (previously £15) 2. New members can join for the new reduced fee of £15, including the one-off joining fee of £5 (previously £20).
  18. UK Dirt Cash Statement February-10 Income Server Fees £177.00 Bank Int £0.31 Sponsorship £0.00 £177.31 Expenditure Paypal Charges £3.49 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £163.47 Sponsorship £91.29 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Decrease in Funds -£80.94 £177.31 New Members 3 Renewals 38
  19. Thanks Nezza, I'll pass it on to see if it works.
  20. Thanks again Spike. So, if he installs mod launcher first and then starts NascarHeat from there, he will then be able to add-on the ukdirt mods etc , including the 1.72e patch and the no-cd patch ? Sorry to ask, I'm just not that PC literate ! Cheers Counter
  21. Thanks Spike, however, I don't think he is getting that far. It won't let him load the game at all, something about a STUB file can't be copied.
  22. Hi guys, hope someone can help. A newbie is trying to load NascarHeat (from an original game disk). I've heard some people have had trouble with this and Vista, is there a fix ? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Counter
  23. Hi Chris Good luck with the Legend, hope you get in a good few of these meetings and have fun, SAAAAAAAAAAARGE !! Those were the days, online USLegends in private servers (mostly Ranny's from memory). I spotted you had re-registered on UKDirt - don't forget the 10 Year Promotion rate runs out the end of this month if your thinking about some of the online stuff. Cheers Counter
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