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Everything posted by Connor895

  1. good meeting tonight still disappointed in gn tho
  2. easy way to change roof coulor to merge the decals on roof as one layer then hide them paint roof show em save as dds then keep doin till got all roofs done
  3. any ways Ryan Simpson Samson hoggy BenChambers LeeK Kane_M PIERCEYB Wardieee rickyljames ironside HGR Tosh Tomdavison DaveLane kevharbord BraderzzCooper well done nice driving tonight
  4. i know your just jelly of me but if your not blind sure youl see me in practice leting you by and you dont know your left or rights and decided to turn right into me first so if you dont like me taking you out dont take me out first like i said to menny people im trying to become a better driver but its hard with idiots like you who love me soo much that need a close up of my rear end
  5. never booted me in f2s
  6. whys that
  7. still effort
  8. get em all but u miss one ... then the real game starts on finding what one u missed
  9. its a pain in the ass that tho XD
  10. :groupwave:
  11. Is there a all in one skin pack for the loons or is any one able to seind me their skin pack folder for uk dirt ?
  12. uk dirt shoud make a iracing league when dirt comes out that would be fun
  13. Just wondering what would be racing this year winter series and when would it start just the same as last year ?
  14. Yeh the winter series is is a good place to see if your pace is good eugh and get practice done since its free and lets you see if you like racing online
  15. Looks like you lot had a fun nights racing, wont be racing first few meatins of the next season i know your all disappointed about that but need to serve my bans, either way gona be pulling my **** together next season dont want any arguments and hissy fits with other drivers was wanting to go for the w&y champ for next season best to start small im not expecting to get as the some of the whites and yellows are bit more faster than me but hope fully i can fix that over winter series
  16. if you want to practice online join the server before the meeting starts round 6pm to 8 that way no one loosing any points or nothing sure the other drivers wont mind
  17. sure a driver that not racing here now had a post of setups for f2s and f1s
  18. Where i currently am
  19. Taughts ?
  20. next week maby
  21. aye will be
  22. meh
  23. If i was driving so bad why did u not win the w&y ?
  24. the link of my profile on here to
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