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Everything posted by Connor895

  1. still to do teams ? taught that was it oh well
  2. ye .... cheat
  3. any replays ? of heats
  4. fun wee night gona do theese more often
  5. i know Dane had it so that iv only seen peps numbers in their name and that it
  6. 77c pls Grasser
  7. scrap that lask msg back in
  8. Connor 77c Rodney McWhirter pls
  9. 312 - Chris Kincaid RCE 895 ConnorPadgett895 UKDirt - yellow
  10. nope aslong as you got your number registered your all set to race
  11. Connor895


    Looking for decals/decal kit if any one dont mind sharing one got a few skins to do and the decal kit i got more for a banger nothing in it really for the line of f2s and f1s
  12. ye the skin packs install just like tracks but in the mod your installing that skinpack for folder in skins
  13. get this when installing nzsuperstox
  14. 77c Rodney McWhirter
  15. ye facebook need to make there bloomin mind up. One min oh no cov gona get bulldozer ran over it the next ye we get to race for another year then no nvm then yaaaa 3 more years of racing
  16. Just the wheel its self im after will take a 920 to
  17. Just blew my g27 up and me and this lil thrustmaster t150 aint getting on that well any one selling a cheep g27 or 29 ?
  18. i was banned and couldent race
  19. il send you some over jack closer to season start
  20. and any bumper testing i want to do to
  21. any testing needing done i wana be the one tarin up the tiers
  22. get a g27 itl help
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