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Everything posted by Connor895

  1. same here harry i wasent that good at f1s at essex and tbh im not really wanting to race them till i get a bit better
  2. Connor 595 White 212 Frankie Wainman Snr
  3. Here mine
  4. you can probly buy a power suply for cheep some where
  5. Do i have to seind shale and tar skin separate or do thay both need to go in the one skin pack ?
  6. one that has red back ground ? will take that out when seind the psd just so you see that its black on white
  7. what one you refer and il seind the psd file of it
  8. Whats your number il make you a number set
  9. thats why iv been learning how to for 3 years now
  10. why cant you do your own ? pirate bay photoshop templayte brush boof skin i only spend like 2 to 3 days one mine
  11. working on my own one sorry if i got time i wold thats what evry one seid to me and never got one done so i do my own
  12. Drivers Name/Chassis: RCE 391 - Gregor Turner Driver Number: 895 Your Name/Nickname: Connor895 Current league grade: UKDirt white
  14. Hi im looking to paint my cars for the 2016 season so will be nice if some one cold seind some decals for numbers checks for bonets and sponsors and other kinds of decals the one i used for my super stock was a decal pack from my time on scotish stock cars on heat no longer have that due to being ban for life there and on new pc so cant really get it now do feal free to put some decal packs in here for me and other drivers that may like to use or pm me it. Kind regards Connor 895 the bumper thumper HAPPY RACING
  15. there working on it just now not sure when itl be done all the info i got
  16. Any Decal kits some one can seind me ?
  17. any one doing decal packs and how dose this look
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