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UK Dirt Cash Statement April-09 Income Server Fees 2009 £75.00 Bank Int £0.42 Sponsorship £0.00 £75.42 Expenditure Paypal Charges £2.13 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £123.72 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Decrease in Funds -£50.43 £75.42 New Members 0 Renewals 10
Paypal payments should be made to sales@ukdirt.co.uk with your ukdirt nickname in the details or header so I know who it's from.
UK Dirt Cash Statement March-09 Income Server Fees 2009 £225.00 Bank Int £0.34 Sponsorship £0.00 £225.34 Expenditure Paypal Charges £8.01 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £217.33 £225.34 New Members 0 Renewals 16
UKDirt General Admin are very pleased to announce that Big Al has been invited to join the team and become Chairman. Many of you will be aware that we have been operating without someone in this role since MC "retired" a few months ago. We decided the time was right to re-establish this role and are delighted that someone who has been with UKDirt since it was established has agreed to take up this challenge. Big Al's role will be to ensure that we operate more smoothly as a team and make sure we make the right decisions and communicate these to you, the members, in an appropriate way. This includes dealing with the neccessary discipline announcements and appeals. UKDirt General Admin
UK Dirt Cash Statement February-09 Income Server Fees 2009 £510.15 Bank Int £0.32 Sponsorship £0.00 £510.47 Expenditure Paypal Charges £13.09 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £190.25 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £307.13 £510.47 New Members 4 Renewals 29
Renewal fees need to be paid and cleared through the UKDirt Bank Account or Paypal Account by 28th February 2009 to maintain access to the super servers. Please remember you need to renew your membership by 28th February 2009 regardless of when you joined in 2008. For 2010 renewals, I hope to offer a "loyalty bonus" reduction in fees for members who have maintained their membership for at least 2008 and 2009. This will be dependant on the rental cost of the servers and the cost of running the forum. 1. Current paid up members (with no existing bans) can renew their membership for £15 (€20) 2. Lapsed members who are not subscribed in 2008 can renew their membership for £20 (€30) 3. New members who join during February will receive what's left of February 2009 free for their £20 (€30) payment (including the £5 joining fee). Please check for your name below to see if you are one of the 37 members who have won some or all of next year's racing for free. In addition to these winnings, several members have received DVD's and Trophy's. Check for posts in each of the leagues to see who has won. Our preferred method for payment is PAYPAL (saves me lots of trips to the Bank, even though I work there !). Please send payment to sales@ukdirt.co.uk stating your Nickname or Cash/Cheque/Postal Order (PM for details) or Direct Bank Deposit/Internet Transfer (PM for details) Those Drivers who do not have to pay for 2009/10 due to 2008 successes are :- Leek, Danskin, Tosh, Jarry, Frenchy, TomD, Dan russ, Fast track, Gary_cfc, Hutch, Johno, Pusher, Tinman Those Drivers who only have to pay a portion of the fee due to some success in 2008 are :- Owing £10 Server Fee :- Crewesader(p), Fordy, Fraser, Grouch(p), Pink, Si(p), Trav(p), Walker/Razza(p), Welly(p) Owing £10 Server Fee (overpaid last year) :- Ironmac(p), MrD., Skippy Owing £7 Server Fee :- Cabs(p) Owing £5 Server Fee :- Aub(p), Bandit/Crashco(p), Bumble, Daveyboy(p), Deano, Jamesy(p), Jay, Knobby(p), Murf(p), Parky(p), Prydie(p), Ryano(p), TBentley Drivers who have a combination of "Winning" and "NBT Donation" are :- Owe full Server fee £15 - (ie they won £5 and Donated £5) :- Pluko(p) Drivers who donated to NBT and had no "Winnings" are :- Owing £20 (£17.50 if paid before end January) for Fee plus NBT :- Budge(p), FatDave(p), Jonmuz(p), PeteW Owing £30 (£27.50 if paid before end January) for Fee plus NBT :- Bathyboy(p) In addition to the members already banned for life, payments are not being accepted from the following members until further notice :- kane, bigmaus, Supermaus,Superstox, NathF, StevenF, Crazy_Craig, Rikard,Vinny, Woka Snr, Adz If you have a query regarding your own payment please PM me. (p) = paid
UK Dirt Cash Statement January-09 Income Server Fees 2009 £972.63 Bank Int £0.37 Sponsorship £50.00 £1,023.00 Expenditure Paypal Charges £28.86 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £37.36 Sponsorship £88.80 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £867.98 £1,023.00 New Members 5 Renewals 97
Looking good Mart, hope you find the time and cash to get it finished and out on track
Counter552 booking in please Aub
Your ban expires at midnight on 21st January, you will be able to access the site after then.
Guys I plan to put the Renewal Announcement up on Sunday evening, just finalising some details of winners etc. London Allstar and Bobbert, the annual server fees run from March to February, regardless of when you join, so unfortunately you will have to renew before the end of February to keep your membership. This is stated on the Registration page of UKDirt.
UK Dirt Cash Statement December-08 Income Server Fees 2008 £65.00 Bank Int £0.33 Sponsorship £0.00 £65.33 Expenditure Paypal Charges £2.53 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £313.88 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Decrease in Funds -£251.08 £65.33 New Members 1 Renewals 2
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Bathyboy - hope all is well with everyone.
Looks like a great idea, thanks for digging out the suggestion Wrighty
UK Dirt Cash Statement November-08 Income Server Fees 2008 £240.00 Bank Int £0.33 Sponsorship £0.00 £240.33 Expenditure Paypal Charges £8.86 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £24.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £207.47 £240.33 New Members 8 Renewals 5
The Promotion has now finished, thank you to those who supported the offer.
Offer will close on Sunday Night, if you have been thinking about taking it up.
Just to confirm following a few enquiries, this offer is only for previous members not registered this year and for new members. I'll post up details for renewing members towards the end of December/early January. As with previous years, we will try and offer this year's members something for renewing.
UK Dirt Cash Statement October-08 Income Server Fees 2008 £50.00 Bank Int £0.32 Sponsorship £0.00 £50.32 Expenditure Paypal Charges £0.88 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £0.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £49.44 £50.32 New Members 1 Renewals 1
Special for Previous Members Any previous *eligible member (regardless of year last raced) wishing to start racing again can take advantage of the November special promotion. For £15, your membership will cover from November 2008 through to end February 2010. *eligible member means any previously fully paid up member of ukdirt. This offer is NOT open to anyone currently banned. Please can returning members include their current address, postcode and email address with their payment details (either in the Paypal details section or PM to me). Renewals will not be accepted without these details. Special for New Joiners Any new member joining during November can also take advantage of the November special promotion. For a single payment of £20, your membership will cover from November 2008 through to end February 2010. To get back online or online for the first time in www.ukdirt.co.uk and race in our super stable servers in both heat and rfactor mods, send your payment to sales@ukdirt.co.uk with your nickname. This special promotion will only be available for the month of November.
Given recent events, the members of UKDirt General Admin (those still willing to carry out their responsibilities) would like to give the UKDirt members information on how we arrive at decisions and what we are doing now as consequence of some recent decisions. Firstly, we no longer have a Head Admin/Chairman and the remaining General Admin team will share this burden on an interim basis until we can find someone willing and able to take on this responsibility. There has been a lot of criticism and accusations made in recent posts on the forum that we have been acting unfairly and targetting individuals to be banned. This is entirely untrue and if anything we are too lenient if we were to apply all the rules rigidly. We would encourage more members to take the time to read the rules of ukdirt and the forum. For those that are unaware, we have "Admin Only" sections of the forum where we can sort out things within individual mods or for ukdirt as a whole. Many of us have never met each other in person and we need this facility to discuss options about the future and reaching decisions before announcing things. Some of the sections are to discuss disciplinary issues. In these sections we are usually quite blunt and direct and always have opposing views expressed about each incident or event. After a lot of debate, often too much, we come to a decision (sometimes by majority) and announce it. There is an appeals process as we would prefer members were able to race. Most of our rules are designed to give the bulk of the membership enjoyment, therefore bans are a feature to try and make some individuals think more about the impact of their actions on other members enjoyment. Let us try and explain the rationale behind the bans handed out by General Admin (Not Banger Admin) to Nath and Steve. Nath - Along with a few others, was warned by PM at the start of the season that he was being watched carefully based on incidents the previous year that had nearly led to bans. - He was actually banned from Legends for a 2 week period for breaking rules in that formula. - He was proven to be deliberately targeting another member in both bangers and saloons. - He has also admitted driving as his brother Steve on at least one occassion. (this has resulted in bans for others, no action was taken against Nath or Steve) The 6 month ban was to reflect the build up of these incidents. Steve - Was proven to be deliberately targeting another member in Saloons and Legends. - He has also admitted to leting Nath race as him on at least one occassion. Whilst Steve's ban appears harsh, he has been known to let Nath race his car, and we believed we had no other option. These Bans were made under the "Unsportmanship Conduct"rule, brought in to protect the enjoyment of members. Had these incidents been against a non-Admin member, the bans would have been issued in August. We debated long and hard about the Bans and reached a majority (means not everyone agreed) decision that just because the incidents were against a member of Admin we shouldn't shy away from it worried about the backlash from a minority of Admin bashers. Another thing some members may not appreciate is that all of the Admin team pay their annual fees just like everyone else and deserve a fair chance to enjoy their racing. As most members will be aware if they read the forum, the ukdirt site and forum have been hacked. The facts we have are that the databases were completely deleted on 2 seperate occassions and some members of a Banger team seemed to be aware of things that they could only have obtained from the private Admin section of the forum. It is very unlikely that we will ever be able to find out/prove who actually hacked the accounts and databases without spending a lot of the members money on forensic IT consultants. When the appeals for Nath and Steve were lodged by Woka Snr, it was obvious that they had information that could only have been obtained from the Private Admin section of the forum. We then received the anonymous screenprint of Rikards discussion and were faced with a huge dilema. Again we came to a majority decision that we could not ignore the information and believed the only option we had was to publish this and ban those in possession of information that had come from the hacking of the ukdirt sites. This decision was taken to try and protect the wider UKDirt members and rightly, some have expressed concern over what risk there is over their Personal Information contained in our databases. As a result of this we are investigating ways of further improving the security of our sites which will cost our members money (aswell as a lot of extra unpaid time from the webmaster members of the Admin team). At no time did any of the individuals in possesion of this information feel the need to get in touch with any member of Admin. Their appeals to date confirm they were in receipt of the information from an anonymous source and rather than expose this to try and help find the hacker, thought it would be better to use it to expose Admin as bunch of corrupt muppets whose only objective in spending hours keeping ukdirt operational was to ban members of Team Plonk. Before these incidents, several non-Banger racing members of Admin had no idea who Team Plonk was. In addition, during the time these members were in receipt of this information, the UK Dirt websites and forums were hacked and partially deleted on more than 1 occassion. This was well publicised on the forum and still this did not compel anyone to draw Admin's (or any neutral member of UKDirt's) attention to the potentially vital information they held. Ryans appeal claimed that he was sent the private admin screenshots by an anonymous person. We now know this to be UNTRUE as we have received conclusive proof (ie not from an anonymous source) that he had indeed hacked into an admin members personal and private email account and in doing so gained access to the UK Dirt forum and also the UKDirt database. We have shared this evidence with the Police. After many hours reviewing and discussing all of the information available to us, we have made the following decisions : 1. The bans for Nath and Steve stand as announced on the 20th September, banned until 10/12/08 with a further year suspended. 2. Ryans ban stands - banned from UKDirt for life following evidence of hacking a members email account (prosecution pending) 3. Woka Senior and Rikard banned until 1st March 2009 with a suspended life ban 4. Vinny and Crazy Craig banned until 1st March 2009 with a suspended life ban The bans for Woka Senior, Rikard, Vinny and Crazy Craig is for their admitted knowledge of information received from hacking and their intention to use this for personal gain to the detriment of the UKDirt community. If we become aware of any other members who also had this information, they will receive the same ban. The current members of General Admin are committed to seeing this through to the end of the 2008 season to try and keep UKDirt alive. We thank you for the time you have taken to read this announcement. General Admin Team
UK Dirt Cash Statement September-08 Income Server Fees 2008 £130.00 Bank Int £0.31 Sponsorship £0.00 £130.31 Expenditure Paypal Charges £5.94 Server Charges £0.00 Hosting Charges £0.00 Sponsorship £22.00 Misc(Stat,post etc) £0.00 Increase in Funds £102.37 £130.31 New Members 4 Renewals 0
Crewie You forgot to mention that the databases of both ukdirt and the forum were deleted twice. Nothing innocent about that.
Thanks for putting this up Mr Beef, I was just about to. If anyone is interested in looking after the members funds, paying for the servers, forum, sponsorship etc when we have members more interested in hacking into our databases and deleting them, please get in touch with Head Admin --- oops, we don't have one at the moment. After a few years of getting enjoyment out of this I decided to try and put something back in (raced about 5 times this year I think, £4 a meeting including NBT sponsorship). Not sure it's worth the risk anymore. Counter
You have a PM.