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Posts posted by LeeK39

  1. After stepping down does anyone know what hes up to or any plans for him to come back ? Miss chatting to him sure loads would agree :thumbs_up:


    Congratulations are in order for Mr. Skinner this week :) He passed his tour pro test on Shot Online :appl::appl::appl:


    Yeah the jammy begger passed it well. Ill just pick up the positives of playing with him on there and none of the negatives :)

  2. Keep getting a error message when I go into the server with my own shale car but when I select a novice one its fine :unsure: I know nezza had the same problem as well.


    Thats because the new skinpack hasnt been added to the server yet. It is being uploaded at the moment, ill let you know when its done.

  3. im banger admin for ukmr, its still running. its ran by adam. the site is just down, the same thing happen a couple of months ago.


    UkDirt the place to race!


    1. why do you race some free leagues? (that question was meant for dode)


    2. how many bangers do you get out on average on ukdirt? i would guess (not having raced) about 25-30. at the moment after 2 weeks of the 2009 registration topic being up we have (off the top of my head) 13-16 members and some of the more popular free leagues get a lot more.


    where is the place to race now???!!!


    p.s. we also run ssc beginning in a couple of weeks (hence my sig and no its not advertising the league before admin remove it if people want to race ssc then they can ask privatly!) ssc is free also!! eat that ukdirt!!!


    On average UKDirt Bangers can get from 40-75 race on any given night, over last season we had way over 100 different members race in a National Points scoring meeting then on top of that you have those who may only race Team meetings or to the F1200s or do the Memorial meetings so id say thats pretty damn good going. Based on this seasons National Points meetings the averages attendance was just over 52.

  4. Hi all,

    BHCM not working on my new vista running PC. I get the following error:


    Component 'MSINET.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid


    I transferred my Hasbro folder directly from my old XP running hard drive and everything ran except BHCM. So i renamed it the folder Hasbro1 and downloaded and installed the whole shebang again directly from UkDirt.co.uk and got the same problem...


    Any help would be appreciated as i'm currently copying and pasting to change skinpacks around,






    See the 3rd post down on the thread Here


  5. Firefox problem again for me.


    I can't access the chat-room using Firefox. I have downloaded all the necessary things from the home page. It does work with Internet Explorer.


    Any help and ideas other than using Internet Explorer as it's is very slow and I will need quick access on race nights?


    Any help appreciated.


    Could always try downloading MIRC chat program from the members area on the UKDirt website. Its a stand alone program instead of the web based way in youve been using.

  6. Kev, Scrapman53 here. Can you please delete my account on here? I couldn't get on with my usual password here last week, ended up getting a new password and LeeK unlocked my account. I tried to log on last night with the new password and it won't accept it again. I think someone is hacking my account. I don't wish to be part of a forum where hackers are on the go. Thanks.


    I have tried to do this but I dont have th permissions to do so on here, only Kev can do this and with him working pretty much all the hours he hasnt had the time to do this. I have done all I can with it and suspended the account in question so I cant be used until Kev gets chance to delete it.

  7. The post could've just been edited instead of the whole topic being deleted, something being hidden ?


    I removed/set the thread hidden. Was nothing to discuss, someone (non admin) must have got access to the site to have done that to the new page and we are looking into it.

  8. Thought I best at least reply to all the comments that seem directed at me during this thread. Firstly, yes, I complained about Nath using the Unsportsmanlike conduct ruling and I have as much right to do so as any member does, just because I am an Admin member it doesnt mean I cant do so. What happened there has happened and we got an appeal to which (you seem to have seen our forum) you can clearly see that I didnt get invovled with the appeals what so ever and actually said that I would stick with what ever decision the other 8 or 9 Admins who decide this stuff agreed on and thats how that went.


    As for the evidence that has been posted above by Kendo, firstly it wasnt me who hacked/got access to Rikards account on the OvalMotorSport forum, I have an account on that forum and have done for some time,. even before it was just a forum over there actually. So if Woka wants to check the Information of IPs from my account and cross refrence it over to what ever happened with Rikards then by all means do so as I have nothing to hide with regards to that. I also dont condone any kind of hacking and will never do so.

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