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Posts posted by LeeK39

  1. Mildenhall was made originally by Bozz to which NickM then modded it to remove the inner concrete kerb.


    Skegness (assume you mean the dark shale version) is AndyG track.

    Smallfield was made by Freddy


    Like MoR said, alot of the of the original stuff was made by AndyG, Moz and Jay but as to who made exactly what I dont really know. Perhaps someone who was around back then like Corny or Skeet might be able to shed a bit more light. I seem to remember Skeet racing a KISS Motorsport based car so he should know a bit more regarding that situation also.


  2. All the spam removed, if youve got a problem with someone or something take it up with them via PM or maybe even on their forum not the UKDirt forum as this isnt really anything to do with us. Also make sure to check the forum rules or next time ill just ban your accounts for dragging this stuff over and over.

  3. Ta for the meeting Johno. Well Done to Trav on winning the main event and also apologies to Trav for the GN where I think I wiped you out after side by side contact with Craig for the second time tonight I ended up flying off in circles under no control for no real reason.


    26 points will do, to many no scores to make it a real good night for me, thought I was 6th in the Final to be honest but I guess the results are correct.

  4. can i get a booking for tonight please it wont let me book in on the site!




    It wont let you book in via the site as it doesn't appear you have registered a number for rFactor Saloons, once you have done that then you should be able to book in as per usual.

  5. uploaded my shale an tarmac assume it went in right place


    Thanks Craig. Unfortunately, all I got was the tarmac ones. It looks as if the site's upload tool renames all zip files to carXXX.zip (XXX being your registered number), so uploading two separate zip files means the second one will overwrite the first one. This explains what happened to Davey too.


    Can you re-upload your shale skin for me please Craig?


    Also, for anybody using the upload tool, please bundle all skins in one zip.





    You would be 100% correct, the website upload tool does rename each file uploaded to carxxx.zip so if you upload 2 files then only the second one will be there so it is best to upload both Shale and Tarmac skins in 1 zip file.

  6. Hi,


    Trying to join the website but i keep getting this message:


    "Duplicate entry 'stoxjack' for key 2"


    Can any one help :D





    That usually means there is already another member (or possibly an old registration of yours?) that is already in the database. Ill have a look when I get home anyway and see whats what and see what can be sorted.

  7. UKDIRT needs to look seriously at their server providers NOW. Not next week, not after you've had a vote on it, Seems like you're paying over the odds for a load of poop. Second week in a row that they have let us down.


    Once the meeting was on a proper server it ran really well and I had a good nights fair racing. Thanks Dave


    Thats fine, I only spent all of my evening trying to sort out servers for a meeting I cant even race on and am still sorting now while I am at work. I know what the problem(s) were and both servers went down last night due to different reasons. Server 1 for some reason had dropped all of its drivers and had a virus which I wasnt aware of but is now sorted and back up and running in a few minutes. Server 2, one of the fans died and thus overheated the box and is now fried and awaiting a technician at the DataCentre to try and solve/replace it totally. But we will have 2 servers tonight as they are giving us another one to use while ours are offline to which Ill setup when I get home from work before the Banger meeting tonight.


    I am open to suggestions on new server providers and pricing just dont always have the time to spend doing that all night.

  8. We cant get into server .45 (never have been able to) therefore we have had no online practice nor been able to see if we have the right track etc.


    Please cancel both of us for tonight. Not happy chappy as its a w&y round!


    Quite simple to just ask for server 48 to be put up really. Could have done it for you no problem but didn't know of a problem with .45 you had.

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